Minutes 1959-09-22 1~~ A moti~?n was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded b~ Gouncilman Pence to reappoint Mr. L. A. Brisco and Claude Deverea~ to serve a 4 year term on the City ~+lanning Commission. Motion carried. A first reading on Ordinance No. 136 was had and the same on Ordinance No. 137. Larger quarters for the Judicial Court-w~re discussed and Supervisor Lee was present and agreed to see about increasing the rent to take care of larger quarters. A rough sketch prepared by the building inspector was looked over and was to be studied further &i11s against the General Fund for_$7,802.65, the-Tdater Ft,t~d for $2,279.12, the Special Ga.s Tax St. Imp. Fund for $523.00 and the Water beposit Fund for $28.00 were audited, ~a~tg~oved, and. ordered paid. ~ On motion of Cauncilma.n Pence, seconded by Councilman Hartwig Voucher's No. 7 through ll were approved for transfer. No further business appearing it was moved and seconded the-meeting adjourn. . ATTEST. ~~L ~ . CITY CLERK, MAY l~rayd Cxrande ~~t • ~ ~959 The City Council met in re~ul.ar session with Mayor Burt presiding. tTp~ roll Ca].I.i Counci].~en I~ee, Pence and Hartw3.g repart~d pre~ent. Gounc3.lman . Jacobs arrived a little later. Minutes of the previotzs regular meeting were read and approved as read, Judge Dana ask~d about enlar~ing the Judge's quarters and t~as told th~re had= been no word from Supervisor Lee on the ~cEntal 3,sicrease, The CamYmulication from the ~lement,~r Sc2~oo1 requestir~.g a 15 mile per hour sign on Halcyon Road and an officer to regulate traffic on Qalley Road and Traffic Wa~ intersection, w~s read and discugsed and Councilman Lee reported he would n~eet with the School Officials and the Police Chief t4 t~al,k over ~heir requ~sts. The Council approved painting the curbs red south of the crosswalk on Traf~ie Way at the Valiey Road intersection anei. also on Cherry Ave. wher~ the school bus loactirig ~one is. Councilma.n Lee made a motion to appoint Francis L, Hixon police patrc~lman ~o serve at the pleasure of the ~ouncil~ the motion was ~econded by Caunci~ Pence and al1 members voted Aye. ~.~s PZr. Williford asked about the water line on Todd Lane. ~r. Anderso~ ~ sug~ested he put up ~1,50 per foot on 2~0 feet of the 8 inc2i line on Ha].cyon Road and l~90 feet at ~2.~Q per foot on Todd Lane plus ~20.00 per ~ervice to be refunded when the meters are set, and 1.50 per foot deposited on 360 feet of 8" line on Fair 0aks extension with no refund t~rith ~1,5~ per foot to be collected f"rom the north side when property is served. The ~ity wi11 install a fire hydrant at Todd and ~,pricot Plaee and furnish a H~rdrant head for Mr. Williford to install at the ~live and ~tooci].and intersectior~ later. After di.scussion a motion was made by ~ouncilma.n Lee and seconded by ~ounciZman Jacobs to proceed with the water lin~ as outlined on this line. Motion carried. Petitions for improvement of Rena. S~t,x•ee~ as a~a assessment Distriet was presente~l and t~. Harris ~uggested Nir. ~nderson write and ask Mr, Pearson to contact him and discuss petitions for fo~~ng an assessmen.t dists~ict. R~OLUTION Nf3. J~22 A RESOLUTION ~,UTHORIZING THE MAYOR T~ ,A.OCE~'T ~ND C~~TSENT TO RECOftI~ATION OF DEE'DS ~R GRANTS T~ 2'HE CITY OF ARROYO GR~1DE. ~n moti.on of cc~uncilman ~artwig seconded by Gouncil.man Pence and bv the follo~ring roll call ~a?~e, to-wit: &YES: Counci?.~r.en Burt, Lee, Pence, Jaaobs and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: A1one _ the foregoing Resolutian was adopted this 22nd day of September, 1959. A~tion was maci~: by ~ouncilman Hartw:i..g, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs to accept the Qvit ~laim deed from the Lions ~lub. Motion ~arried. The heading of C~rdinance No. 136 was read and a mc~tion ~ade by Council.rrban ~'ence~ seconded by ~ouncilman Lee to dispense with reading the~ balance of the E)rdinanc~. ORDZNANCE N0. 