Minutes 1959-02-10 i ~:2? Arre,ya 4rande, Calit. ' F~bruary 2, 1959 ,Adjourned ~re~tin~ of the C~,ty ~ouncil wi'~h Mayar Burt presiding. Upon rall ca11 CaunciL~en Leef dacobs and Hartwig reported pre~ent. ~bsent Cflu~eilmSri FeIICB. ~'inal I~ap of Tract No, 131 approved bg Mr. Anderson was pre~ented. 1~, Woads reported ~ bcnd for ~12,~Ud ~rritten by the ~our~.ders Zn~. Co. danauary 3~~ 1959 was being mailed to ~he Eit~r c~f ~rr~yo Grande. BAnd N~, 18506, l~].so a band for ~b~2~0 cQVering the sewer 13.ae b~ing installed by 1~T. M. Lyles ~o. w~s to be mailed~te the ~ity. thi motion of '~€?~uncilman Lee~ seconded by Courcci.].n~an ~'acabs Pinal i~.p of Traet No. 131 was accept~d by thc~ city and ths Clerk in.structed t,a sign for the City, ~tion earried. bio further bi~s3:ness appearin~~ ~on ~tion the ~eeting ad~ovrned, r~~ i7 ATfi.~ST; ' V 1. ~ ity lerk y Arreyo C~rand.e, ~a13.f. ' ' Febrta~ry 10, 1959 The Citg ~ouncil met in regular session with A~ayor B~rt presiding. Upon roll eall Cout~cilman Les, gence and ~rtxi.~ reported presen~, lbsen~ Gc~uncil~ari Jacobs. Mima,tes of th~ previ.ous regul.ax and ~d~ourned meeting were read and approved as r~a.d. ' A petition fr'~ property owners requesting co~t estimates o~.form~tiaa of an I~rovement ~i.~trict to op~n and extend Re~a Street was r~ad and discussed. Mr. And.erson was instructed to have a surv~ to f9nd th~ cos~ af ~'ax~.ng a distra.ct. It would b~ Aece~saxy to get the~ ~sess~d vsluatian of the ar~:a and s~~~t the limS~ts of the district. A request for installation of a fire p1u~ at the Poale and ~hit~le~ ira.ter~ection ~'a~ received from property owners , on ~hi~teley Street south af Icl~e Street, A;nderson reported it ~s planned to install a wh~rf hydr~rxt on the end of the line on ~.i.teley Sfi.reet. Se~sral peti'Gions for ann~xation to the ~ity woere rec~ived f"rc~z~ progert~r owners on ~unset I~rive and other areas. ~.28 . 3'he ~ynfair property owners request~d the annexation of the3r property be e~edited as quickly as poss3.ble to nelp in financing the subdivisic?a. Mr. Harris a~reed to check wl.th the $o~as~?dary Commi.~rsion and prepare the Resolution setting the ti~z~e and place for the hearing on the Aruze~tioa, Councilman Lee reported the fire hous~ ~ras practically ready to house , theequipmen~ and finishing of the affice and f'].oors was being done b~r t~he voltu~teers. , . Bi,u,s against the General Fund for ~7,~26.63, the ~Jater Fund for ~2~615.20 and the Water 13eposit Fund for ~32.00 were audited, approved and ordered pai.d. On motion oP ~ouneilman ~art~.g, seconded by Councilman Pence, ~ouchers No. 1~7 through ~53 were authori~ed' for transf er. Nh'. .Anderson repflrted letters requesting bids on gasolix~e were ta b~ sent. The bids to be opened at the February 2~th ~eting. It was ~noved ar.~d seconded that the meeting be ad~ourned to Friday~, February 13th at 5:30 P. M. Motion carried, ATTFST : ~ ' : ~~~.r2:~ cit~r ].erk y~r Arro~o Grande, Calif. 5 ~ 3t3 F.M. F'z~ic~,y, February 13, 1959 Ad~journed meeting s?f t~e Gity Council wi.th Mayor ~ur~ presiding. Present Cour~ci7men I,ee, Jacobs and Hartwig. Absent Council~€in gence. R~soZU~zo~ uo. ~io9 RESOLtT`I'ION DECLARII~G THA.T PROCEIDINGS HAVE BEE~ INITIATED BY THE C~UAICIL OF TIiE CITY OF ,ARROYO GRANDE TCl ANI~ TO SAI~ CIfiY CF~TAIN UNINHABITED TE~RITOftY ~IB~ `~.~!F.~~:'~"~.° Q.~S A30. " AND GIVII~G NOTI~E OF SUCH PR4POSED ANP~F,XATI~I~. On ~t3.on of CounciZmaxi Hartr~i~~ seconded bg Cd~ncilmaxi Lee sr~d•by the followirig ro11. call vate, to-wit: ° AY~: Gouncilmen Burt, Lee, Jacobs and Hartwi~. NOES : Ns~ne ABSENTi Councilman Penes. the foregoing resoluti.on ~as adopted this 13~h da~ of Febrtaary,~ 1959. No further busine~s appearing, the ~eeting ad~aurned. ~f! ATTEST: ~ CITY GL OFt