Minutes 1959-01-13 - , Arroyo Grande, Calif, January 13, 1959 The City Council met in regular session with ll~i~ayor Burt presiding. Upo~~ ro].1 call Counci~.men Zee, Pence, dacobs and Hartwig reported present. A~.rn~.tes of the previous regular and infor~al ~eeting~ were read and ~ppraved as r~a.d. Appro~al of the sewer lines and appurtenances on Tract No, 131 was giv'en as f oLlows: the ~ity to pay for the second pump and the ~ubdivider to inst~all the remainder oF the installations, Ref'und wi11 be made to the subd3vider for his cost o~' the lift station and pressure line on an aereage basis for developed property contributing to this lift station~ 1t> year ` period. An agreement xras to be prepared by Mr. Harris. ,Gaynfair subdividers ~tere present and reque9ted the ~ity to install the ~ra.ter line in the Tract for ~2.~0 per ft. After some discussion i~ ~,ta~ .agreed to rnake the installation for ~2,00 per actua7. ft. of main, and ~2~.0(3 per house connection to the cvrb. Gredit for the ~20.Q0 house connection woul.d be made when water meter installation was mad~. ~~eheck to cover 71~ ft. of rn~ain at ~2.00 and 2!t service~ C~ ~2~.04 each was received and the sub- dividers agreed to pay the actual cost when final di~tarice ~ras determi.ned. Mr. Harris was to write the Count~r Boundarg ~omm3.ssion requesting permission tc~ annex thea property included in the Gaynfair Tract. ° A. Stop sign on the Le Point and Mason Streets intersection was discussed and after di~cussion the folla~ring resolution was passed, . R~„S~LUTIQN N~. ~.08 RESOLUTI~N OF THE GITY C~UNCIy QF' TH~ CITY OF ARRQYO ~ GRANDE AUTH~RIZING I~iiSTALLATION OF A. STOP SIGM AT THE SOUTH W.~ST CORN~ ~F LE FOINT AND I+~SON S3'RL~T'S. ° ~n motion of ~ouncilman ~'ence, seconded by Cauncilrnan Lee and by the following roll call vote, to-wi.ts AYES; Council.men ~urt, Lee, ~'ence, Jacobs and Hartwig. NOES : None . ABSENT: None - the foregoing resolution was adopted. ~ Councilman ~acobs reported he was to meet with representatives of the Merchants and F7.anning Commission to go over the Parking Stuc'~. Fire Chief ~'~arsalek reported the Fire House was being completed and could soon be used, 1.26 Bills against the Genera~. Fund for ~1tt~ 762.$$, the ~ater Fund for ~15,801.69, and the Water I3eposit Fund for ~16.0~ were audited, approved and orciered paid. On ~tion of Councilman Jacobs~ seeonded by councilman Lee transfer of Youcherss 1~0.~.1 thru !~6 was approved, . No further business appearing upon motion the meeting ad~ourned, ATTEST: ~ ~ , ~ c~ ~ CITY CLE~tK MAYQ ' , Arro~ C~rande~ Cali~'. _ January 27, ].959 . The City Couneil met 3n reg~al,ar session ~r3.th Mayor Burt presidin~. UpoA rcll call Councilmen Lee~ Pence, Jacobs.and Hartxig reported pre~~t, I~iutes o~' the , prev3.ous rsgul.ar .~eeting were read and approv~d aa read. Mr. ~Tiseman w~as present to dis~cuss the in~~tal.lation of the ~vater lin~ in his subdivision. I!~. ~.nderson e~t3.mated there wou~.d be axc,und 1~73 tt af line ~t ~2.C~0 per foot, $9l~6.IX) and 1!t services at ~2~.4Q .eac~, totaling , ~?8t~.t3Q, making a total of ~?1, 226.00, less the City participatian of ~14Q.Ot~ on the drainag~ t~hich had been agr~ed upon ta take eare o% c~rainage fro~. dlpi.rie Street. 2~. Wize~an a~reed to depo~it tY~e check ~or th~,t smc~unt. If addition~al. line was necessary he would be bi.7led later. I~. Anderson asked about purchasing ~ backhoe and using the Hough Lc~sder as down psyment, the balance to be put in next years budget. Iie xas g3.v~tn approval to get prices and infarm~,tion on different pieces r~f equip~ner~t Yc>r approval. Mr. ~nderson reported he had ndt had time to check the final m~p ~t Traet No. 131i but wc~uld ha.ve it ready for Monday ~vaing and it ~ras agreed to ad~ourn the ~et3.ng until 5:30 P. M~i I~~day February 2~ 1959 ~~ccept the final map. Bi11s agai.nst the General Fund for ~3,165.78 ~rere audited, appraved and ordered paid, No further business appearing, it wms ~noved and seconded the meetir~ ad~ourned ta ~:3~ F. M. Febrvary 2, 1959. ~ ATTEST: ~ : ...5 City lerk ar