Minutes 1959-02-24 , . ~29 ~royo Grande, Ca1if. Febrvary 2l~, 1959 The City Council met 3.n regular session tiaith I~a.yor ~urfi, presicli.ng. Upo~ rc~31 call ~ouncilmen Fence, Jacobs and Hartwig repc~.rted present. .~bsent CQUnei1- man Zee. ~irtutes r~f the previous reg~al.ar and adjourned meeting were read and approved as read. Request for Annexation to the ~ity and water ser~i.ce to grc~gerty purchased by I~. and I~s, .A.ngelo P. Fratella was read. Z'he property contain~ lU0 acres and ~..ie~ east of the Cit~r Limits. Anderson ~ras asked to make a report at the ~arch 2~.th me~ting ~s to the feasibility of aruzexa,tic~n and water serviee ~a the area propo~ed, Severa~. property owner~ on ~outh ~lpine requested ~ame thing b~ done abc>ut the large trees on the east side of the street. ~'hey reported ~r. H~con. would aZlow the trees t~o fall on his property and he would take care of the wood. Anderson ~aa~ asked to contact The I~y~on ~ree S~geons and ge~ prices or~ fa~.].ing the trees ~a.nd also on having them topped. ~l,so to get price~ on the Grand Xvs. and Halc~on Road trees. Chi.ef P~arsalek reported on progress of the fire hause and ask~ad about a ffiut~ual aa.d agreement ~+rith the State Division of' ~'orestsy. l~ir. H~rris reco~ended E~. action be taken. He reeammended a representative fram the ~tat~e be asked to meet with the ~ouneil and discuss an a~reement, Gasoline bids were c~pened and checked and after co~aring price~ the ~ieh.field Bid was acaepted. It ~as moved and seconded that Counci:Lman Jac4bs be allowed to leave the state from l+~arch lst to the mi.ddle of April. Mr. Harris agreed to write a letter te the State ~iv~.~3.an of Highw~~rs ask~ing them to repair the damage to the Streets being used for detour west of the fre~y and al.so tv repair ~tasan and Auen Streets ~here the heavy hauling taas dama,ging them, ~ A motioM was made b3r ~ouncilman Jacc~bs seconded by Counefl~nan Fence to pay the biLls a~ounting to ~338b.06 from the General ~'und which had been ~udited and. aPPrcved. Mayor Burt :.~°ointed Councilman Pence to mse~ wit~h the Parking Comm3.ttee ~hi1.e Covncilman Jacobs w~s away, \ It was agreed to have the Short S~reet Parking chx~nged as the fire equipraen~ was no~r using the r~ew fire house. I nwnber o~ petitions requesting annexation to the City were read. No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting ad~ourned. ° , ~ ~ ~f ~ ~ GTTY CL , yp , As~royo Grande, ~al~.f. Max~ch 1(?, 1959 ~.'he ~ity Cou~c3.l met in regular session w3th A~ayor ~uurt presiding. Upc~n roll eall Councilmen Lee and ~'ence reported present, Absent ~0unci].men Jacob~ and Hartwi.g. ~tnutes of the previo~as regvlar n~eting were re~d and approeed as re~d. 'Fire Chief Mar~alek requested the Council to have a nsw s~ey made by the Board of Fire Underwriters~ The new equipz~ent and fire house together ~i.th installation of larger water ].ines woia7.d resu].t in a new classi.fication which would gi.ve a reduction in fire insurance rates. The 8ouncil agreed tcr request the gurvey. Ghief Marsalek introduced I~r. Rod Show and ~r. James Uu3.itz from the Stat,e Division of Forestry. Mr. ~uul.itz explained haw the ~u~ta~1. ~id Agreems~t would work and after discussion a motion was made by ~ouncilman Lee, second~d bg Gouncilman Pence to enter into a Mutv.a~. Aid 1~gr~ and the Ma~ror authorized to sign the agreemsnt. Moti.on carried. ~kr. Joseph Appleton, an executive af the ~.idGc.~~. ~ounties State Wat~er Plan ~oard reported on the ~eeds of the eoastal Countie~ 3n regard ta the Feather River Water, Mr. Anderson was to contact the Gompan.y about the rem~ona], of eucalyptua trees as soon as the man returned. Mr. Anderson reported on installation of water l.ines and meters. xe _ reported Ea.rl ~il$inson had requested water for his property an the south side of the ereek a~ he xas plann~.ng on sv.bdiv3.dizig and was interasted in annexation also. An e~timate was to be rnade and a report on lizie exten.~iat~ to loop acro~s the creek to the 8 3.neh line as he t~aas makin~ a stuc~ on wat?er - wa:~'~ to the Fratello property, .