CC 2017-02-28_12b FY 2016-17 Mid Year Presentation Mid-Year Budget Report Fiscal Year 2016-17 2/28/2017 1 Purpose Review revenues and expenditures during the first six months of the fiscal year to determine appropriate adjustments Highlight any major changes that have occurred since budget adoption Update the budget with audited results of prior fiscal year Typically General Fund focused 2/28/2017 2 Key Points Mixed results and financial challenges, particularly Water and Sewer General Fund balance is strong and is projected to be 34% of appropriations at year-end A few budget adjustments are recommended at this time Long term challenges remain 2/28/2017 3 Water & Sewer Drought revenues continue to be lower than projected Evaluating options for capital and/or operating expenditure reductions Reassessment of Stage 1 Emergency in April Strong, but diminishing, reserves 2/28/2017 4 Top Revenue Performance 2/28/2017 5 Expenditures by Department 2/28/2017 6 Mid-Year Expenditure Requests 3/3/2017 7 Mid-Year Expenditure Requests Streets Fund - $50,000 for winter storm damage Parkside Landscape Maint Fund - $6,000 Traffic Signal Improvement Fund - $1,700 Water Fund - $32,000 Fire Protection Impact Fee Fund - $81,000** Downtown Parking Fund – ($18,700) 3/3/2017 8 Revenue Adjustments $128,400 additional revenue anticipated Property tax, planning/building fees Most revenues are consistent with prior year trends 3/3/2017 9 Long Term Challenges Remain Updating 10 Year Forecast Positive local economic activity CalPERS changes and impacts Future Diablo Nuclear Power Plant closure Water supply 2/28/2017 10 Arroyo Grande Diverse revenue stream Strong General Fund Reserve balance Engaged citizenry Smart, dedicated staff 2/28/2017 11 Recommendation Approve detailed budget adjustments listed in the Mid-Year Budget Report Approve Schedule A Approve requests for additional appropriations, including an additional $10,000 for the diesel exhaust removal project 2/28/2017 12 2/28/2017 Questions 13