Minutes 1960-02-16 - .Arroyo Grande, Galif. 5:3o P.r~. . February 16, 19d0. .The City Council met in an adjourned meeting r~rith Ma.yor Burt Presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Lee~ Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. `rhe report on xuasna Hoad sewer inspection made by the County Health Dep,~~~nt was read and discussed and a motion was made by . ~ouncilman Jacobs to initiate the engineering proceedings for forming an assessment District and outlining the area and getting~ ~igures on the cast and enginesring, the motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Lee, and al1 members voted Aye. . A motion was made by ~ouneilman Lee,, seconded by Councilman Hartwig to reject all bids on the South Traffic Way sewer and readvertise for bids,to be opened March $th, 1960 at 8 P.M. Motion carried. Praperty owners from Willow Park Tract were present and asked about developing the park area and asked if some arrangement could be made for the property owners to develop the Park on a long lease basis. It was agreed to ask the City Attorney what cauld be done. They also asked about street signs and some improvemen~ to the approaches to Halcyon Road and P~r. Anderson reported he would order signs soon, also he was to check with the County to see when they plan on doing the taork on Halcyon ~oad, .A lengthy discussion followed on the Garbage franchise and ordinance. Several recommenda.tions were made and d.iscussed and an ordinance was to be prepared. No further business appPared, the meeting adjourned. ' ATTES~': , I Y CLr'~K ~ YO