Minutes 1959-05-26 ~.40 ~z~ro~ (3randei C~7.if, Ma.y 26, 1951 The Cit~ Council m~t in regular sa~ssian with l~aye?r ~rt presidi~, Upon roll r~al.1 Gou~neila~en Pence and Hartwig reported pres~nt. Absent Council~n Lee and Jacobs. . Mirnites of the~ pre4ious >regular ar~d ad~oiarned rneeting ~re r~d . and approved as.read, eo~ttursication from the ~3.v~.~30n of Highway~ ix~ r~gard to r~~..inqui~h- ment af pcrtio~ of ~he State Hi~h~rays to the ~3.ty aad accep~an~e of parcels 1 and !t xas read and discussed. 1~. Harris agreed to prapare a Resolutian for the aeeeptance of Parcels 1 and !t Por the next meet3xig, Repair~s cn the etreets u~ed ~or det4~ while th~ •eor~struct~on 0f the freeway was irz progres~ wa~ disev~sed and Mr. .~nder~on reparted they ha.d i.ndieated the streets Wou7.d be patched. . The heac~ing uf the ard3,nan~e fcjr Anne~cation af Fair Oaks Nv. 11 - I2 and 1!t was read and a moticn wa~ made by Couneilman Pence, secor~ded by Councilm~.r~ ~r~wig to dispense t~ith read3.ng the ba3.ance caf the Ord~ir~ce. Nlotion earri.ed. ~~2DINANCE N0. 133 JlN ORDSNANCE OF THE GITY OF A,RR.OYQ GR~,NDE PRt)VTDIN(3c . F~R THE A~TION QF CER.T.t~IN UNTNHABITED ~FtftI~'ORIE~ Tfl THE CITY OF ARROYO Q~RANI3T+;. On mat~.on of ~our~c~l~.n Pence, seevnded by ~ouncilman Hart~.g gnd an the follcn~3.ng roll call vAte, tc> wit: AYESs Cc»unei]men Bvrt, Pence and Hartwig, NOES s l~one ABSENT: Councilmen L~e ~,nd J~cob~. the foregoing Ordir~a.nce ~s ~dopted. Chief M3.ze agked ~.bout requ~~ting the &~gh~y ~epartmesrrt ~to pa~ral the freeway throu~i tcr~. After some cliscu~sion ~'hief Mize s~~ authorized to wri~e th~ ~i~trict Tn~pector and reques~ ~m to pa.~.tral the freeway thro~gh tot~+ 2'h~ (~yrr~~€€air Subdividers reque~ted a letter r~13.nqu3shing re~,ease af ~ts 1~ - 11 and 12 in Block 2 af the Gay~fair 3'r~ct as the pol3.cy nat~ xa~ ta hold l~~ of Lots to be held for panci3r~g c~rai,na~e ~tntil a draina.ge sy~tt~em could be set up~ It ~ra~ agreed to relsase the lots requested, Mr. Harris rea~m~nend~d. that 3.n the future the re~erveci lot~ ~i11 ta~.1 apProxima,tely l~~ of ar~y proposed developYnent and the ~itp t~o hav~e the p~?wer t,c~ designate the 1Ats tc> be re~erv'ed. ~.41 The request frva~ property owners an Print~ Rc~ad fc?r wat~r 73ae ~tas read and. ~ovnc~].mar~ Penaa rea~rm~e~ded that any lo~g ~ater 1i~ e~tensions be ta~i.thheld until after ~ster plans have been m~ade. It ~ moved~ ~eccnded and aarried that ~ou~c3]mari ~'ence be all~~ to leave the St~te Jur~e 6- 12 at3.d June 2E~th to 28th. RESOLUTION N0. l~1I~ RESOLUTS~I~ OF THE CI3'Y C~UNCIL ~F TFiE CITY 4F , ARROYa (~RAI~TDE TO ENTER T1dT0 AN AGRE~ENT ~bR MUTU.~.L ~ID WITH ~HE DEP~RTP2ENT OF , NATt~L REStJURGES, DIVISION OF FORE3~'tY. On motion of ~cuncilman Hartw3.g~ secand~d b~ Gounc3.].man Fenc~ and by ~h~ fo3.~owin~ roll ea11 vc,te, to-wits AYES s C~cailn~en Burt, Pence and Haxtwig. ~ NOL~S s Nor~e ABS~tT: Couneiln~n I,ee and Jacobs. ' the foregoi~g resaltit3.on was adapt~d, ~ RESOLU`fI~~t N4. lt1.~ RESOLUTTOI~ OF THE CITY CC}t1NGII, OI~° THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTI~G BUD('xET AND APF'Rf3VTN(~ ~RANI3UA~ ~F AGR~IlKE'~iT FOR EKPENDITURE ~F t~rA3 ` T~.IC ALI~OC.~T~~N ~1AJOFi CITY S`~tEET3. 0~. ~t~.on s~' ~our~,ci].man ~ax~~wi.g, ~~~o~dsd bp Cour~ailman Pence and by the follawing roll call vote, to~rit: , AYESs Cowicilmen ~urt, Pence and Hart~ig. NOES: AtOn~s ABS~dT: Gouncilsr~en Lee and Ja~abs, the foregai.ng Resolutic~n was adopted. ~'he fin~l ~ap of ~ract No. 1~3 t~a.~ pra~ented and a mv'~ion waa aade by Gouncilman P~nGe to aceept the fina7. map sub~e~t tc~ adci~.~ion~al. bonds and 3 ea~ements for the street~ the mation ~as aece+ncled bp Council.~an ~rtwi~ and the ~otion carried~ Tt xa.~ n~ved and seconded that bills from the ~eneral Fund f~r ~3,311.39~ t~e Wat,~r F~md ~or ~1l~~t.30 and the ~~wer Rental ~und ~7.l~7..60 be apprav+~ad, Na furth~r bu~iness fi~he ~eeting acl~jo~ned, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTffiT: . ~ ~ ~ - ~~Z~ ~ ~ , I~YO