Minutes 1959-12-29 ~ _ ~68 ~rroyo Grande, Ca1if. Dec. 22, 1959 The C3,ty Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt pre~iding. Upon roll call Couneilmen Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. Aba~e~t~ ~ Councilmen I,ee and Penee.° . Minutes of the pr~vious regular and special meeting ~rere r~~d and approved as read. - ° Nbr, Harris read the Interim Ordinance whieh he had prepared. The ~lerk was instructed to write a letter to the Grover ~ity (3fficial~ and offex to help or assist them in any wa~ possible i,n their organ3.zation~ and if agreeable an informa]. dinner meeting when ever it could be arranged. It was°reported a gr311 was needsd on the e~ain at the end of ~i Court, Mr. Anderson pres~nted the final map of ~ract No. 100 and a motion wa~ made by ~ouncilman Jacobs~ seconded by Councilman Hartwig to accep~ the final map with all roads and easements. Ur~ roll call eo~te all members present voted~ Aye. Cvuncilmen Lee and Penee absent. Mr. Harr~s had prepared a de~d for Mrs. Frances ~ampbell and it was moved, seconded and carri~d to eacecute the ~rant Deed and Mayor Burt ta~ authori~ed to sign th~ deed for the City. The figures sub~ttted bg the Eng.I,neers to make the ~ity Street Deficiency Repart were di.saussed and it was agreed to have Mr. Anderson prepare the report as the fi~ures were higher than antic3pated. Bi11s aga3nst the General Fund for ~lt,59b,16 were audited~ approv+ed and ordered paid. No further business appearing upon motio~ the ~eting was ad3o~rned to 5:30 P. M. '~'us~tday, December 29th, 1959. q ATTEST : ' Arrayo Grande, Calif . CITY CL~iK ' OR 5~30 P.M. Tuesday ' Deceml~er 29, 1959 3'he Gity Council met in an ad~ourned session w~.th Mayor Burt presiding. Freaent Couneilmen Lee and Jaeob~. Absent Couneilr~en Fence and Hartwig. The H~adin~ of C)rdinance No. 139 was read and a motion made by Counc=i1- man Lee, seconded by Councilman Jacvbs to dispense with reading the bs].ane~. ~69 ORDINAI~'CE No. 139 AN ORDINANCE QF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE Z4I~ING ALL I~tESII~1TI;Y" tTNLONED PR~P~tTY LYING WITHIN THE GIT3C ZIMIT5 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: DF~LARI.~T(~ THE ORDINA~TCE Z`0 BE AN EM~i:GENCY ORDINANCE AI~D S&~iTING FORTIi THE ftEASONS TH~?:~'OR z SUSPII4DING ORDIN6~tiCES OR PORTIQIVS THEN..~F TN CONFLICT H~.Ef~TTH DURING THE EFFECTIVE LIFE ~F THE OR~INANCE: PROVIDING TH14T THIS flRD2NANCE SH~LL CONTINUE IN ~FFBCT F~R SIX MONTHS AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND PRESCRIBING PEN,A;LTIES FOR VIOLATIONS HF~EtEt7F. On motion of ~ouneilman Jaeobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Lee, and on the follo~r3.ng roll call vote~ to-wi.t: AYFS: Councilmen Burt~ Lee and Jacobs, NO~S: None ABSENT: Gouncilmen Pence and Hartwig The foregoing Ordinance was adapted this 29th day of T~cember, 1959. No further bu~iness appearing the meeting ad~ourned. ATTESTs " ~ ~ ~I ~Y .Arroyo Crrandes Cali£. J~n. 12, 19b~ The City ~ouncil met in regular se~~ian w3.th Mayor ~vrt presiding, Upon roll as].1 Councilmen Lee, Penoe, Jacobs and H~trtw~.g reported ~re~ent. A~3..nutes oP the previous regular and ad~ourned ~e~tings were read and ~gproved as read. Ander$on reported he h~d nothing to report an the participat3on b~ the Divisian of Highway on the drainage on ~ranch ~t. in frant of Loc~is and Go, Mrs. g. Ph~.llips was present and requsated the Council to do sa~ething ~ about rubbish burn3ng in her area' she w3.shed to have all rubbish hauled ar~ay and ir~cineraters prohibited. A length~ discussion fol.lowed and th~ Chief of Po].ice agreed t,c> check the pe4ple in her area, where the burning was being done. N~; Wallin from 101 ~uto ~ourt asked about having the old trees • re~ved a2ong the old Highway 101. Mr. anderson agreed to get the co~t.4f removing the trees and also to eheek with the owners or find ~aho~e prvperty the trees were on. Mr. I~ancaster asked about Valley ~oad I~o. 1 Annexat3on as he ~ras ~ou~ to have it inside the ~ity to develop.it. He also asked ~bout havin~ h3.~ acreage south of Pike ~t. om3.tted from the ~ceano ~nnex. Mr, Harris ex~lained the ~nn.exation act in regard to his request,