Minutes 1959-10-27 . 159 Transfer Vouehers #12 through ~17 were approved for transfer on motion of Couneilman Pe~e and seconded by Councilman Jacobs. Motion carried. Gounci.lman J~bs suggested the Couneil ma.ke a study of the recomtt~end- ation of the City ~dlanning Commi.ssion that a fee be charged on annexations. The Council members approved his suggestion. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned. ATTESTs . ~ / ~ ' ezl~r cL ' Arroyo ~rande, ~alif. October 27, 1959 The City Council met in ~~gu~.ar session with Mayor Bux°t presiding. Upon roll call 6ouncilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartw~.g reported present. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and appraved as amended, On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ous~cilman Pence the request of Pismo Beach for approval of an annexation was unamimously granted. Ghief Richardson requested permission to attend a meeting in.Salinas November ~.th. It was moved, seconded and carried the'.request be granted, ~r. Edwin Nelson was present to discuss a refund on the sewer line which he had paid for on Wesley Ave, as a line was being installed on Larchmc~nt Dri~re. The ~ouncil discussed the refund and indicated they wouid stand by the agreement made far refunds on the line. property awners from Beech and ~'ecan St,reets were present to ask for C~as~b and gutter installation on those streets. T--:ey were told the propsrty owners would ha.ve to put up the mone~r for the improvements, ~hey also asked if the City would pave the streets if the cur~s and gu.tters were insta.lled, They were told no rnoney was available but the ~ity would sur~ace the area be- tween the e~sting pavemer~t and the gutter as soon as possible. Mr. Anderson wa~ to check the grade on the str~ets and report at the ~ovember l~th ~eting. Mr. Harris suggested the nroperty owners make a checls and see how marLy were in favor of the curb and gutter improvement. If an ~ssessment I7~.5trict was formed the cost would rvn higher than if the property awners put up the moneg and the City called for bids and took care o~ the ~ork. The m~atter was held overt~a~.t~i$ meeting November 1Qth. ~~~so The heading o~ Qrdinance ~138 was read and a motion was made by ~ouncil- man Hartwig,,seconded by ~ouncilman Pence to dispense with reading the balance of the ordinance. ORDINA'1CE N0. 138 ~N flRDINA~'VCE OF T: E G~? TY OF ARR~YO GR~i~iD~ PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHAz~ITED TERRIT~RIES : TO 1'HE CITY flF ARRaY~ GR.ANDE. , On Motion of ~ouncilman Pence~ seconded by Councilman Hartwig, and on the f~llowing roll-call vote, to-t~it: AYES: Councilmen., Burt~ Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig ~30ES s N~NE ABSENT:NONE the foregoing 4rdinance was adopted this 27th da.y of ~ctober, 1959. Property owners on xuasna road appeared to ask about installation of sewers. A lengthy discussion followed and ~he consulting engineers agreed' to have information for proceedin~ with installation o~ sewers ready for the Council at the November lOth meeting. R~,SOLUTION N4. l~23 RESOI,UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE GSTY OI~ ARROYO GRANDE ADC)FTING THE "tTNSFORM BUILDINt# CODEs ' 195$ EDITI~Nn TN ACCflRIaANGE WITH TH~ PRt3PISI4N5 {7F SECTION b t~ ORDII~tAAiGE NtJ. 10,~ 1'~TTING TH~ ADQFTION {?F CURR.ENT EDITI(JNS ~F THE "UNTFORM BUILDING CODFS." . On Motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by ~ouncilman Pence and by the folloyaing ro3.l. call vo~e to-wit: AYES; Councilmen Burt, ~ee~ Pence~ Jacobs and Hartwi~. NOESt NONE ABSFIVT: .~tC3I~E the foregoing resolution was adopted. ~lenn Pinnell cliscussed the drainage agreement of ~'ract #161 which ` ha.d been prepared but after ~i.scussion the ~ouncil postponed action until an adjounred meeting to be held November 3 at ~:30 P•M• at which time a New agreement could be ready. The 8ouncil did not wish to be responsible far care of the ponding as it might set a precedent, - ~ :~`161 t~ater servi.ce ta Tract ~161 was discussed and af~er discussion a motion was made by eouncilman. Pence that a refund of ~2lt.7~ be made to the developers for each lot served by a doubl.e service when meters were installed~ and on Lot 7 B1k 1 and Lot 11 Blk 2 a refund of ~37.50 for single service~ the motion was seconded b~;• Councilman Jacobs and ir~otivn caxried. Councilman F~a:rt~ig abstained f'rom goting. ~ounci].man Penee based the agreement on the fact tlzat it would be more economical in this instance to put in the lines before street servicing was done. The ~ouncil also . agreed to pa~ the differenee between inst.a.llation of a 6 inch line and the 10 inch line in the tract. A motion was made by Co~un.cilman Lee,seconded by Councilman Pence to accept the resignation of Claude ~everea~ and ~arl 1~vod from the.City Planni.ng Commission, Motion carried, .A Motion was then made by ~ouneiltpan Lee to appoi.nt ~lyde K~tteri.ng , to replaee ~evereaux and Nee~rrell ~trother to repla ae ~Tood on the P].anning ~ommission, the motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Pence and a11 members voted A~re. . P~'. Awalt was given permission tQ attend a meeting at Cal.Poly on shade treeg. Al ~pierling~ request to r emove~the old building u~ed for a Scout Hall was approved and Mr. ~arris agreed to prepare an agreement, Bills against the ~eneral Fund for ~3~q28.87 were audi.ted appraved and ordered paid, ~ NQ further iau.siness appearing the meeting w~.s adjourned to Tuesday November 3rd, 19~9 at 5:30 'P.M. ~ . f~ ~ ~ f~G , ~ _ CITY CZERK ~MAY