136 At1T ORDINANCE PRO~TIDTNG FOR THE PRQT~CTION ~F 'i'HE PUBZIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, F~EQUIRING A PERT~IT ~ND INSPECTIQN FOR TH~ INSTALL- ATION OR AI,TE~iTIaN OF PLUMBING AND D~,INAG~ SYSTII~S: CftF~,TING THE OFFICE OF PLUMBING INSPECTOR AND PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES: DEFINING CE~TAIN T~ : ESTA$i,ISHIN~ MI~IIMUM REGULATIOI~S FC?R THE INSTALLA~ION, AI~TF~,ATION OR. REPAIR OF PLUI~ING AND I~tAIN- dGE SYSTENTS AND THE INSPF~CTION THEftEOF: ADOPTI~tG BY R~`~k'.~I~E THAT C~tTdIN PRINTED "43ESTEft~t PLUSBING OFFICIALS UNIFORM PLt1MBING CODE, 1958 IDITION'~ :~tEG~UIl~ING THR.EE GOPI~ TH~EOF TO BE KEPT OR1 FTI,E IN TH~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CZERK ~F TH~ CITY OF ,AF.ROYO GR~,NDE:P~tOVIDINE# PENALTIF~ FOR THE VIOLATSON OF THIS ORDINANCE AND SAID "UI~tIFflR.I~ CODE" : RII'r.~LING ALL flRDINANCES OR PORTIDNS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HII3.EWITH, ~.J~T On motion of Gouneilman Jacobs, seconded bg Councilman Penee~ and on the followa.ng roll call vote, to wa.t: ~.YES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. ~ . ~p~ . ~ . . ~V~7i i~~~ . . ~S~`~: y ItT021@ the foregoing {7rdinane~ was adopted the 22nd day of ~eptember, 1959. The heading of Ordinance No. 13? was read and a motion was ~ga.de 'b~~ Councilman Hartwig seconded by Council.man ~'ence ta dispense ~.th reading the balance t~f the Ord3nanee. ORDIN.~,NCE N0. 137 ORD2N~.NCE OF THE CITY OF ARROY4 CtR~1N~E PRDVIDINt~ FflR PREP.~A,TION A,IVD A,DOPTION OF RUL~, RECrUL.6LT30NS ANIl SPF.CIFICATIONS WITH RESPEGT TC3 STANI)ARAS FOR THE , CONSTRUCTI0~1 ~F STEtEETS AND RflADS~, TIi~ CONS3RUCTION OF CURBS, GUTTIl~.S .~IiT~ SIDE4~TAi~KS, 2'HE CONSTRUG~'IOI~ ~F . . W1TI~Z AND SEf~ MA.INS AND LIIdES, THE INSTAT~LATION ~F STREET SIGAIS, THE INSTALLATiON AND CONSTRUCTION 0~' DRAINAGE STftUCTURES, ,AND THE INSTALLATION OF MONUMI~N~S Ft}R STREETS AND SUBDIVISSONS~ PROVIDII~G PIIV.ALTIES F'OR vzo~~z~~s. ~ fln mation of ~ounci7.rr~an Hartwig and seconded by Councilmaxi Jacobs and on the foZlawing ro]1 call vote, to wit: . ~YES: ~ouneilmen ~urt, I,eei Pence, Jacobs and Hart~ri~. NOF~ s None ~E3SIld`r ~ None:'~ the forego3.ng t}rclinaxice was adopted this 22nd day of Septembera 1959. Bill~ against the General Func3 for $~?~,6()lt.18, the water ~'und for ~212.50a the Sewer ftenta], ~'und .for ~'188.$0 and the Y+Tater Deposit Fund for ~2l~.QO ~re audited~ approved and ordered paid, No further business appearing and upon motion the r~~tin~ ad~ourned, ATTFST s ~"J , ~ i- ~ s ~ Arrogo Qrande October 33, 1959 The City Council met in regular sessi.on with May~or Burt presic~.ng, IIpon roll csll cauncilmen I,ee~ Fence~ Jacobs and Ha.rtwig reported present. Minu.etes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read, Councilman.Lee reported he and Ghief Richardson had met ~rith School O~ficials to discuss their request for police to d3rect traffic at the Va11ey Road and Traffie Way intersec~iar~.s ~nd other proble~s. The ~:l.ennez~tary School requested permission to use the dea•d end of Orchard 5treet as a parking lot. The request was discussed and Harris recoxunended the ~cho~,l malse a written request on what they propose. - Peti~ious presented for the improvement oY Rena Street were dis- cussed and also the circulation of petitions for sewers on the Huasr~ Road. Ni~. .Anderson was to contact Blake and have them diseuss the acts and petition forms with Mr. Harris so he would be able to advise and work with the Council on the Improvement Districts.