Minutes 1958-05-27 98 Arroyo ~rande, calif. Ma~ 27, 1958 The City Council met in regular session with ~ayor Burt presidi.ng.~ Upon ro3.]. call Councilmen Lee~ Pence~ Jacob~ and~Haxt~rig reported present. Minutes of t~e prev3.ous regvlar and ad~ourned meetings were r~ad and approved as read. ~ I~r. ~'~.derson reported the sewers on Newman Drive and South Alpine were completed, A~,.Harris prepared a~n a~reement Hhich had been signed by L, E, Webb in whieh he guarant~ed the installation for a period of 1 year fro~ the clate of this agre~ment. Un motion of ~ouncilman ~'ence, seconded by Council~ man Jacobs~ Mayor Burt was authorized to sign the agreement far the City. I~€rtion carried. . Fire Chief Marsalek requested permission to liave the radio Prom ~he m~toreyele installed in the Fire Ilept. Pickup. ~e reported the cost would be around ~1t~.00 for the installat3.on and parts. ~n motion of Couneilman Pence} ~econded tjy Councilman Lee the insta7.lation was authorized. Motian carried, The financing of the fire house was digcussed and no estimate of the cost ' could be mads until the plans were ready. ~r. Anderson reported the pl.a~s would be ready for the next mee~ing and the specifieations would then be prepared and reac~y to cal.l for bidR. The specifications were to be prepared so that part of the work might be done with volunteer labor if it was thought best, _ Mr, A~ris reported he had conferred with the State Officials in xegard to the dog quarantine and he t~as to prepare an ordir~ance. No license ~tould be issued ur~less the dog had been inoculated as required by law. ~ouneilma~? rence requested permission to leave the State from June 7t,h tc> June 21st and it was n~oved~ seconded and carried the request be granted. Bi11s again~t the General Fund for ~8525.21 were audited, appro~-ed and ordered paid. It was a~eed to have a budget session the latter part of June and preliminary budgets could be prepared for the June 14th meeting. No furthe~ busi.ness appearing, upon motion the meeting adjourned. ATTFST: . ~ f . Gity lerk ~ .