Minutes 1959-05-12 1~8 Arroyo ~rande, Calif. May 12, 1959 The Ci-ty Gouncil ~et 3.ri re~ul.ar ~es~tion with A3syor Burt pre~id3ng, Upa~ roll call Ccun~ilmen Lee, Pence, Jaec~bs ~d H~twi~ reported pr~sent. Minuts~ af the previoua regular ~~t3.ng were read ar~d approved as read. Mr. and ~irs. Bert Cattai.r's reque~t for a water line to the gropert~r the~ ha.d pur~ha~ed x~s disc~aed. ~he siZe of ].i~e Was cli.ae~~ed ~ad it vas agreed t,c> i~tall a 6 inch line far ~3.t)0 per foot as per the water crcli.~e~ , ~ ~ and the~y Were ~ give easements for the Water line. Mr. H~.rr3.~ reco~arremcl~d if addit3o~a1. ~ase~en~a are needed they ~hou2d be arranged fc~r ~t this tia~e. a~otian was ~.d~ b~ Co~uncilmar~ Lee~ ~eccru3ed by Couneilman Per~ce '~e accept the resi~tian of Officer poll. ~tion carried, mation ~as ~,de by Coun~i].maz~ Tree tc~ approve th+e appc,int~s~t ~f J ~ti ~ C. C2ark asd patrol~aa to ser~e at the plea~~e of the ~o~cil~ t~tie ~cti~ xas seconded by Cour~cilman Jacob~ and all ms~bers ~ted Aqe. 7~act No. 161 was di~cu~~ed by the Gouncil. ~he ~itg P1an:ring C~nissiQm had reco~ended that Brightc~n ~tr~et be made a through ~treet atnd the sub- dividers~ thaught i~ would preuent de~elcpn~ent 9f ~s~verai lots and ~1so mt~~ s trit~'fic hasard ~n a residential area. l~r. H~rrison a].so asked abc~ut tl~ cost of water lines in the canti~~3,on of Elm ~treet ~3~r,~ ~e~;.. ~Q~,, Ats action Waa taken on the street ar piPe line as t~he Y . Coun~il wished t~ ~eet w9.th the ~'la~aning Cam~ti.~sic3n firo discu~s furt~e plannix+g of the area. CQUncil~an Hart~rig reco~mnendad that develc~pers be encouraged but at the ~s~e ~i~e it ~ras ~ecessary to plan carefully? fcr future ~o~• . Ntr._ ~derson reported N$r, Pearaon called and did nat h~ve the ~.nt'or~tion yet but Would meet ~3,.th th~ Co~ii the fal.].dwing week atad ~he Ceuri.e31 deaided to meet at 7 p. ~uesday~ i9th ana a~.scus~ the propc>sa1 with Mr. Pearsan. ~ Couac~lma,n Lee reported ~htef Marsaletk xanted to order sa~e fir~ equip- mant but he did nc~t re~mb~xx the exact price of th~ ~qui,p~en~ so it ~ ag,reed to wait until r~xt ~etiug as the purch~~e ~ras not tov ~rge~t, It was aroeed, s~co~ded and earried th~t Ma~or Burt be autharised t0 sig~ the ~greeme,nt for a servics ris~r pipe for the ~ewer li.ft in Tract Ato.131. ~YYmr ~ aPPointed himse].f and CQUncilman Lee to ~rork ~rlfi.h Pf~ Beach O~ficials on the Ch~nel Cotultie~ League D~i..n~aer Meeting in July. ~nr?euat~.cn af Fa~ir Oaks NQ. 1l~ 12 a~d 12~ s~s ar~m~ced and there being no ~rritt.ea protests arid no o~ae prese~t pratesting, l~r. Harr~,~ gav~ trh~ lat reading of an Ordinance prepared for the A~ti4n. ~,~9 It was agTeed to have~ Cle~n-Up W~ek~ I~r ~~th to 29t,h. counailman J~.ecbs requ~sted t~n~aet3ve bv~et~ be rsac~r by the ~eting June 9th} e~o the~r , aou].d be passed on b~;~:~he lst mf the fi€~Qal year. Bi11s agai.n~t the Qeneral ~'unci t'or 24l~.09 and the ~~ter Fund ~'~r ~4,~99.0~. ~ere audited~ e~ppraved and ordered paid, It wa~ ~ved and secanded that 9av.chers No. 68 through ~to. ?6 bm authorised for tra~sfer. ~our~ilman Jacobs s~ag~~~ted hA~ c~ers be en~vuraged t~r pl~nt t~ees i8 froat of the h~es tcr keep down wind ar~d for bea.utg. ' No fur~her busi~es~ appeari~ig it wa~ ~avedy secor~ded and caarr3.ed t~ ad~c~xns ~t.he ~e~~ing to ? P. ~ue~day~ l~ay 19'~~ 19'~9. ~ 1~TT~T s ~ ~ 4 ' r ,aY'T'O~~ ~:C'BIIt~y ~`ig~,~.~.'• 7. P. M. 19~h' l9~$ ad~ourued ~eeti~g ctf the ~ity Covne3.l with Ma~gc>r Burt presidir~. Upon roll Q~1,]. Gounail~ Lee~ ~enee~ Jacobs and Hart~r3.g reported presen~, Mr. George Fearsc~t vent over the proposal. for pl~nnin~ ax~d axr~rered qu~atian~ cancernin~ a Maater P1an ~epart. 1~. Fearson agreEd tQ iave~tigate available State and Fect~r~1. Fu~ds oa F1a~m.i,ng. F$~~ Briaeo was pre~en~ ~nd said he w~deratoad there~ w~ro F~~ra1, 1~uads atrailabl.~ far eonstruction of sew~rs, and I~r. Pear~en agreed to c}a~ek on t~at al~a and repor~G ne~ ~resek. ~ Nc iP~rther bua~iness, the meeting adkjovrn~d, ~~:'TTI~'ST s 4 . • , _ , ~ ~ ~ cz r~,