Minutes 1959-04-28 ~36 Mr. James Ware~:one of the subdiv:i.ders o~ Tract No. 150 at the east end of Newport Street asked to have final appro4al to his map. He was told the C~t~ ~'lanning Commo.ssion would have to act on it as there was a drai~age prablea~ to be soleed, I~r. Ware thau.ght the Planning Comm~.ssion had gi.ven approval~ ho~rever they had only gieen approval to the.prel3~.nary Map sub~ect t~ s~ree'~ and.drainage grades to take car~ of the drainage being approved on•the final map. . No further business appearing, #,he ~eeting~,a journed. ~ ~ ATTEST:. C~~: ~~t~:~ ~ CITY G Arroyo Grand~~Calif, April 28, 1959 The City Cflu~cil met in re~,il.ar se~sion with 1'~ayor $urt presiding. Upaffi . rol]. aall. CaunE~n Lee~ Jacobs and Hartwi~ reported prese~t. ~crunci~ ' Pence arri~ed a little later. " I~inutea of the pre~iou~ re~ul.sr ~meeti~g Were rcad a.nd approved as r~a8, Bida for the purc~e cf new police c~r were opened and the bid fro~ the Fard Was the lc~ea~t. ~ motios ~a~ m~eds by ~ouac3.lm~a~. ye~, seconded b~r Cowacil.~ Hartwig t,c~ purcbase the Fard Police ~ar ~'or ~890.28 dift'ere~c~ at~d the Chevr~let Poa.3.e~ car nc~ in ~zsm. I'~tion carried. ~'h.e C~,uncail authoris~d a reqnest be fficde to fi~he Couaty Baard of ~uparviat>re to acquire the P.G. RI~t 1pi.ng between ~1Z.~n St. ~nd E. ~herr~ far rc~ad ptvr~p~ses. I~3r. ~i].m~ster asked to hane ~lpine and F'aeh S'Gr~ets gradad and ~ penetra~ timn tx~~at~ent put on. The a~atter ~ discussed bnt no definite acticu~ takan. 7'he Fire Depart~e~t xish t,c~ ha~.ve the dedi~aticn of th~e new f3re h~s ia a couple ~eeks axbd ~ouneilma~ Lee agked th~ ~puncil tc~ back t~s~ Yalunteer Fir~- men in th~ dedieatian and cpen hcruse. .A ~otion was made b~ ~ouneilman to aa~aa?pt the final map vP ~ra~t Ne~, ].50 upon the post~.ng of the stu~ety bcjnd and the signi.t~g ~f t~he ~.gr~eme~ts the ~motion was ~econded by Councilman Hartt~3.g and a11 a~?bers vcated ky~e. A mcrtion was made by eo`unci].man Hart~i.g ta> a~cept the final m~ap 0f t?he C~aynfair Traet I~o. l~.Q~ the m~tian was ~~eor~d~d by C~~~ P~nc~ and all ~sasbers vc~ted ~~e. . , . ~t~~ Tract No. 153 ~as discussed and Mr. Harriar sug~e~ted th~ heari~g be~ a4nt3.nued until next meeti~g. ~kr. Hax~ris safd k~e ~rou~d try ~nd prepar~t ~everal lot ~plit crrdinane~~ for the C?oux1C3]. ~3 lc~@k ovePa The ret~t.al. ~greem~ent for the Bacakhoe~ tias discv~sed ~nd a~tim~ x~s ~de b~? C~u~;ci].~an Fe~~ t0 apprm~e the rental agr~e~t xith ths 2l~~ buaket. ~~or Burt xas autliori~ed to sign the ag~'ee~t ft3r the cit?y'' 't~hi s~i.e~t waa se~c~nded by Gouncilm~n Hartxig. M~tioa carried. ~ouncilman Le~ wa~ authc>ri~ted tc attend the I+3~~ 11~h ~eeting oF th~ Board of ~upervi~ar~t to diseus~ the need for a drainage atud3r of t~ie entir~ area. l~r. ~,nderscn ~,ras to a~tend and L. Briaea frc~ the C~ty P1,~i,~g Commi.s~ioa, RESOLUTION N4. ~,13 ° d RESOLUTIO~i OF THE CITY C4UNCIL t?F THE CITY 0F ARRQYd t3~RA;NDL t~G~N(~ THE STATE LEC~ISLATTJRE TO I~RF~ASE ~ ~TATF , Mt~ItOR PEHICLE TAX BY fl~ CE[~iT I~I~Et (~AZL4I~ F4~ ALZ,OCATTON TC) CITIES. On motion ot' ~euncilmsn Jacobs, a~conded by Caunc3lman I.ee and by ~tm ~'t~1loxTng rc~ll call vot,e, tc3-~i.ts AYES: Counci].~en Burt, I~ee, Pex~ce, JaBCb~ a~d HsrtWl.g. A14ESa ~To~e , . . ~ i., . ~ . ~ . . . ~ . ~ . . ABS~tTa Mc~ the forego3.ng reasolu~Cic~n was aclc~pted. ~.Il~ against th~ ~ener~l Fuad fo~ ~3~~1T.50i th~ ~exer R~nta1 ~ f~ ~9~.€~ and the Wat?er Deposit Ftmd far ~133.75 w~re audit~d! a~~n?e~ aad crdered paid, It ~,s agreed to refer arrn~ation of Trac~ I~o. 161 to ~e Couat~? Bo~ Co~i.~sion for the3.r approval. ' No further buaine~s appearing and upon motion the mest3,ng ad.~our~~d,, A~ST a Y ~ • ~ . . . ~ . ~