Minutes 1958-09-16 (2) ~~sl ~rroyo ~rande, Ca1if. 5;3t~ P. ~uesa~ septexnber 16, 1958 ~he City Cauncil ~et 3.n ~n ad~aurned session with ~ayor B~rt presiding. Present Council~n Lee, Pence and H~rtwig. ~bsent ~ouncilm~an JaQObs. Meeting ad~ourned ta September 15, 1958 a~ g P• ~A2'TESTs ~ f Y~ ; _ Arrcgo Grande, Ca~.if. 8 P. M. 2'ue~daq september 16, 1958 Ad~journed meeting of the City Counc3l With M~ydr ~rt pre~~ding. Fresent I,ee~ I'enee~ Jacobs and Hartt~i.g. Annezation o~' Fair ~aks No. was disc~ssed, Cot~n,ai7.man Hartwig asked to be excused as he had anather meeti~g. RESOLU'~ION N0. .1~41 RESOLUTIDN OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ARROYO ~ GRANDE TO REE"ER' THE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATI~N OF F~ OAKS N0. TO THE GOUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSION F0~ ~'PROVAL. (3n motion aF Gnuncilman Lee, $ecax~ded by ~ouncil~an Jacobs and by the follawing roll eall vc>te, to-~rit: AYES: Cauncil~nen Burt, Lee, pence and Jacobs. NOES: Nona 4BSE~TT: Couneilnian HartwS.g. the foregoing re~olution vas aclopted. It ~ras ~oved, ~econded and carried the request for annexation of Fair Oak~ Na, be referred to the City of pis~ Be~ch and th~ ~ity Plgnni.ng Co~tssion for approval. A . RESOLUTIOAT N0. ~Q2 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF THAT CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED AS "FAIR OAKS Nq1, 4" AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS. On ~tion of ~ounciln~an Lee, ~eeond~d by ~aunciln~an Jacobs and bg the follow3.ng rall ca11 vote, t.c>-wit: ~~.YES: Council~en ~zax~t, Lee, Pence and Jacobs. IdOES a Non~ . ~b$ent: Counci3man ~rtw3.g, ~ the foregoiag re~olution was adopted, The ar~n~~cation of ~~ir Oaks No. 5 xas di.acussed and it was ~ved~ 'seconded and carried the annsxat~on be referred to the City of Pi~~o Beach and the City Plann~.ng Ga~,~sion for their approval. , ~ RESOLUTION N0. }~03 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO REFER THE ANNE~ATION OF FAIR OAKS N0.5 TO~~ COUNTY , BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR THEIR AFPROVAL. F Resolution of the Citp Gouncil af the ~ity af Arroyo ~*rande to refer the annexation of Fair Oaks No. 5 to the Couatg Bounciary Co~ission fc>r their approval. On mation of Councilman Jacab~~ seeonded by ~ouncil~an Lee and by the fa~].owin~ roll c~7.1 vote~ to-wit: AYF~: Council~en Burt, Zee, Pence, and Jaeabs. ~ NOFS s None . A~3T: Couneilraan Hartwi:g. the fare~oing reso].ution w~s adopted. RF~OLUTION N0. 2t0l~ RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED .ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF THAT CERTA"IN UNINHABITED dt ~ERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED AS 'tFAIR ~AK~' N0.5",,A~TD GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS. ~n ~iotion of ~ouncilman Lee, ~econded by ~ouncilman Jacob~ and by t+he . following roll eall vote, to wit; AYES: Councilmen ~urt, Lee, Pence and Jacabs, NOES : ~tone ABSENT s , Councilman Hart~ri.g. , ,t~.~., - ~v-a.~ / ~ 0~ ~r~~~ . It saas ved seconded and carr' th t~~~ a~ A , zed a e meeting be ad~ovrne~ ta September 18~ 1958 at 5:30 P, M, r ~ . ATTEST s ~ ~ ~w~,~ 4. ity Clerk ~~r ,~rroyo Grand~, Ca1i~', 5:3o P. M. september 18, 195~ The Gity Gouncil met in an ad~ourned ~ession with Mayor Burt presidin~. ; Present ~ouncilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and i~artwi~. ~auncilm~n Hart~rig left early. ~nnexations of Fair Daks Ato, b and No. 7 were discussed and a motion made by ~ouncilman Lee~ seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs to authorize I~r. Harris to prepare the neces~ary papers to request the County Boundary Co~si.ssion and the ~ity of Pismo ~each ~or approval of the annexations, Motion carr3ad.