Minutes 1957-10-15 T4 ~ Arroya Grande, Calif. october 15, 1957 The Cit~r Council met in regular sess3.on with Ma~or B~t presiding. IIpon rcll call Councilmen I,ee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan reported present. The minut~s of the previous regular meeting ~aere read and approved as reac3. Mr. Anderson was asked to laak ~nto the possibility of painting the croa~~walks . requested by the P.T.~.. Saf'e~y Ghairm,an. Bids were opened for the sewer i.nstal]~ation on ~3ewman Drive and South 1?lpine and f`or the excava.tion and grading of the streets. The bids ~,rere taken under advisement. Mr. ,~iiderson reported on a meeting held with ~r, ~ise and t'~r. 1'earson o~ Planning survey and ~~r. ~ise was to se~d-a letter giving an outline and fees far making the survey. Council members fel~ a survey would be very helpful and suggested the matter be referred to the Planing CQmr~i.ssion for their recom~end~tion. The City Council and ~ity ~ttorney were gi.ven permission ta leave th~ State ~ ~ Oetober 2}~.th and 25th. R~SOLU'.~ION No. 379 RESOLUTIaN ~~CLAftING THAT Pft~CEEDINGS HAVE BE~t IIdITIATED BY THT CI2'Y CE}UNCIL OF THE CITY QF ARROYO GRA.NDE TO ANNEIC. TO SAID CITY CII~,TAIN SEPARATE PARCEi~S 0~ UATINHABITED TEftRITOftY DF~CRIBED Ii~tEIAT, THE FSftST 4F WHICH SATD PARCELS IS DESI~NATED AS "F.~Tft QAKS ATO. 2"~ AND T~iE S~COND OF W~iICH S~ID PARCIIxS IS DESIGNATED A3 "FAIR OAKS AT{7. 3n, AND C~IGII~iG NO`i'I~E OF SIICH PRQPt?SED tOiIYNEXATIONS. Qn rnotion of ~ouncilman Penes and seconded by Gouncilman j+ee and on the , following roll eall vote, to-wit: .~YESs Counci.lmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brer,na.n. NOES: None ABS~iT r None the foregoing Resolution was actiopted this 15th day of Oct~ber, 1957. On mc>tion of Cour~cilman Zee, and seconded by Councilman Jacobs 3.t was vnanimausly agreed to reappoint Ralph Bennett to the ~ity Planin~ Commi.ssic~n, ' Bi].].s against the General F"'und for ~32b8.02 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. Mr. ~inderson was given perm3.ssion to hire Mr, gettering on a temparary basis to help with building 3nspection and planing street and ~ewer work. No: further business appearing the a~eeting adjourned, vr ~ ATTEST: C~/ ~ ~f , , 1- c~ ~ Clerk yOr