Minutes 1958-03-25 _ a9 .~o~ c~~a~, c~~. ~arch 25~ 1958 ~'Yie ~ity Council met i,r~ regular session with pence, Mayor Pro-Tem presidi.ng in the absenc~ of Nlayor ~urt. On rall eall ~auncil~ben Lee, Jacobs and Br~ reported present. Minutes of the pree~.aus regu].ar ~eting ~aere read and approved as corrected. 2'he letter fram the .Arroyo ~rande U~ion ~I9.gh School Board of Reareat3.cua. ~om~3.ss3.oners requesting p~i.ssion to elrain the ~.ng pool into ths s~orm drain w~ read. Mr, And.erson reported there wauld not be very ~ch draiz~age on the Valle~ Aoad after the ~eewag was completed and he th€~uglit tY~e storm drain would tak~ care of the drainage f~om ~he pool. I~r. ~3ax~r3.~ was asked t,c~ answer t,~e letter. Bids on Gement asbestc~s pipe ~tere opened froffi Crane Co.~ ~ik3.ng and Johns Manville~, and all bids were idex~tical. After di~cuss3an it was a~reed tc> draw straws and the bid was then a,~arasa t,~ cr~e co. Bids' f5rom 5 lii.dders s~ere opened on the m~dificatio~s of the xater liae~ ~ds nec~ssaxg by the Freaway Construetian. It ~as agreed to take the bids under advisement. Fire ~hief ~ar~aleg reported Waiters Garage coul.d be rented on a te~ parary basis and have a t~lephone installsd for housin~ the n~t~ fire t~xak. He also s~e$ted parking be paralle7. on the East side of ~hort Str~e~ sm th~a ~ck would have mare cl.earance in turning Qnto Short`St. . ~ouncilman Jacobs reported the Sal.es ~ax for the 1a,st 3 mox~ths in 19~7 had.been received and the ~ity'~ share ~ras ~7476.?2. , Counci.lman Jaeobs al~o suggeste.d checking on the ca~t a£ metal fc>r~s for curbs and gutters and if it was poss~.ble to have them on hand so pr.operty awner~ ~gk~t pay for the uae. of the~ and install their c~urbs and gntters. Fire Chi~f A4arsalek asked tc~ purchase ~eans and shir~ fmr the fire~en and u~e the mAney budgeted for radio equipment as he would not be purchasin~ the equip~nt at ~hi~ time. On ~aotion of counei7.man Lee, second~d by Council- aaa~~ Jacobs the requsst was granted by unami.nous ~rots. ~~LtT'rlaN ~o. 388 A RESOI,UTIOIY AMENDT~IG RESOLUTION N0. 37$ qF THE CI2"Y OF ARROYa GRANDE, ENTI`TLED RESQI,UTION AB.A1Vll(~~tI1tiG ~ND CL(353ATG .A PORTION QF .~N UNNAMEU ,~„LI,E% IN THE W.~LNUT GROVE ADDITION TO THE GIT'Y OF AR~iC}Y~ GRANDE, COtJN~Y QF SAN LUIS OBISPO~ STATE aF G.ALIFdRNSA:~ 90 4n m~tion of Council.man Brentlan, seconded by Cauneilman Lee and nn the follow~.ng roll ca7.I. vote, to-~i.t: AYES: Cauncilmen Pence, Lee, Jac4bs and Brezman. NO~S s Aiona ABSENTs Mayar $urt. the ~oregoing resolution was ad~pted. ~ l+~r. Anderson asked about having ~uct3.on sales in the Qld Theatxe $uilding as he thought there might be a pas~king problem. The.Council suggested the Cit~r Plannir~g C9Yrflni.ssia~ be a~ked for the~x recaamenci~.~ic~n. Bills against the Genera3. ~und for ~3273,41 were audited, approved and o~dered paici. No f~ther business appearin~' on motion the meeti~~ ad~ourned. ~-J . ~,~EST s . ` ~ ~~L~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ity lerk s ayc>r Arroyo Grande~ Cali~'. April Q, 1958 The Citg CoUncil ~et in regu.3.ar ~ession with N~a3ror Bvrt ~ares3.ding. Upon roZ1 call Cauncil~en Lee, Pence~ Jacobs and Brennan reported present. Niiinutes of the j~Y'@Vl8ti8 reg~~].ar ~eeting were read and approved as r~ad. Fire Chief Marsalek reported the ~ew fire truck ~rould be ready for testing on April 1.lr.. Ch~.eY Marsalek e~cpected to ~r3.tness the test asid ~rould c~.ve the t~ruck do~n April 15th. Mr. Harris agreed to .contact the Van Pelt F~ about the a~ee~ent for the lend-lease p~rchase r~f the fire truck. J. E. Rndersan reported on progress of the sewer, water, street axx~d bui.ldirig deparfi~nts for ~he month of ~arch~ 1958. ~ouncilman Jacobs suggest~d try:ing tcs e13m3.nate ~ome of the lang-distaace calls as the telephone bills were rtua.ning ~ery high, The headirig of Drd3.nance ~o. 12lc was read and a mation was ~.de bg ; Gouneilman Brennan, seconded by Council~nan 7,ee to dispense with reading ~he balanee of the ordinanee. Mction earried. , ~