Minutes 1958-07-22 sos . ~r._Harr3s read the ord3s~ance_he had_prepared requiri.ng dog~ tfl be vsacinated.before a licen~e wou18 be 3.s~ued. T~arris them read an ordinazi~e am~ling Ordi.nance No. 125 For first time. The Ord3.x~n.ce uas to eY~ast~e the dats ot' the eleetion frr~ Sept,ember 8th to September 2nd, 19~8. Nc further busi~?ess appearingi on m~tion the meeting aci~ovrned. ATTffiT: ' ~ , L C i - i y lerk Arroyo Grande, Ca13~'. Jut~ 22, 1958 The Cit;~ Couneil ~t 3.ra regular session ~5.th A~1a~ror Burt presidiag. Upo~ ro3.1 call Counciln~n Le~, Pence, Jaeobs and Hartwi~ reported pres.ent. The Minutes of the previous regular and ad~ourned ~eetings were read and approved as read. The headi.ng of ~rdinance ~126 was read and a~tian was ma,,d+e by Caun~ilman dacobs to waive reading the balance of the Ordi.nance~ the motion was seconded b~r Gouucilman Hartwig and passed by ~he followi.ng ro11 ca11 vvte, to-~it; A~es: Councilmen B~art, Lee, Pence, Jaeobs and Har~wig, 4R.DINANC~ Na. ]26 01~DII~NCE OF THE CITY OF ARR.OY4 GR~NDE AMF.~TNG ORDIY~ANCE 1~0, 125~ OF TIiE CITY 0~' ARROYO GRANDE Et~I~~D, " AN QRDII~TANCE ~F THE ~ITY ~F ARROYO GBAND~ CALLING A SPECI~iI, EL~C`i'IO~i TO BE H~I,D ~N TFIE 8th L1AY OF S~PT~Efi~ 19~$~ PII3T~.IldIDTG TO THE ANNEXATI4N OF FAIR ~AKS ~JOR TO THB GITY QF AR,RQY4 G~A,NDE~ ~ : DEGLAR.ING THIS ORDII~AIiTCE TO BE ~N F~+IERG~.+1GY 4RDINA~E AN~ STATING THE REASONS THE~iE,FQR. On motion of Gauneilman Fen+e~, seconded by ~ouncilman Lee, and on t2~e follawing roll call vote, to-~3.t: Ayes: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacabs and Iiartwig. ~ Noes : Idone Absent: None ~he fore~oing Ordinance vas adopted this 22nd day of Ju7.y I9~$. The bid on the ~i.re hou~e was discussed and 1~, Anderson was to check t~3.'~h P9r. Harris. The heading o~ Ordinanee ~127 ~as read and a raat3mn was made by Coun~i3man Penee~ seco~ded by CQU,neilman Hartwig to waive reading the balance of the Ordinance. t)n roll call ~ote all members voted.~ye, ~ ~o~ ORDINANGE I+~. 127 . AN ORDTI~IANCE OF THE CITY OF ARR~YO GAAIVDE REQUIRING ALL DOGS TaTHICH ARE , ~ LIGENSEI) IINDF~t TfiE PROVTSIONS OF LAW 20 BE VACCINATED ~TITH g CANIb~ ANTT.I~AB- PROVIDIN~ PENALTTES FOR VIOLATIC7N TH~~'AF' S~'ATZ~ITG THE REASO~IS FOR :~MAF~TNG THIS ORDINANCE AN E~4~GENGY 4ftDINANC~ EFFECTIVI: Il~IATFsLY. t)n mt~tion of Co~ci].maz~ Zee, seconded by Cnuncil~.n JaeObs and on the foliowin,g roll call vete, to-wit: .~yes z Ccuncil~ru~n Burt~ Lee, Pence, ~~GEijJB and Hartr~ig. ~ Noes: ~Tone Absent: None the foregoing Qrdinance was adopted th3.s 22nd day af July~ 195$. ~he m~ap of Subdivision #1.~1 wa~ cli~cussed and the reeomr~endatidns made bg the City Planning Ca~.$~ion were read and discussed~ Couneilman Psnce suggested the City assist the subdivider on try3,ng to get b~tter cooperation from the Co. on installations, to pr~vent the damage to streets. Ccruncilman Hartwig eo~arnended the Subdividers on planning of the subdiv3.sion. Gouncilman Penee stated he wauld be a~reea.ble to participation by the City on drain,age to the creek if the dr ' e is to be from a larger area. ~,Qe ~-~•cr~,,, lo It ~,ras agresd ~o ~eet With the subdiv3.ders at ~:30 P.M.t Jul,q 23rd to discuss the wat.er service to the subdivision. The right of w~y for a raad from Halcyon Road to Va11ey ~crt?d~was discussed briefly a~d it xas agreed to hold an infor~.]. me~tiz~g with the property own~ars a~d the P].axinir~g Com~ni.ssion at 8 P.M., August ~~th, ~etters ~otifyirsg the propert3r cnm,ers o~ the ~rea iaere to be mailed out by the Clerk. It ~ras ~greed to have a dinner meeting of the City Council and the C3.ty Plar~ni.ng eo~ml.m~sion on lu~ust 27, 1958• On au~tion of Cot~nciZ~aan Jacabs and seconded by Cauncilmar~ Pence Transfer Vouchers #95 - 99 wex'e approved. Bills against the General Fund for ~3325.b3 were audited apprsv~d and ord~red paid. N0 f`~u'th~r ~,is3.nes~ appearing and upon ~otion the megting ad~owrned, ATTFSTz - ~ ` ~l t- ity er _ y~~. Arrc>yo Grands, CaI.iP. 5:30 P.M, Ju7~ 23, 1958 An informa], meetin~ of the City Couneil zras held with Ma~ror Burt pre~iding. Present Council~ens Lee, Pgnce, Jacobs and Fiaz•twig. ~.1.so, J. E. Anderson, A. B. Woad $nd Lee ~~ett. ~harges fc~r water line to Tract Rio. 131 were discussed and 3.t was agreed to installation af the water line by the Ci~y if the Subdividers would pu~ up ~1,Op per foot oa Haleyox~ Rc:aci and ~2:00 per ft. on the lines in ths subd3.eision. Ths Gity to extend the line frQm the end o.f the line on Halcyon I~aad to the North 13.ne of the Tract.