Minutes 1958-04-09 90 On m~tion of Counai3.man Brennar~, seconded by Councilman Lee and on the fcllowi.ng roll call vote, to-ta3.ts AYES: Couneilmen Pence, Lee, Jacobs and Brennan. NOES : ~ion~s ~ENTs :Mayar ~wrt. the foregoing resolutios~ wa~ adopted. l+~r. And~rson asked about having auetion sales in the old Theat~.re Bua.lding as he thought there mig~it be a parking problem. The.Couneil suggested the City Plannir~g Conmi.ssion be asked for their recommenelatic~n. Bills against the General Fund for ~3273.Q1 yrere audited, approved and _ ordered paid. No further busiuess appearing, on motion the ~et~~ ad~journed. 1lT'~ESTs , ~ ~ c:~C~ . ~ (.J~ <.~G~.•. ity lerk ' ~lrroyo ~rande~ Calif. April 1958 The City Couneil met in re~u3.ar ~ession with P'~ayor ~nrt ~re~idin~. ~pon ro7.1 call Council~n 7jee, 1'enee, Jacobs and Brennan regorted presen~. Minutes o~' the previous re~ular m~eting ~rere read and approved as read, Fire ~hief Marsalek reported the ~ew fire truek ~ould be ready for testing on April l.l~. ~h~,ef ~arsal~k expected to witness the tes~ and would drive the truck do~n dpril l~th. Mr. Harris agr~ed to .contact the Van Pelt Fi,r~ about the agree~ent fc~r Lhe lend-lease purchase af the fire truck. J. E, Ancierson r~ported on progress of the sewer, water, st,reet an:d building departmsr~ts far the month of ~arch, 1958. ~ Councilman Ja:cobs ~uggest~d trying to el3.mi.nate ~Q~.e of the lo~.g-di$'t~ce calls as the telephone bi3.].s were runrri.ng very high. The heading of ~rdi.nanee No. 12~: ~as read and a moti.on was m~.de by Couneilman Brennan, seccrnd~d by Couneilman Lee to dispenis~ with reading ~ha balance of the ordir~ce, Mvtion carried. { ti 81 oR.~iNANCE No. 12~t 9~T ORDI~T.~1+~E ADOP`t'I~G THE FIR:E PREVENTZOAi CaDE~ PRIN~`ED AND PUBLSSHED BY THE NAfiIONAL BOgRD t?F'~ F'IA.E UND~ITE~S BY R~.. FF~2IIVCE. P"RE~C~:IBING REGUi,ATI~NS GO~.NIATG CONDITIaNS HAZAA.Dl7US T0 LIFE AND FAAPIl3TY' FROM FIRE OR IICPLOSI01~ AI~ ffiT~BLISHING ~ BURF~,U OF FIRE PREVENTI0~1 ~:ND Pft~V.CDINQ OFFICF~tS THIl~EOF AND DEFINING THE~R DUTI~ AND F'O~EftS. On motion o~' Conncilman I,ee, seconded by Counci].man Penae and o~ the ~o27.awing roll eall vote, to-wit: AYESs Cov~aQil~e~a Burt, Lee, Penee, Jacobs anci Brennan. BTOSS: ~ton~ .~B,SENT: None the foregoing Urd3nance was adopted this 9~ dRy of ~pril~ 1958. The plans for the new fire house prepared by ~r. .~nderson were 1ool~ed over snd discussed by tbe Council, ~hief ~arsalek and I~r. Andersort. It was,agreed to study the plans further as it ~ras felt there ~hould be ~ore rooa? for equip~aent than had been first planned. Bills agaiust the ~eneral F'und for ~5603.99i the ~ater Fund far ~~919.~.8~ the Water Deposit ~'und for ~20.00 were audited, appr~aved~ and ordered paid. On motio~ of ~ouaeilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Hrennant Yaucher~ No. 70 through ~'c~. 7~ were ~uthc~ri~ed for tra~sfer.. ~otion csrried. It xas ~ved~ seconded as~d carried the mseting be ad~ourned t,o april 15,~ 195s at 7 s 34 F. M. ` ~ ATTEST: f~ - t.-~ J ~ ~F~~;~-~,~ cz , ~prf1 l~3 1458 ?s30 P.~. The ~3t~ Cou~cil ~et in an ad~ourned ~ass3.on with A~a~or ~ur~t presidirag. On roll. call Conncilmen ~ee, Pence and Brenaaz~ reported pre9en~. Absent Councilm~n Jacob~. The results a~ the vote cast at the ~pril 8, 19~8 ~eneY'al MuniciPal ~Lectian was read and a~ation ~ade b~ Gounc3.Im~n Brennar~, aeconded t~r . Councilman Pence to accept t,he report submitted by the ~lection Board. Motian Carried.