Minutes 1959-12-14 16'7 Bills ag~ins~ the General ~und for ~7 ~ 76().57 j the ~later F'und far ~12,O1t7.72~ the Sewer Rental Fund fvr ~6.~3 and the ~ater ~posi'~ Fund for ~!~l~.p0 xere sudited, appro4ed and ordersd pmid, ~n motion of Counci].man Hartwig, sea4nded by ~ounailman ~•~e, Qoucher~ Na. 26 through 32 were approved for tran~fer. ~!iotion earr3ed. Nc ft~rther bu~iness appearing, ~he meeting ad~our~ed. 11TTEST z ' ~ S3'Y GLEEtK ya ~.rroyo Grande Calif, 5 P,M. Dec. ]..~'tt, 1959 Special 1'~,seting called to adopt the resolution prepared by Mr, T Karris. Pres~nt ~ayor Burt and ~ouncilmen yer~ae and Fiar~w3.g. .~bsent Ceunc3.lmen Lee and Jacob~, ~ ° A~sozuTZO~ ~o. ~26 ° RESOLtTTTON OF THE CT~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY 4F ARR.OYO t~RAND~ ACKNOWLEDGING THE Rk~CEIFT C?F A COPY OF I~10TIC~ OF T1~ENTTON TO CIRGUL,~TE PETITI4N FOR THE ~NNEXATION (?F TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ~UCEANO ANNEX" AI~TD AN AFF'II)A,VIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOF .~,N~ . .APPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF TtiE PETTTIO~i. On ~tion of Gounctilxaan Hart~r3.g and ~econded by ~ovncilmari P~nc~ az~d on the following ro1.1. call vote: AYffis Councilmsn Burtt Pence s~nd Hartwig, NOES: Nc~ne V ABSENTs Counci].~en L~~ ~.nd Jacob~a, ' ~'he foregoing, reaolutian ~,s adopted on the I.L~.~h clay af ~ecember 1959. . ° No further bu.sinea~~ the meeting ad~ourn~d. ATTffiT: ` ' CITY CL I~AY