Minutes 1959-04-02 . 1~~ 2'he Clerk xas~ instructed to drat~ a warrant for $2d7.(~ to Ross and Marguerite Abel as set~lement in f`nll of ~ondemnation ~ud~ement for an easement. No further business~ the ~eting ad,jaurned, ~ ~ ~ A~'TEST: ,,.-/'~L,/,~C = ' ~.I G~.:~v Z,' CITY CLgtK Y'UR Arroyo Grande, Cali.f. April 2, 1959 ~n informal meeting with representatives of the ~ceano Fire Departmen.t. Mr. V'arian and NI~. Galbraith and ~fr. Bade~1 from Oceano ~ater Departmen~„ Mayor Burt presitied and present was Counethlman Lee and Hax•twig. Coune3l- man Pence arrived later. Councilman Jacobs was absent. ~'he Oceano representatives asked if the City Council had se~ a So~zth and West $our~dary for the City as t~e~r were interested in the area b~~~~en Pike and Farrel ~?oad. They were told a request for anne~a.tion of One Parcel ~'ronting on Pike ha.d been ~de and was being considered a,t this time, The Go~cil informed them the~ were not asking az~yone to come in but i~ requests for annexatians were made they would have to be considered. No final actions were taken and t~he ma.tter could be discussed f~arther should any thing develop in the area, No further business~ the meeting ad3ourned, ~ ~ ` / ~TTEST: ~ . C c~ Lt.,,," CI L . Y . Arroyo ~rande~ C ~,].if . 5~30 P. M. Apri1 ?s 1959 Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee a~d Fence met ~.th ~r. Anderson for a report on removal of etzcalyptus trees. H~; reported ~Ir. Waterman would remove the 17 or more trees on S. Alpine and a numbe~ on Grand Ave. ~'he charge would be ~7.!(~p.~p and would not include remc~val of the stu~ps ar brush, Mr. And~rsan was to contact the P. G, E and the Pacific ~elephan~ and Telegraph Co. t,o see if they would participate. I~o action was taken but approval was to be given at the regul.ar , ~ meeting 1~pri1 ].ltth, 195Q. , Meeting ad~ourned. ~ , ATTEST: ~ Y,~-_ cz~ cz ~ ~ ~ax