Minutes 1958-05-17 ~ Arroyo Grande, Ca1if. June 10, 1958 The City ~ouncil met in regular session with Mayor ~urt presiding. Upnn roll ca11 ~ouncilmen Lee and Hartwig reported present. Absent ~ouncil,men Pence and Jacobs. Minutes of the previous regui.ar meeting were read and approved as read. A counnunication f`rom A. B. Wood with a tentat3.ve map wa~ re~d and taken und.er advisement until Counei].inan ~'ence returned. ~'kr. Ross Naflor from the Haxvest Festival ~omm~.ttee requested the ~ouneil tc~ get approval from the State Hi~way for closing portions of ~raneh ~treet for the parade ~eptember 2t3. It ~as agr~ed to ~rant th~ request, ~cI~ennan ha.d plans and drawings af the proposed fire hotase and he went over the details with the ~ouncil and fire Chi.ef. It was planned to be reac~y tc " cal.l. for bids at the June 2ltth meeting. . Mayor Burt reported he had reeeived several complaints of increased rates charged for garbage. A comm3.ttee ha.d been appointed to report on the request to change f'rom a franchise to a lieense on garbage collection some tirme bae~ but there had been no report. It was agreed to wait ur~til Mr. Haxris was pr~5cent to cltsctass any change i.n rates or charges. Bi11s against the General Fund for ~6~382,t791 the Water Fund ~or ~1~~.9~.55! the Sewer Rental Fund for ~1~.71 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~32.0~ were audited, approved and ordered paid, ~ouchers Rto. 82 ~hrough No. 85 were authorized for transfe:r. No further business appeari.ng the meeting was ad~journed to June 17i 1958 at ?:3o Pi - ~ ATTEST: .t~ ~ ~ . ~ J . Gity Clerk ! yar June 17, 1958 The City Go~ncil met in an adjourned meeting ~rith,~ayar '~urt pre~iding. Upon roll ca11 Cou~icil~men Lee and Hartwig reported pres~nt. Absent ~ouneilm~n Pence and Jacobs. At 8 P. M. the tim,e set for Hearing Protests to the annexation of "Fair " Oaks Majorry, Harris read sections of the Government ~ode and outlined the proceedure to be followed. protest from the Grover ~ity ~ounty Water District ~as read and Mr. Towle~ brougkit in petitions protesting the annexation signed by a large number of property owners. Mr. Harris read the list of names on the petitions. , ~VV Mr. Wm. Metz said he was not for or against the ann~tion btat would like the Council to answer sorn~ questions on the policy of th~ ~ouneil. ~'ris informed him this wa.s not the time to enter into discussion and he would be glad to talk to him after the meeting and if he ~ri~hed he might attend the June 2t~th regu].ar me~ting of the ~ouncil and a11 Council ~mbers would be present to ar~wer his questions. ~ No one fur~her wishi.ng to pro~~st~Qa Motion of Councilman Lee the hearing was eontinued to 8 P. M. June 2lt, 195$ to a11ow time to cheek . the signatures and valuations on the petitions~ ~ouncilrnan Hartr~.g seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned, ~ ~ ' .~tt,69$S ~~~~ti1'~. ~l u~~ it~ lerk ~ ~ - Mayor ~ Arrc~yo Grande, Ca1if. June 2~., 1.958 The City ~ouncil met in reg1~].ar session with Mayor ~urt presidi.ng. Upon roLl call ~ounci7men Lee~ ~ence and Jacobs reported present. Councilman Hartwig arrived a little later. Minutes of the previous regular and ad~ourned meeting were read and approved as read, The request from Mrs. Gu7.7.ickson and ~~s. ~ognazzini ~or abandcrn~e~t / of Cross Street was referred to the Planning Gorrmu.ssion ~or their recvmmendation. Mr. ~nderson asked about the charge for a water line on flrehard Street for a lot where water ha.d not been agailable due to splitting of the lot. After ciiscussion a mot3.on ~,ras made by ~ouncilman Pence: seconded by Councilman Hartwig to waive the $1.50 per foot charge on the lot. Motion earried. At 8:00 P.M, Mr, Haxris asked if there were an~ more petitions protesting annexation and no one present ha.d further pratests. Six property owners had requested their names be withdrawn from t,he prote~~ petitions. On motion of Councilman Pence seconded by ~ouneilman Lee the hearing was to be continued to June 30th at 8 P,M. for the purpose of completing the check on protests and withdraxal protests for sufficiency of the protest. Mation carried,