Minutes 1958-03-07 i?V Arro~ro Grande~ Calif. Fel~ruary 2~, 1958 - The ~ity Council met in regular session with Mayor ~~art presiding.~ Upon roll call Councilmen Lee, ~'ence, ~acobs and reported present.l;~i~~ Minutes of the previ.ous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Ariderson gave estimates for removing or trim~rri.ng the trees on South Alpine and Grand Ave. as follows~ to fell the trees on South Alpine ~1000*04~ and on Grand Ave. 629.l~~ for removal or ~313.1~~ to trim them up for safet~. Mr. Anderson was to contact propert~r owners on South ~2pine to see if they would share so~ of the cost, as nothing had b~;en budgeted and the tr.ees were in the sidewalk area, It was agreed to wait about ~he Grand Ave, trees as there might be an advanta~;e to combine the pro~ects. Also ~ir. Anderson was to contact A~r. ~ixon to see if it was agreeable to have the trees felled on ha.s property a.s had been formerly discussed. Final plans for relocation of wat~:r lines were disaussed and ~r. Andsrsan reported the Highway was about ready to call for bids. After discu.ssion a motion was made by Councilman Pence recommending the plans be accepted and advertised for bids to be opened Mareh 25th at 8 P. M. The m~tion was seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs and all members vated ~ye. 2'he request to park a display Van in front o~ the ~ity Hall was.granted to the High School. Bills against the General Fund for ~326l~.03 were audited~ approved and ordered p~id. No further business appeaxing upon motion the meeting adjourned. ' ` ~ ) ATTEST: J . ~ ; - - ~ ~ ity lerk . . ar Maxch 7, 1958 Inform~7, meeting of City Council and Grover ~ity Water Board. Present were Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Brennan~ J. E. Ar~derson and Ch3.ef MM~..ze, From Grover City~ l~organ Page} Board members Bakeman~ Ha.tley~ Davidson and Harder and i~s. Keen. The Gouncil reported the wa~er line on 1$th 5treet follawed our Ma:ster Plan to serve the area and the City ha.d not served anyone West of 18th St. There followed a lengthy discuss3.on and ~'~r. Page reported they had agreed to make up agreements but to talk it over with their attorney and he ~ could cansul.t with the ~ity Attorney a.fter t~e ~ouncil had talked it over ~rith hi.m. Meeting ad~ourned. ~ A1~Tr~T: L-~ . , City Clerk a~