Minutes 1959-12-01 . Ax'royo Ci2`~ztt~e, Ca,1,if. November 2~t;~ 1.959 -~'}ie City Council met iri regttl,ar session with Mayor ~urt pre~iding. Upot~ ro13, ca11 Councilu~en Lee, Pence a.nd Jacobs reported present. Councilm~an Har~wig arrieed later. ~ Minutes of f,he prev3.ous regul.ar and adYjourned n~stin~a were r~ad and apprcved as read. The A~sse~sment Di.~tricts for Auasna ~ewsrs and Rena. St. Improvement were _ discussed and Mr, Anderaon reported Mr, Pear~on thought it would be le~s Qo~tly to run the districts at the sa~ne time but it was felt ftena 3t. eou:Ld be accomplish~d soo~er~ as the petitions had been signed. Councilman Pence reque~ted permission to 1,eave the state and it ~ n~o~reds aeconded and carried ~the request be grarzted. Bills against the General Fund for ~l~,336.51 were audited, approved arsd ordered paid. A~otion was made by C~y~cilman Jacobs, secanded by Couneilm~an Pene~ authorizing the Mayor to si~n the agr~~:ment to replace a fenee on the ~cB:trc~ groperty. Motion carried, Ato furt,her bus3ness, ~.t was maved, seconded and earried to aci~journ the ' meeting to Tussday ~cember l~ 1959 at 8 P. M. ATTESTs ~ ~e.%i~ C CZ ~y' Arroyo Grande, Cali~'. Deeember 1, 1959 The ad~ourn~;d meeting of the City of Arrayo ~ande ~3.ty ~ouncil was held at 8:U0 p. m. on the above d~ate 3n the ~ity Hall, Fresent were ~yor B~art, Counail- ~n Jacobs, Pence and Lee. ~.bsent Counc3lman Hartwig. A petitian for the Anne~cation of the Oeeano and Halcyon 1~.reas to the Citg of Arroyo Grande sa~as presented by 1~. John Bader. ~he Petition and names t~er~ read by Njr. Anderson. Z'he ~ouncil accepted th~ petition ~nd moved to turn the matter over to the Planning Co~z3.s~ion. 3'he Motion was made by Gouncilmar~ Pence, secanded by ~ounailman Jacobs. All members voted Aye, Council recess~d at $:1~ p.m, ta await the deeisivn of the P1ann3.ng Com~.ssion regarding the Oeeano and Haleyon Ar~ne~tion. Council Me~ting re-opened at 9:00 p.m. P~r. Harris read the Reaolution approved of by the Planning Co~i~sion re~ardin~ the annexa.tion of the ~ceano and Halcyon Areas`ta ~rrayo Grande. ftE5C1LUTI0N N0. ~2~. . ~ RESC?LUTI~N 0~ fiHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF ARRt3Y4 GRAI~E GdA1uENTINt~ T0 THE C~MME~TC~ENT OF .~;NNF.~~TION PROCE~.DTI~S FOR THE ~INEXATION TO T~iE C3TY OF AF~ROYO GRANI}L~ 0~ CII3:TAIN INI~BIT813 AND UI~INCORPOA.;~TEI~ TEE~RITORY IN THE CQUNTY OF SAI3 ZUIS OBISPO,, STATE OF CALIFOR2dI~~ GO1~tTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ARR~YO f3~NDE DESIGNATED AS "C1G~AN0 ANNEX" On motian of Couneilman Jaeobs and seeonded by Council.man Pence and on the following ro11 ca17. vote; ; Counci7.men Burt' Lee, Pence and Jaeobs. I~~Ss None - AB3ENT: Counei].maxt Hart~g ~ the Pore~oin~ Resolution ~oras adopted this 1.~t day of ~ce~ber, 19~q. 'The Fir~ Department asked for authorization to spend ~129.9s plus tax for a Hydraulic dack or Rescue Ki,t. Reque~t ~ras . granted t~y ths Council, Mation t,o ad~jo~n by Cowncil~aan Jacob$, Seeonded by Gouncilman Psnce. All members voted Aye. 1TT8S~: / _ E/"~' I Arroyo Grande, Calif. December 8, 1959 The City Gouncil met in regu~l.ar aession with Mayor Burt presiding. Upor? ro31 call ~ouncilmen Lee~ Pence ~nd Hartwig rr~ported present. Abs~nt Cauncsilman Jacoba. ~ Mirnxtea ot the previous regular and ad~ourned ~e~ting were read and approved as read. 3`he request og Aaron ~i1liYord to rezone Lots 1 thru 10 in Bloek frcm R-1 to C-2 was r~ad and a au~t3on was made by Couneil~ar~ Hartwigs aeconded b~r Couneilman Pence to yrefer the request ta th~ ~it~ Plaxini.n~ Co~i.ssion. Mr. Anderson reported John Loomis Y~ad contacted him about drainage in i'~ont of the property on East Branch and he tiras ta write a ietter to the I}ivi.sion oF Fiighwa~r abo#t°~ participation on the cost. The eatimated cost wo~ald be araund ~2600 ~nd part of the cost would be borns by the property oxner. The ~ity had no~hing budgeted to take csre of t~e pro~ect,