Minutes 1959-07-27 2'he Huasna. Road ~ewer costs were discussed but no aetion taken. ' B3.ll:s against the General Fund for ~9302.68, the Special Uas l'ag Street Improvement ~',und for ~07~.85, the ~later Fund for $lt~.7Q.76 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~26.~~ were aud3.ted, appraved and ordered Pai,d• . On motion of ~ouncilmar~. Jacobs~ seconded 1~ Councilman Lee,~ vouehers No. 86 ~hrough No. 97 were authorized f"or tran~~er. • It was agreed to change the~ lock on the Uas Pump and have 3 Ke3rs and the gas be measured and a reading taken each ni~ht, No further busines~ appearing~ it was moved~ seeonded and carried to adjourn the meeting to 7 P. M,t July 21~ 1959. ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ . ~ ~ CITY CL ~ MA Arroyo Grande~ Cal3.f. 7 P. Ni, July 21, ].959 , `l'he ~ity ~ouncil met in an .ad~ourned meeting tt~rith Mayor ~ur~ presiding. Upon roll call ~ouneilrr~n Lee, Penee, J~co'~~, and Hartwig reparted pres~nt, , ~'motion was made by ~ouncilman Lee to hire Ri~hard Hocking~ . police offieer, as of Ju1y 2pth~ 1959 to serve at the pl~+asure of the Council, the salary to be ~378.00. Motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs and all members voted ~ye. . 2'he Subdivision Resolution wa,s discussed but no action taken. ~stimated reveriues for the eo~ri.ng year ~ras discussed and the . amount was ~130,1tt0 with ~10~000 to be set aside for the balance at th~ close of the year ~ leavixig ~120 ~ 1~.t0 to spend during the year, ~ Preliminary approval was given to several of the budgets axid ~auncil- man Jacobs agreed to work up the budgets and meet at 5 P.M. Monday July 27~ 1959 tc~ go over the bud~et~. l~ee~ing: ad,j ourned. ~ ~ ~ ATTFST: ' . ~ G~~ ~ ~-~G~-r.~G~ • CITY CZEftK OR Arroyo ~rande~ Cali f. ~u~.~ 27, i959 5 P.r~. Informal ~eting of the City ~ouncil ~.th ~ayor ~urt presiding. P'resent Councilmen Lee, Pene~, Jacobs and Hartw:i..g, Councilman Jacobs xent aver the budget figures and they were tentatively approved to be presented at the re~ul.ar meeting Ju1y 28~ 1959. Meeting ad~ourned. ~ ATTFST: ' ~ ~ ~ CITY CLF~C YO