Minutes 1958-07-23 _ 1OA ORDINANCE 127 . AN ORDTI~NCE OF THF CITY OF ARROYO f~tANDE REQUIRING ALL DOGS ~iICH ARE ~ L2CENSID~ UNDER THE PROVISIaNS OF LAWW ~0 BE VACCINATED T~TITH A CAI`TIA1E ANTI-~AB- ~'W~~, PRC3~TIDIi~~ PENALTIES FOR VIOZATIC7N TT-IE~FAF3 S~'ATIATG TFiE REASONS FOR . . :'~U ~1AKING THIS ORDINANCE AlV ~EftGIIiTCY ~RDINANCE ~F'FFCTIVE ~IATELY. On ~ticn of Councilman Lee~ seconded by CAUnei7.man Jacobs and on the followin~ r411 call. v~t.e, to-wits .Ayes: Couneilman Burt~ Lee, Pence~ ~acc~bs and Hax~twig, ~ Noes: None Absentz None the for~going 4rdinance was adopted this 22nd day of Jul~~ 195$. The m~ap of Subd3.v~.sion #l~l was di~cussed and the recommend,a.tions made by the City Planning Canm~d.ssion were read and diseussed~ Councilman Pence suggested the City assist the ~ubdivider on tx•y3.ng to get better cooperation from the ~s Co. on installatians, to prevent the clamage ta streets. Councilman Hartwig commended the Subdividers qr~ planning of th8 subdi~3.sion. Councilman Penee stated he woul.d be agreeable to participation by the City r~n drain,age to the creek if the drai~e is to be t'rom a larger area. '~Re~„ ¢•cs~, ~a ~ It ~tas a~reed to meet sai.th the subdividers at 5:3U F.A~f.. r dvly 23rd to discnss the water service to the subdi~-ision. The ri~ht of way for a road from Halegon Raad to Valley ~t#?d ~was discuss~d briefly and it ~,ras agreed to hold an infc~rmal ~neeting with the propcrty awne~s a~sd the Plann3r~g Cc~mmi.ssion at 8 P.I~., August ~t~th, ~etters ~etifyi.n.g the property o~ners of the area ~rere to be rnailed out by the Clerk. It ~s agreed t,c~ have a dir~ner meeting of the Citg Cot~nc3.1 ~and the Citg Pla~ing co~n3.ssion on Atigust 27, 1958. On a~tion of Cour~cilm~n J~cobs and secanded by Cotuzc3lmat~ Pence Transfer ~'ouchers #95 - 99 wex'e approved. Bills against the General Fund for ~3325«63 were audited appr~ved ~nd ordered paid. No furth~r ~usines~ appearing and upon motion the me~ting ad~ourned, ~ . ~ t 1~TTESTs ; ity er ~ .Sxvx~cc3yo Grande, CaT.if . 5:30 P.~t. ~~„y 23, 1958 An informal. meeting of the City Couneil was held with Mayor Burt presidin~, Present Coune3~].~en~ Lee, P~nce, Jacobs and Hartwig. Al~o, J. E. ,~aderson, A. B. Wood and Lee Love~t. Charges fc~r ~ater line to ~.'ract No. 131 were diseussed and it t~ras a~reed ta irlsttallatiou af the water line by th~ Citg if the Subdividers wou7.d pu~ up ~+1.00 ~ per foot ott Hal.eycn Road and ~2,0~ per ft. on the lines in the subdivi.sion. The Gity to extend the line from the end of tYze line on Hs2cyon Road t0 the Nsarth ].i.ng af the Tract. . ~.os The affer made b~r the City was acceptable to the subdiwiders and theg asked ' if the-~ame offer wauld be made on the Grand Ave. subdivisi~rn they s~ere ~?rking on. The City Go~neil agreed ths same po2icy would be used on the Grand 8ve. Subd~.v~.sion,. Meetir~ ad~ourned. ~ ` ATTEST: ~ ~ 1 : itp lerk yr ~ Arroyo C~ran+~~ Ca1if. $ P.M.y ~ugust ~i 1958 Informal meeting af Gity Gcuncil with l~ayor Burt presicLi,ng. Upon roll call Counci].~en, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present~. ~.].se, pre~s~at ~e?st of the property owners who had be€~n natified of the meesting tc~ discuas a ftosd Right of' Way f"rom Halcyon Road tc~ 1Talle~ Raod. ~1]. property owu~rs were apposed to a road-~ at this tu~e as ti~ey did aot feel. there xas a need for it no~. Zt was agreed to refer the plaru~.ing o~ a road t€~ `Ghe City Planr~i.n~ Gcs~iasion to s~ork With the County Planning ComQnission for a Ma~ter Flan ~'or future roa.d, both County and other wise. l~seting ad,~cs~rned, l~ ~ ~f ~ s' e~ ~~~~F~• i ~ ~ I L r ` The recom~nd~at~,ons of the City Flann3n~ Go~?i,ssion an Trae~ ~To. 131 ~r~ approved by the Cit~r Col~ncil and it was agreed tca a11c>w the rcrll curb~ ~d gatters~ if the ~'z~act ~rere annexed to, the ~itg. .~rroyo Granc~e, Calit: ~,ugu~t 12, 1958 The City Counci,l met iu regular ~essian with Mayor &~rt presicLi.ng. Upo~ roll call Ccm~eiilm~en Zee and Pence reported present. Ab~ent Counci].men Jacobs and Hartwi.~. Minntes of the previo~as re~ular ~eting were read and approved ~s am~nded, Minutes oP the informal ~eetings of Ju1y 23rd and Aug, 5th ~re read and ~pprcved. Mayc3r Burt appointed Couneilm,an ~'enee to represent the City on the Count~ Water Resources Board.