Minutes 1959-06-23 RF50LUTTON No. 1~1.6 A RESOZUTION'OF THE C"ITY COUNCIL OF THE CT~Y OF ARROYO GRANI)E AUTH~RIZTNt3 THE .~UTION OF AN AMENDMENT OF THE .~GR.EII~IT FOR ST.~.TE A17MINISTRATSON OF LOCAL SAI,ES AND USE TAX AND . AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO 3IGN Ft?R T13E CITY 0~' ARROY~ GRANDE, On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs~ ~econded by ~ouncilman Zee and by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES: Couneilmen ~urt, Lee, Jacobs and Hart~a3.g. . , ~OES: ~ione ABSF~[JTa CQUr~iltaan Peae~ . the foregoing resolution was adopted this 9~h day of June 1959• Bi11a against the G~neral. ~~und for ~67~.0.87~ ~e ~ater Fund for ~3527.83, the S~rer Rental Fund for ~40~.00 aud th~ ~Tater De~,OSit Ftu~d for ~25.95 ~~e auait~a, approved ~nd ordered paid. , On nx,tion of Councilman J~cobs, ~econded by ~ouneilman ~rtwig~ Transfer ~ouehers No, 77 through No. 8~ were authorized for tran~sfer, 1~. Harria discu~sed a; letter he had re~e3.ved from ~tate Se~atEar E~hart and an orci3.n,ance posting load limits on ~ity S~,reets and roads. 2io further busi~ess appearin~, uPon nu~t~on the ~seting ad~ourned. ~ ~ ~ ATTEST a G-~C CITY CLII3K R ' Arroyo Grande~ Calif. dvne 23, 1959 The ~ity ~ouncil met in regular session with Mayor ~urt presidin~. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present, Absent ~ounci].man pence. ~he ma.nutes of the previ.ous regular meeting were read and approved as read. . Mr, and ~rs. ~cElroy requested the ~it~ to cor~struct ~ 6 ft. red- ~rood fence on top ef 2 ft. of concrete in replacement of the old fenee. The fence was diaeussed a.nd Mr. Andexson was to gat figures on the cost of a fence and report at the next meetin~. On rrbotion of ~ouneilman Hsrtwig and secanded b~rr ~ouncilman Jacabs authorization to advertise for bids on a 10 ft. strip of property sou~h of Le Point Street, tha bids t,o be apened July llt,_19~9. Motiou carried. ' ~ The Grand ~ve. and ~raffic ~ay survey was diseu.ssed and further study ~as to be made. 2'he s~reet work on Poale and Short streets was discussed. '~'he water 13.ne had been campleted and the service lines were being install.ed. Mr. Harr3.s read a copy of the Interim Ordinance on Zoning which he had prepared. ~ motion was made by ~ouncilman Lee~ seconded by ~ouncilm~n Jacobs that John W. Richax~dson be ~h3.ef of Police to serve at the pleasurc~ o~' the ~ouncil. Motion carr~ed. Th.e final map of Tract No. 139 Walnut Park was presented and discu.as~d' and a motion wa.s made by Councilma~n Hartwig~ seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs to approve the final map sub~eet to posting of bonds~ and recarding of paxtner~hip deeds and transfer af ownership. Mo~ion ~arried. RESOLUTION Nt~. !~].7 RESOLUTIOI~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . ARR.OYO GRANDE TO CANC~L GENE~i.AL FUND, WAFtF~ANT Nfl. 958 F~R ~2(?.27 ~~H HAD BEEN 4~.ITTEN IN ERROR. On motion oP councilman Lee~ ~econded by Councilman Jacobs and by the following roll ca11 vate~ to-wit: ' AYES: Gouncilmen Burt, Lee, ~acobg and Hax~twig. NOF~ : None ABSENT: Councilman Pence. ~he foregoing re~olution w~s adopted. ~ ~'he crosswalk ~a.s to be mc~ved fram Allen Street to valley R.oad inter- seetion. The proposal made by Mr. and Mrs. r'red C*rieb for a road from Ha7.cyon ~ Road to Valley Road wa~s c~.seu~ssed and M~. Haxris was to read it and giv~ his recommendations. - B~.1,ls against the Qeneral Fund for ~I~,833.22 were audi~ed~ appraved and ordered paid. No further business appear3.ng upon motian the mesting ~ras ad~ourned to Wednesday, July l, 1959 at 7 F.~. ~ - ATTffiT s f~",~ ! ° CI CL " OR ~