Minutes 1958-07-08 ~o~ ~ Arroyo Grande 5s3o P.M. Ju1y li 1958 An adjourned meeting was held with Ma~or ~urt presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Pence and Hartwig reported present. Councilman Lee arrived later. ~ouncilman Jacobs absent~ Mr. Haxris read the Ordinance se~ting the time and place of the election with the names of the officers appointed to serve on the eleEtion boaxd. No further business appearing~ upon motion the meeting adjourned, ~ ,r~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ , r ATTEST : _ , ~ L ity lerk ' Ma.~ Arrcr~rc Grancle, ~alif. July 8, 1958 . The City Cowwnccil met in regular sess~on t~ifi.h ~'1ayQ~c Burt presidir~: C?a rc>ll. call ~otmeilnren Lees Pence, Jaet~bs and Ha,rt~ repar~ed presen~~ Minutes of the previous regu].ar and ad~ourned meetings were read ax~d approved as read, 4 letter reeeived f'ram the ~ity of P3,smo Beach requestiz~g cons~rnt tc t~~ .~nnsxatian of Piamci Oaks ~tates was read and the follo~ri.n~ re~olutie~t adopted.` ~z~ox ~ao. 397 RESQL~, THAT 3'~iE CITY OF .~RROYU t?rRANDS CONSE~ITS TO THE CO~MB;1~iC~tT C?F ANN~TION PROCE`EDINGS TO TA~ PftflPEt?.TY RBQt~T~D. ~n mctiat~ of Gouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Gouncilman Per~e and b~ t~ foll~wi.ng rcll c~I~. ~a~, to-~ri.t: ~YESz 4o~acilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. , ~Offi s Noae ABSENT: ~tone t.he faregoing resclutian ~ras adopted. . The, heading of Orc~i.nance ~to. 125 was read and a motion by Eouncil~an L~e, secoaded b3* Gouneilman Jacabs to~aive reading the:balanee of t~e Ordinance. 1Kotion cax°ried. ~.0~ c~~rrc~ x~. ~z5 . ~ ORDINANCB QF, THE ~ITY OF_ 1~1RROY0 C~4.ND~ CAL~I~G A SP~7C7.AL EL~TIQA Tt3 BE HI~D ~N THE 8th OF SEP'i'EN~E~t, 19~8~ PF~ftTA~NII~G TO THE . ANAIEXATION OF FASR OAKS I~.JOR TO THE CITY OF ~dY(7 C€R~,NT~E. _ Qn motion of Counci.lman Jaeobss secanded bg Co~nc~tlman Lee~ and by the fcllowing roLl. ~a11 vote, tc-~r1i.t: ~.Yl:~: Cow~c3.lrr~~a B~art, Lee~ Pence, ~aaobs and ~art~r3,g. NOES: ~Torie ABSEt+i`P: Nane the foregaing Ordinance Was adopted th3.s $th clay of J'al~+'~ 195$. • - Bill~ a~aine~t the G~ral Fund ~or ~1Q~a86.57: the ~ater Fci~d ~ far ~8b2,11~ the Sewer ~ental Fand for ~?lt.67 and the water Depo~it ~~cu` ~78,65 wore audit~ed, approved and ordered paid. It ~as m~ved, ~econded and carried that ~,rax~fer Vouchers ~io, $9 fi?hrough 91~ be approved for tra~sfer. Hp further business appearing~ the meetixig was ad~ovrned tc> 15~, i95$ at s P.~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ATT~T: ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ , ' it~ lerk ~ Ju7.y 15~, 19,~8 $ P,M, The Citg Ccu~cil ~t in an ad~ouraed sessia~ ~ith ~ayar Burt presiding. Upon rall call ~au~i7.~ea i~ee~ per~ce, Jacobs and ~art~r3.g repc~rt,ed preaent. Three bids t~ere c~p~ar~ed fcr the ir~stal.lat3on of se~ers to t~h~ Hei.dker PraP~Y and o~ aation af Cour~ilman Lee, aeconct~ed bg Councilt~an Ja~obs, t~he bids were t,~cen uader advise~en~. Bids from Sbat~pa. Canatru~c~ion and ~obert Walker far co~tsuct3~ra of the t`ire' hous~ were oper~ed and on Motion of ~auncil~ Leei asconckid 1yy Councilman Jacobs the bids Were t,attiea uader advisea~ent, Kr. ~ndersan reparted persons ursre 3.aterested 3.n a raacb~r fram Hal.~yoa Road tc 9al,ley ~ad and h~ agreed to coatact prmperty c~ners `~baut obtaining a right of way fcr a roa:d. CovAailman Psnoe ~aved that the bill far relc~cation o~' xater li~ be approved a~ bi.ll.ec2, the motian uas secandsd by ~ouncil~an I.es and all ers vr~t?~d Aye. ~