Minutes 1959-04-14 ~ Ar~oyo Grande, Calif. April 11a.~ 1959 The ~ity Council met in regular sees3.on wa.th ~~yor Burt presiding. ~pon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee, Pence~ Jaeobs and Hartw3.g reported present, r P~i.r~utes of the previous regular, adjourr~ed a~d infarmal meetings were read and approved as read. Mr. Anderson was asked to contact the Pacific Gas and Electric Ea. and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. in re~ard to participa~ion, in the eost of remc>val of eucalyptus #,rees on South ~lpine St. and Grand Ave, The letter o~ resignation from Ghief Mize was read and a~otiun was ~ade by Gouncilma.n I~ee to aecept the res3gnat3on a,f ~hief Mize and hold , in abeyance a repla.cement until the Council has tim~e 'to choose so~one for th~ position~ the ~tian was seconded b~r Councilman Jacobs and all members v'oted Aye. Gouncilman Lee expressed a vote af t~hanks to the Chief far tha way he had handled the Police ~epart~nt and wished h3.m we1.I in his n~ field. The Counci]. endorsed Cauncilman Lee's vc~t,e of Thank~. The letter from the Division of Hight~ay in regard to repair of datna.ge done to City Streets b~ heavy hauling was read and d3seussed. It was agreed to have I~. Harris write a letter to Senatc~r Co7.7.ier ~f the Senate Higkiwa~ Corran3.ttee and Sta,te Senator Erhart about help in repairin:g the ~treets. A proelt~ma.tion to~ set Apri.l 27 thr~~h Mag 1, as Public Sehools Week was signed by Ma.yor Burt. r Street work and co~t of Water Main i.nstalla.tion ~ras discussed and 3.t ' was suggested temporary help be hired thaough the st~rnmer months to cia the ~ street work and hel,p r~i.th additional water lin~s. Bills against the General ~'und for ~12,326.b3, the 1~ater Fund for , ~3~1~58.73 ~ the Water Deposit Fund for ~7.la..00 ~ere auditedt appra~red and , ordered paid. , On mation of ~ounci].man Jacobs, seconded by ~ouneilma.n Pence~ Qouchers No. 61 through ~b7 ~rere authorized for transfer, ~n motion of Couneilman Pence~ seconded by Cauneilman ?~ee~ ~T.R. Aw~,l.t and S. Nakamurs were hired to serve at the pleasure of the Council. ~walts salaz y t,~ b+e ~l~.~O.OQ per mor~th and I~. Nakamura ~ s~3~Q.40 per month. ~~6 Mr• James Ware, : one of the subdividers of Tract ~To. 150 at the east end of Newport 5treet asked to have final appro'va]. to his ma.p, He was told the City ~].anning Commd.ssion ~rould have to act on it as there was a drair~age proble~a ta be sol~ed, ~r. Ware thc~ught the Planning Co~.~sion had given approval~ however they had only given approval to the.prel3.minary Map sub~ect tc> s~ree'~ and.drainage grades to take care of the drair~a.ge being approved onathe final map, , . No furtlaer business appearing, the ~ueeting~a journed, } ATTFST:. z' Cf~ ~ ~ GI1Y GL Arroyo Gra~~G~l.if, Aprs.l. 28, 1959 The City Couacil met in regular sea~sion ~r3.th ~ayc~r $art presiclin~;. Upr~n - roll aal7. Caun~il~en Le~ f Jacobs and Hartxi.g reported pre~~ent. ~o~i~.~ot~ Pence arrived a little late~c. " M3nutea cf the pre~3.ou~ regul.ar ~eeting ~rere r~ad and approved aa r~a.d, Bids for the purcha~e of s net~ police ~.r xere opened a~d the bid frax the Fard was the lowe~t. A motion va~ made b~ ~ounei~m~n. Lee= se~onded b~r Ccwaciluaa~r3 ~artwig to pnrch~se the FArd Poliee Car for ~$9~.28 differ~ce atu! the Cheer~?let Po~.3.ce car nert~ in nse. Mc>tian carried. ~he ~uunail autl~mri~~d a reqne~t be ~oade to t~h~e Cou~ty ~+ard of ~~rri~4rs t.o sequix~ee the P.C ~ R/~T ~.ng bet~reen Al].en St. and E. Cherr~ fcrr rcaad purp~~es. Mr. ~il~ster a~ked to have ~lpirie ~d Faeh Sts~ets gx*aded and ~ penetra- tion tr~a.t~eat put on. The m~?tter was discussed b~t no deY'inite actic~ takea. The ~'ire ~pa~rt~ent ~3.~h tc3 have the dedi~ation cf the ne~r fire hc~so ~ a couple t~teeks a~d. ~ouucilmaxi Lee a~ked t.he ~ouncil ta bac~ tl~e ~olunteer ~'ire- men ~.n t,h+~ cl~edicatien and ~aen hota~e. A~otic~n was ~de bg ~otu~ei].man ~e to ~a~ept the fin~l mag trf ~ra~t Aip, 150 upo~? the po+~ti~g of the stu~ety bond arid the signir~g c~f the ~grse~at~ the ~tic~r~ was aeconded bg Covncil~nan Nartir3.g and a1.1 ~embers vated ~ye. A aatioa was ~ade bar Couneilman Har~r3.g to a~cept the fin~1 ~na.p 0f fi?he t~ay~.fair Tract No. 11l~..0~ the ~otion was ~~conc3ad bq ~o~i7.m~an P~nets and all ~as~bers 4oted A~e.