Minutes 1959-08-11 1~0 . ~rroyo Gra~ade~ Ga7.if, &ug~t 11, 19~9 ~he City Couneil ~st in regt~.ar sem~~ian t~3.th Mayc~r Bur~ pr~sid~.ng. Upon roll cal7. Cotu~eilmen 7~ee and Pence repor~ed presen,t. ~.bseat Gounc~31- men Jacobe and Hartwi~, N~.nutes of the previous re~u].ar and ad~ovrned meeting ware read and approved a+a read. 2'he Har~est F~stival ~om~nittee req~est for the ~e ~f ~ranch S~reet betxeen Short snd 8ridge St, for booth~ and parking was read aud di~cuased, Chiet' ~ichardson ~greed to attend the next ~eeting of the co~mittee t?~ discus~ the clo~i~a~; of the S~reet. A letter ~uld then be writtan to the Ilivision af RighWa,y~, for per~Lssion tc~ r~-route traffic t'ro~ Branch Mr. H~,rr3.s read the t>rd3.nance pr~p~red for adoption of the 195$ ,Fcii.tian of tha We~tern Plw~bing Offieials tTni~'or~ ~'l.:u~bi~g ~ode~. Mr. P~d,gett had a map v~' a propoetd subdivisd:on and requested infor- mation on the ~ity policy a~nd costs for Water service. He also asked abcut at~ea~cation tc, the City as th~ propertg ~ras ~ery near the south ~ity 13~it~. The CQUneil ~embers present agre~d to ~k~ a stud~ of ~the area and make their reco~endati4~s. It was ag,reed to get by srith, the present Piekup iz~ the ~`ire ~ap~tr't~memt fvr this year. Councilman Zee diacuased the~ poa~sibilit~r af entering i~o an agreem~er~t ~rith the ,At~i~al 5helter fvr the licensing and eare of i~ounded dog~. Gouneil- ~oan Lse ~ras to ask officials of the shel.ter ~ mee~ ~ith the ~ity ~ouneil ta discu~s the propos~l.. ~r. Ma~rtin Polin wa~ present to discuss~ a payment cn t,he seWer tahich had been iastalled by Mr. Jack ~ebs~er. ~.f~er diseussion he agreed t~c~ ~t 25~ and 75~ basi.s on area and fronta~e. Mr. Ancierson reported prcrp~rty c~mers in ~ever~l areas had r~quested 1~inexatian tc~ the City. No action was taken uAtil sueh ti~ as a p~titicn had been filed, The heading of Ordinar~ce 1~0..13~ was read and a~tion w~s made b~ CQUncj.3man L~e~ seconded bg ~ouncil.m~n Pence to di~pense with reading t2ie balance of the Ordin~.nce. , 151 oRn~~c~ ~o. ~35 AN_ ORDIi~AIdC~ aF THE CIT!~" ~F ARR~YQ GRAND~ T4 TSTABLISH I~AND~G~PED ~'RI~'WAYS~ AND PRd- VII3ING P~1~LTIFS FOR VIOI,ATION THER~F, On ~tion of Councilman Pence, ~~conded txy Caun~il~s L~bi aad c~ the ~`c~]1c>wing ro11 call vote, to-wit ; AY&Ss Gnun~ci].m~n Burt, L~e and Pencs l~DES: Atoar~e ABSENT: Gouncilmen Jacobs and H~trt~rig. the ~oregoing Ordinance i$ adopted :this 11th day of &~igust~ 29~9. r Haxri~ read the Orc~3,~ance prepared to adopt rules' regulation€~ and spec3Picatian~ for stanciarci~ for the const~uction of street~a~ curbrt ~ and ~utters, water and sewer mair~s, eta• H31].s against t,he Q~e~aeral Fund f Ar ~l~~ 928.b3, the ~at~r Fund iar ~'977.11 and the ~a~er Depoa3.t Fund for ~28.Ofl Taere aud3.ted~ approved~ , ar~d ordered paid, It ~as moved, seconded and carried tha.t t~ran~Per of ~cuchers 1 thr~ 6 i~clu~i.ve bs approved. ~o ~urther bnsiness appe~rin.g, upon ~t3on the meeting aci,jo~rned, ~ ~ ATTEST t c^ - ` Arra~ro (3rsnde,Cali.~. _ ~ugust 2~, 1959 7'he ~3.t~r Cou~il met in re~ul.ar ~~ssion vi.th Ma~ror Burt presidi.n~. IIpon roll s~e7.7. eouncil~en Lee, gence, Jacobs and Hartari~ r~porf,ed preserit. I~inutes af the previov~ regular ~eeting ~tere read and approved aa read. ~at, dna~eph Schneider of th~ Wood' ~ Ani.mal Shelter ~as prea~ent tc~ give a proposal to care far the 1iee~sing and eor~trol of do~s w3.thin th~ ~itg. His office was to licens~ the dogs and 14~ of the lieense fees ta~ g~ tc> the City and suggested the fees by ~+2.{~ for males arid ~payed f~al.es and ~l~.00 for ur~+pay~ed femal.es. They would like the ~it~r to sel1. or lesss a lOQ x 150 f't. ~ite for $helter. The Soeiet~ wo~zl.d erect #~he shelteT and rw~arays. So~rre su~g~stion was made ta 1~a~e a s3.te at the ~ewer farm~ but no defin3.te aetio~ was taken. Couacilm~an fi,eg made a motion to accept the r~sigr~at3on of ~fficer Hoeking, the motion ~aas seeonded b~ ~o~an.cilman gence and ~tior~ carrxad.