Minutes 1959-06-09 ~42 _ , : Arroyo urande, Ca13.f`. June 9,, 1959 The City Council met i,n regular session with Ma.yor Burt presiding. r Upon roll ca11 ~ouncilm~n Lee! Jacobs and Hartw3.g reported present. Absent ~ounci].man Pence. Mir~utes of the prev3.ou..~ regular meeting were read and approved a.~ read. ~'he resolut~.on prepar~d by I~r. Ha,rris to accept portions of Hightaa,y as outlined in their letter was disaussed and after discussion~ I~, Harris reconunended the re~o2ution not be passed until af`ter a survey of the streets t~tas made. z~ was agreed to study the cond3.tions of the streets before accepting the portions of the ~igYiwag. ~nderson asked about installation of 200f't, of water I3ne on Brighton Street as requested by rir. qualls. `~~he ~ouncil approved the request. The request of ~~rs. Campbell, to purchase a l~ ft. strip of land was approved by the Cit~ Plaz~n3.ng Go~„~~ian and ~r. Harris was to prepare a notice calling for bids on the land, Lee had the bi]1 for the Fire Department dinner and reco~nended the City pay ~10~.Ob of the bi7.1., and the ~ou.ncil members present appreved t,he payment, Councilma~n Lee b~ought up the licensi.ng and handling of stray dogs. l~f'tsr discu~sion it agreed to ha~e Mr. Da2ey attEnd a Gouncil meeting and ses if someth3.ng couZd be worked out. I4r. I~rris s~.ggested some action might be taken in conjunetion with Pismo Beach, Councilmen Lee said ~'~i°. I~c~7.roy ha.d spaken ~tc~ h~.m about the fence betwesn their property and the City property and Harris su~gested Mr. 1~cElroy be asked to attend the ~ouncil Meetin~. The resalution of the San Luis Obispo Farm Bureau was diseussed and the mariy services f'urrxishec~ by the ~€~unty to urban areas and which the ~ity does nat receive. ~ouncilman dacot~s took the eopy of the reso2utic~n to stud3r. i ~'he traffie at Traffic Way and Grand Ave, was discussed and it - was agroed to make a~vr~y and report back an the surve~. Street wark on Short and Poo1e streets was discussed and ~r, Anderson asked about removing the trees which were in the street and it was agreed the trees would have to be removed before the street work covld be done praper~ and the work wa.s to start on the streets at o~ee. M 1~3 x~sQ~,tr~2c~~ ~to, l~.6 A r~ESQLUTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ARROYO GRANI~E AUfiHORIZ7i+TG THE EX3~UTION OF AN AMENDMENT OF THE AGREF~+IENT FOR ST~,TE ~IINISTRATION OF LOCAL SALFS AND USE TAX AND - AUTHORIZING THE MA.YOR TO SIGN FOR TIiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. _ On motion of CounciSman Jacobs, ~econded by ~ouncilman Les and by the follo~ring ~011 call vote, to wits AYESs Counei].men Burt, Lee, Jacobs and Hartwi~, . ~ ~E,S: None ABSF~1Ts Cou~c3lnr~n Penee , the foregoing resolution was adopted thig 9'~h day of dune 1959. Bil1s a~ainst the Genera]. ~und for ~67~0.87~ the ~later Fund far ~3527.83, the S~rer Rental Fund for ~1~C~.00 and the Water Depasit Ftu~d. for ~25.95 W~re audited~ approved ~nd nrdered paid. , On motiAa of Gouncilman Jaeobs, ~econded by Councilman ~rtwig~ Transfer ~ouahers No. 77 through No. 8~ were suthori~~d for transfer, Mr. Hax~ris di~cussed a letter he had receiQed from State Serlatcar Frhart and an ordin~nce pasting load limits c?n Gity Stree~s and roads. ~ further b~3.~ess appearing, upan mot~on the ~eting ad~ourned. ~~'g'ESq' II L~'~C ~~7 , CITY CZEftK R ' Arroyo Grande, Calif. Jvne 23, 1959 ~he ~ity ~ouncil met in regu~l.ar session with Ma~ror ~urt presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen I,ee, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. Absent eouncilman penes. ~'he mir~utes of the previous regular ~eting w~re read ~.nd approved as read. . I~ir. and ~rs. NkElroy requested trlle ~it~ to construct a 6 ft. red- wood ~ence on top of 2 ft, of concrete in replacement oP the old fence. The fence was d3.scnssed and ~r. Anderson was to get figures on the eost of a fenc~ arid report at the next meetin~. On ~ti.on of ~ouncil.~an Hartwig and seconded by ~ouncilman Ja~eb~ suthc~rization to advertise for bids on a 10 ft. strip of property south of Le Poin~t street, the bids to be opened Ju1y 1li~ 1959. M~t~-o~ carried. ' •