Minutes 1958-09-18 • ftESOLUTION N0. ~.03 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO REFER T'HE ANNE~ATION OF ~AIR OAKS N0.5 TO T#~ COUNTY , BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR THEIR AFPROVAL. Resolution of the City Council of the City c?f Ax°royo ~ande tc~ re~er the anne$ation of F~r Oaks No. 5 to the Countg Boundary Co~i.ssion fc>r their approval. On motion of Counei].ma,n Jaeob~, seconded by councilman Lee and by the fo]:].owLng roll call vote~ to-wit: AYES: Cour~eil~en Burt, I,ee, Pence, and Jaeob~. NOES s Idone , AB~ffitiTT: Couneilman Hartwa:g. the Poregoing resolutivn was adopted. RF50LUTSON N0. RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF THAT CERTA7N UNINHABITED ~ERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN A1VD DESIGNATED AS 'tFAIR ~AK~' N0.5", AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS. On ~tion of ~ouncilmaxs Lee, seconded~by ~ouncilman Jacobs and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYFS: Couneilmsn ~urt, Lee, pence and Jacobs, NOES: Atona ~ ABSE'NT s , Councilman Hart~rig, , ~ ~'z.e.a~a~~..w~.. ~v~a.~ ~,o / ~ -~-G~~`J 0~1 ~ It was ved seeonded, and carried that he ~eeting be ~d~o~zrned ta September 18, 19~8 at 5:3o P. M, - A,TTEST: . ` ' , ,cf f:~ y~ ity Clerk yor ~.rx•o~ro Grand~~ Ca1if. 5:3o P. M. September 18~ 1958 The Gity ~ouncil met in an ad3ourned session ~i.th Ntayor Burt presiding. ' Present ~ouncilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and i~$rtwig. Gounei7.man Hart~ig left early. Annexations af Fair Oaks No, b and No. ? were discussed and a motioa made bq Councilman Lee~ seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs tv authorize Mr. Harria to prepara the neces~ary papers to request the ~ount~r Boundary ~ommi.~sion and the ~ity of Pismo Beach ~or approval of the annexations. Motion carr3ed. ~ - It-was moved and seconded and carried to refer the at~exations to the ~ity Planning Commission for their approval. It was ~ved, seconded and carried to adjourn the ~eting to 12 Noon Tuesda~, Septea~ber 23i 195~. ~ _ . ATTEST; T r ~ <~r ~ > , _ CI~ CLF~ftK . ~ ~ Arroyo ~rande, Galif. ~epte~?ber ~3, l95$ The ~ity Gour~il met in regular sessiox~ w3.:th ~a~ror Burt presiding, ~ IIpon roll ca1~. ~c~cilm~en Lee, Pence, ~acobs and ~artwig reperted present, ~inutes of the prsv3.ow~ regular and ad3otmned ~etings having beeu~? read bg the ~our~.cil raembers a~tion ~ mad~ by ~ounci].~aan ~artt~i.g~ ~econc~,ed by coun~i].~ ~acob~ to dispexuse t~5.th reading Af the ~?.utes~ ~otic~n carried. a~soLVTZOx No. 405 R$St)Z,UTI~At GIVING N4TTCE OF' PROFOS~D ANYd:~~'I~N T0 THE CITY 0~ ARROY~J GR~AtDE 4F THt~~ CERT~1 UNINHABIT~D T~EtRI- Tf3RY D~SCAIBE~ H~.~tN Ai~D DESI4NAT~D AS "FdIR ~AKS Id4. b~ ~ AND GT9T~IG ~tOTIC~ OF TI3L TIME AND PLAC~ F~R HEARI~St# oF ~~~s. OB m~otion of Cout~cil~an Lee, se~onded bp ~our~i~ ~art~rig~ aud an the . f021awing roll call vote, tc>-~i.ts . - AYES: Councili~en ~ti Lee~ Pen~e~ ~acobs and ~art~i.g. NO~.s t ~one A&~ffi+1T s None . the foregoing ~esolution ~ras adopted this 23rd day of ~eptember 19~$. ~L~zo~ xo. ~6 RE.SO~+tTTSON GIVING N~TTCE ~F P~OF(?SED ~NNffiCATIflN Tf3 THE CITY OF ARRO'Y~ aRANDE OF THAT C~T.~I~ II~TI~H~BITED TF~ftRT7.'ORY D&SCRIB~ HER.EIN AND I~ZGNATED ,~S "FAIA , O~KS 1~4. 7~~ AND GZVI~ttG NOTICE OF ~.'IME ~ND PbACE FY3f~ HEARING 4F FRE3TESTS. th~ ~tion of council~an ~ee, seconded by ~ounci]~an Peace, and oa the follc~ting roll eall vote, tc>-~rits AYES: Gotar~cil~n Burt, Lee, Pence~ Ja~eobs and ~artwig. NO~S t Nane ABSRAiT s Nc3ne the foregoing Resolution ~tas adopted this 23rd c1~y of September, 1958.