Minutes 1960-01-12 169 OR~INANCE Na. 139 AN OftDINANGE OF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE Z013"I~1G ALL PRESg+tTLY UNZ~I~tED PROP~.TY LYING WITHIN THE CITY LIP~ITS OF THE CIT3~" OF ARROYO GRANDE: DFCLAR?~iG THE ORDINANCE TO BE AN ~GENCY O~tDINANCE AI~'D SFl'TING FORTH THE REA~SONS THF~REF~7Rs SUSPE~DING OFtDIAtANGE5 ~R PORTIONS THE[~.~F.IN COPdF"LICT HEft~1TTH DUR.ING THE EFFECTIVE LIFE OF THE ORDTNANCE: PROVIDING THAT THIS flRDZNdNCE SHALL CONTINUE IN ~CFHGT FOR SIX MONTHS AFTEEt ITS PASSAGE AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATTONS H~i.EOF. On, motion of ~ouncilm~an Jaeobs, seconded by Councilman Lee~ and on the following ro7.1 eall vote~ to-wit: AYESs Councilmen Burt~ Lee and Jacobs. NO~S: None ABSENT: Cp~c3lmen Pence and Hartwig The foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 29th day of December, 1959. No further bu~iness appearing the meeting ad~ourned. ATTESTa ~ : . ~ ~ I L .A.rroyo ~axid~~ Cali.f, Jan. 12, 1960 The C~.ty eouncil met in regular ses~ion with Nlayor ~urt presidfng. Upon rAl1 aa~11. Councilmen Lee, pence, Jacobs and Hartwi~ reported preseut. M3.nutes af the prev3ous regular and ad~ourned m~eetin~~ were read and agproved as read. I$. Ander~on reported he had nothing to report on the participation b~r the Divisian of Highway on the c~ainage on ~ranch ~t, in front of I,oc~.s and ~o. Nlrs. g. Phillips was present and requested the Council to do so~ething • about rubbish burnin~ in her areas she ~rished to have all rubbish hauled away and inc3.ner~.ters prohibited. A length~ di~acussion Pollowed and the Chief of Police agreed t,o check the pevple in her area, where the burn3.ng ws~s being done. I~; Wa113n from 101 Auto ~ourt asked about havirig the o1d trees - removed along the old ~ighway 101. ~r. ~nderson agreed to get the co~t of removing the trees and also to check w~ith the owners or find whose proper~y the tree~ were on. Mr. Lana~.ster asked about Valley noad I~o. l&~nescation as he was anxiou~ to have it inside the ~ity to develop~it. He also asked about having hia acrea.ge south of Pike St. on~.tted from the ~ceano ~nnex, Mr. Harris ea~lained the ~nnes~cation act in regard to hia r~quest. y . RESOVUTZO~ nto. l~27 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTZCE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATI~N . TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAAIDE ~F C~i.TAIN UMINHABITED TII~.RITOftIFS I~ESCRIBED H~tEIN AND DESIGNA2ED AS . "FAIR OAKS N0. 19"• "FAIft OAKS N0. 20"~ '~FAIR OAKS N0. 21" AND~YALLEY ROAD N0. 1" AIVD GIVING NOTIG~ OF TIME AND PI,AC~ FOR HEARING nF PROTESTS. On motion of ~ouncilman Pence, ~econded bq ~ouncilman Lee, and oa the following roll call vote~ to-wit: AYFSs Pence, Lee, Jacobs~ Burt NOES: None ~}3SENT: None ABSTAINED FRt?M VOTI~iG: Hartwig the foregoi.ng Resolution was adopted this 12t~h day of January, 1960, A motion was made by ~ouncilman Pence, seconded by Gounc3.lman Lee to set the time of hearing on the Ann~xation of Fair Oakg No. 19-20-21 and Valley Road No. 1 on Tuesday~ February 23, 1960 at 8 P. M. CQUncil- xi~en Lee, pence, Jacobs and Mayor ~urt voted Aye. ~ouncilman Harti~rl„~ abstained. ~r. Anderson reported he had the trees along the sewer line removed , and the cost was to be ~300.00. ~n motion of ~ouncilman Hartt~i.g~ ~econded by Councilman Jacobs and by unanimaus vote the payment wa~ - approved. Mr. Anderson reported the petitions wer~ being circu].a~h,ed for the Huasna Road Sewer Improvement. Mr. Harris agreed to check with the League on Tnsurance and Liab3lity of P1,umbers and Contractors opening up streets, Nir. H~rris suggested a need t'or bring3.ng the ord3nanc~s up to date. RESOLUTION N0, !~2$ RESOLUTION OF TEIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~RANDE AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF A STOP SIGN AT 'I'HE NORTH EAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF MASON ST~ET AND LE POINT STREET. Qn motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by ~'ouncilrnan Jacobs and b~r the following ro11 call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen ~urt, Lee, Pence~ Jacabs and Hartwig. ~ HOESs None ~ ~ ~ ABSIlVT: None the fore~oin~ resalution ~ras adopted, ` ; Or~ ~tion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by Govncilman Pence a natice t.e call.for bids on the addition to the ~ity Hall~ to be opened Janyary 26th~ 19b0 at 7:3C) P. M. ~ras unanitt~usly ~ssed. • A motion was made by Cozu~.ci7man Jacobs to raise ~.he ~ity Attorne~r , fees to ~1~0.00 per mcnth effective January l, 1960, the motion was~ secoaded by Counc~lman. Hartwig and all members voted Ay~. Bil],s against the General ~~und for ~+5~ 871~.70, the ~~ter ~~und for ~2~821.92~ the ~e~rer Rental. ~und for ~22.6lt and the Wa~er ~eposit Fund for ~2.10 were auclited, approved and ordered paid. . On mation o~ ~ouncilman Jacob~, seconded t7y ~ouneilman Pence and un~a.ffi.mous vote authorization for trsnsfer on Vouchers No. 33 through No. 3? was approved, . No further business appearin~~ the meeting ad~ourned, ATZ'EST : r ~ ~ ,V CITY CLERK ~ YOR