Minutes 1960-02-09 ~1T~ Arroy~p ~ Grande, Ca1i.f . February 9~ 1960 The City Covncil met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll eall Councilrr~n Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. Bids ~ere opened for the installation of sewers on South ~raffic Way and on the recommendation of the engineering depart- ment the bids were taken under advisement. The Communication from the County Health Offi.cer in regard to sewerage on the Huasna. Road area was read and discussed. Mr. Frazier was present and reported they could not occupy tkair house the situation was so bad. Mr. Anderson was to ca11 the Assessment Engineer's and the ~ounty Health Department was to check ths Area and a report was to be prepared for an ad,~ourned meeting af the ~ouncil to be held at 5.30 P.M. February 16t 1960. Mr, F. J. Kirkpatr~.ek was present and discussed the over- time and double parking on Braneh ~treet. It was his feeling that customers should be allowed to double park while picking up purchases and asked the offieers to be l~~i~~~, The two truck bids were discussed and a motion was made by Councilma.n Hartwig, second"ed by councilman Jacobs to aecept bid of Maury Brennan on the Ford Truck. Motion carried. The bids for the addition to the city Ha.ll. were discussed and a motion made by Councilman Jacobs~ seconded by Councilman Hartwig to accept the low bid of ~7,956.00 submitted by Her~eek and Mi11er plus the cost of removing the fireplace which had no~ been included in the bid. A11 members voted Aye. Inform~ bids on supplying an emulsion sprayer were discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, secondecitbSr Council- man Pence tc~ accept the bid of ~1,276.00. Motion carried. A motion was made bg ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by Cauneilman Hartwig to reimburse ~ir, Wizeman ~lt5.00 on extra work which he had done on the gutter on south Alpine St. Motion carried. , RESOLU`PION N0. 1~32 R~'S~LUTI~N OF THE CITY COU~VCIZ OF TH~ CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE ADOPTING CITY ENGIN~ER~S "REPORT ON CITY STREET DEFICIII~TCIFS, SENATE CONC~7RRENT RESOLUTION N0. 62~ On motion of Councilman Hartwig~ seconded by Gouncilman Lee and by the following ro11 ca11 vote to-wi.ts A~YES: ~urt, I,ee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. NOES: None ~ ~ ABSENT; None the foregoing resolution wa.s adopted. It was moved, seconded and carried that Nlrs. Paula Haward be employed to work as clerk in the Engineer's Department at the pleasure of the Council. The appeal made by Mr. Aaron Williford for rezoning was discussed and the Planni.ng ~ommission was to be asked for their report on the denial and a motion was made by ~oun,cilman pence~ seconded by Councilman Lee to hold a hearing March 8th at 8 P.M, Motion carried. ~ Bids for supplying gasoline were to be asked and opened at the meeting of Februa.ry 23rd, 1960. RE~SOZUTION N0. Lt33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ,~RROYO GR,~NDE, CALIFCRNIA, GALI,ING A~TD GIVI?VG NDTICE OF ~HE HOLDTNG OF A G~N;~tAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESI~Y, THE 12th IIAY OF APRIL, 19b0, FOR THE ELECTION OF CEftTAIN QFFTCERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIR~D BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE I~AWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GF~NF.~ftAL LAW CITIES. On motion of Gouncilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Lee and by the following roll ca11 vote, to-wits AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hart~ri.g. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted. Mr~ Harris read the eneroachment permit ordinance he had prepared. . Bills a~ainst the General Fund for ~a,s5~.9l~, the Water - Fund for $1~,027.~9, the Sewer xental Fund for $~300.00 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~28.00 were audited, approved and ordered paid. 1T6 On motion of Councilma.n Jacobs, seconded by Councilman _ Lee, Vouchers No. 38 to No. ~5 inclusive were approved for transfer. Motion carried. No further business appearing, upon motion the rr~eting adjourned to 5:30 P.M, luesday, February 16th, 1960. ` AITEST: -~~~f~ t~`- , v~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~