Minutes 1959-03-10 ,130 It ~tas agreed to ha.ve the Short S~~gt Parking changed as the fzre equipmen~ was naw using the new fire house. T? number o~' petitions requesting annexation to the ~ity were read. No further business appearing~ upt~n motion the meeting adjourned. ° ' ~ ~ ~ .,.~J' ° "Z,•~ ~ r-~ _7/~(1 I Y CL , YOR , Arroyo Grande, Ca1if, Mar~h l0, 1959 ~'he ~ity Gouncil met in regu].ar session with 1Kayor Burt presiding. Upon rall ca.ll eouncilmen Lee and ~'ence reported present, Absent Cour~c~.].men Jacob~ and Hartwi.~. ~nutes of the previozas regvlar mee~ing were read and approved a~ re~S. ~F3.re ~hief Marsalek requested the Council to have a ne~r suxw~y m~de by the Board of Fire Undertimiters. The new equi.paa~ent and fire house together ~ with installation of larger water lines would result in a new classification ~hich would give a reduction in fire ins~rance rates. ~'he 8ouncil agreed ~ request the survey, Chief Marsalek introduesd Mac, ftod show and ~tr. James Du3.itz from the State Ih.v3.aion of Forestr~. Mr. ~ulitz explained how the ~utual. Aid Ags~eement would work and after discuss3.on a mot~.on was made by Counci~.m~an I,ee, ~econ~d by Councilrr~an Pence to enter into a Mutual, Aid .Agre~e~~ and the Mayor authorized to sign the agresrnent. Motion carried, Joseph Appleton, an executive of the ~idCc~s~3, Counties State ~+ia'~+~' Plan ~oard reported on the neads of the Coastal Countie~ ira regard to ~tha Feather River Water. Mr. Anderson ~ras to contact th~ Gompasiy about the remaval of euea7.~rptu~ trees as soon as the man returned. A~r. Anderson reported on installation of water l.ines and ~aeters, He reported Earl ~i7~i.nson had requested ~,rater for his property an the south side of the creek as he was planning on subdividing and was inter~sted in annexation also. l1n e~timate was to be made and a report on line ~tensic~'t to loop acro$s the creek to the 8~.nch line as he ~ras making a atudy on w~t.er -~r,~~ _ to the Fratello propert~. . ~.~1 A petition signed by a member of property o~mers on the Co~a,nty Park Road was read requesting a cost estimate for the formation af an assess~ent District to have sewers installed to th,at area. gnderaon was a~ked to prepare esti.mates but the sswer eo~ld only be extended to areas withi.n the City li~.ts. Mr. Andersor~ reported a leaching line from the' H~.11 Top ~railer park was too elose t~ca the City Water I~Sain and after discussion I~°. Harri~ was to write a letter nc~tif'~3.ng them the water would have to be shut off in that area unless the leaching li.ne~ were moved to a~afe clist~ance fro~ the water ma3.n so there would be no danger c~f pollution. Bills against the General Fund for ~7~}~09.23, the Water Fund fc~r ~2,16lt.92 the Sewer Rental Fund for ~L~3.92 and the Water ~eposit F'und for ~22.t70 were auditedi approved and ordered paid. - It was ~oved and seconded that Youchers 1Vo. through No. 6a be authari~ed for transfer, No further business appearin~~ the meeting aci~journed. ~ ' ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ , --F ~ _ CITY CI, __~~s~T~~ Arroyo Grande, Cal3f. I~Iarch 2tt, 1959 The C~.ty Council met in re~u7.ar session with A~ayor Burt presidin~. tTpon ro11 call ~ounci3~nen Lee, ~'ence and Hartwig repor'ted present. &bs~nt Councilman Jacobs. ~ Miriutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Fire Chief ~arsalek reported a t'raining meeting for fire~en was. to be held in Fresno 3.n April. Chief Marsalek and the .~~s~istant Chief' ~ere given permission ta attend, i.f ttiey could arrange to leaane. RESOLUTION N~. ~.1~ RESOLUTIflN 0~ THE GITY CaUIdGTL 4F THE CITY OF AR-ROYO GRANDE T{~ SET A vPEED I,IMIT . QF 25 . MILES (3N ~TALLEY RflAD FRp~I HIGHWAY 101 TE3 THE CSTY LIP~.ITS. On ~tion of ~ouncilman I3artwi.g, seconded by Gaunci].m~an P~nce and by the follo~.ng roll call vote, to-wit: =,4}. AYES: Councilanen ~ur~, I,ee, ~'enc~ and Hartwig. NOES: None . ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs the foregoing resolution was adopted. .