Minutes 1958-06-10 ~ 89 Arroyo Grande, calif, June 10, 1958 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor ~urt presidi.ng. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee and Hartwig reported present. Absent ~outici2men ~'ence and Jacobs. Minut~s of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. ~ A co~arnnnication from A, B. Wood with a tenta.tive map was read and taken under advisement unt~l ~ounci]man ~'ence returned. ~'tr. Ross Naylor from the Ha,rvest Festival ~onurd.ttee requested the ~ouneil to get approva7. from the State Highway for closin~ portions of Braneh ~treet for the parade September 2tJ. It was agr~ed to grant the request. ~"ic?~enuan had plans and drawing~ of the proposed fire house and he went o~er the dst,ails with the ~ouncil and fire Chi.ef. It wa~ planned to be ready to call for bids at the June 2l~th meeting. , MayOr ~urt reported he had received several complaints of increased rates char~ed for garbage, a committee ha.d been appointed to report on the request t,c~ change f'ro~ a franchise to a license on garbage collection some time ba~k but there had been no report, It was agreed to wait until Mr. ~arris was present to discuss any change in ra~es or charges. Bi11s against the General ~''und for ~6~382,(79, the Water ~'und for ~1~~.94.5~~ the Sewer Rental Fund for ~15.71 and the ~ater Deposit Fund for ~32.~0 ~rere audited, approved and ordered paid. nouchers No. 82 fi.hrough No. 85 were authorized for transfer. No further business appeari.ng the meeting was acl~journed to June 17~ 1958 at ?:3o P. rz. ATTFS~: ~ ' - - Gity Clerk ! yor . ,Tun.e 17;, 195$ The City Council met in an adjourned meeting wi.th.~ayor ~urt presiding. Upon roll call Cou~.cilmen Lee and ~~artwig reported present. Absent Couneilm~n Pence and Jacobs. ~.t 8 P. the tims set for Hearing Protests to the annexation t~f ~Fa~.r Oaks A~ajor", I~. Ha,rris read sections of the Government ~ode and outlined the proceedure to be ~ollowed. A protest from the Grover ~ity ~ounty ~ater District ~as read and Mr. Towlet brought in petitions protesting the annexation signed by a large number of prc~pert~r owners. Mr. Harr3.s r~ad the list of narr~es on the petitions. , ~ ~ ~ ~