Minutes 1959-07-21 9.~7 The Huasna Road ~ewer costs were di.scussed but no action taken. ' Bi11:s against the General ~'und for ~9302.6$, the special ~a.s j'ax Street Improvement Nund for ~1.070.85, the Water Fund for $!tlr.70.7fi and the ~ater Deposit Fund for ~2b.45 were audi~ted, approved and ordered paid. . On motion of Councilmaxi Jacobs~ seconded by ~ouncilman Lee~ vouchers No. 86 ~hrough No. 97 were autharized for trar~~er. - ~ It was agreed to ehange the lock on the Uas Pump and have 3 Keys and the gas be measured and a reading taken each night. No further busines~ appearing~ it was moeed~ seconded and carried to adjourn the ~et~ng to 7 P, M,f July 21~ 1959. , ~ ~ ~ ATTEST : ___L_.~=` .C~. ~ ~ CITY CL MAYO~v~ ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. 7 P. M, July 21, 1959 , 2'he ~ity ~ouncil met in an ad~ourned meeting with Mayor &~r~ presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncil~en Lee~ Pence, Jaco~s~ and Hartwi~ reported present. r A motion was made by Councilman Le~ to hire Richard Hocking~ , . • pal.ice officer, as of Ju1y 20th, 1959 to serve ~t the pleasure of the Council, the salary to be ~378.00. Motion was seconded by ~ouneilman Jacobs and all members voted ~ye. , - 2'he Subdivi~ion Resolution~wa.s di~cussed but no action takan. ~stimated rev~nues for the eoming year Was diseussed and the • amount was ~134~1lt0 ~rith ~10~000 to be get aside for the balance at th~ close of the year~ leaving ~120~71.i.0 to spend during the year, ~ Preliminary approval was given to s~veral o~ the budgets arid Gouneil- man Jacobs agreed to work up the budgets and meet at 5 P,M. Monday Ju1y 27~ 1959 to go over the budgets. Meeting.ad,journed. ~ ATTFST: ~ 2, , : Gi~~ `G~.~ ~ . CITY CZEftK OR ~.rroyo ~rande~ Cali f. aul~ 27, 1959 5 P.~. Informal ~eting of the ~ity Council with ~ayor "urt presiding. Present Councilmen Lee~ Pence, Jacvbs and Hartwig. Councilman Jacobs went over the budget figuz~eg and they were tentatively approved to be presented a~ the regvlar meeting July 2$, 1959. Mee~ing ad~ourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTFST: CI Y CLE~.K Y~ ~