R 2234 300 RESOWl'IOO NO. 2234 RESOWl'IOO OF '!HE CITY a:xJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF l\RR:)YO ~ IE::I1IRING AN Im'I!m' 'IO OBLI~TE rrs FEOORl\L AID URBAN FUNOO AND ~ RELIEF FR:M '!HE IAFSE PRJVISIOOS Pm FmEIW.o AID URBAN F1IIJ FUNOO AI1DCATED 'IO '!HE CITY OF l\RR:)YO GRANIE m 1986 WHERFA'>, Section 2360 relatin;r to the California Department of Transportation am the Lapse Provision for Federal Aid uman (FlIIJ) F\Ims within the 1985 statutes requires that agencies with allocations of Federal Aid Urban F\.II'Klin;r obligate those turds within three years of the oriqinal allocation; and WHERFA'>, the City of Arroyo Grande has previCA.lSly agreed with the cities of Grover City and piSl\D Beach to provide a share ot Federal Aid Urban F\.II'Klin;r for the recxJnSt:ruction ot the oak Parle int:erc:tIarqe at U3101 in the CClTbined total aJIQIl1t $ 956,000; am WHERFA'>, it is virtually iDpcssible for the obligation ot turds to ocx:ur for this project prior to the Jmuuy 1, 1989, deadline tor turds allocata:1 in 1986; am , WHERFA'>, it is the desire of the city ot Arroyo Grande that the c...:.L..t" 31, 1988, balance of ''unobligated" F7IU turds be used to inprc:Ne the interc:tIan;Je at USlOl and Oak Park Boulevard rather than beinq sold to the state ot California; am WHERFA'>, the statutes permit an aRJ8al by aqencies to the state for relief frail the obligation outlined in this 1985 statute. NCM, '.lHEREf0f<E, BE IT RESOVlED that the city <:'Qmcllof the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby declare that is the desire of the city to "obligate" frail an Arroyo Grande allocation of F7IU F\Ims, up to the 8IIOJI1t of $ 478,000 for the project to reconstnJct the interd1arx}e at U3l0l at oak Parle lWlevard; and BE IT FURIHER RESOLVED that the Arroyo Grande Public Works Din!ctor is hereby authorized to transmit this resolution to the statewide F7IU o:.nittee via the staff in the District. 5 Headquarters of Cal Trans for consideration by the state as an aweal for relief by the state, on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande, fran statute recpirements that the "unobligata:1" 1986 F1IIJ F\Ims available to Arroyo Grande (estimate of the C1IrreI1t balance is $379,963) be sold to the state, am that the "unobligated" turds be reserved intact tor experlditure on the reconstruction of the oak Parle Interd1ange at U3101 for a oocperative project with the Cities of Grover C.j.ty and piSl\D Beam and the state of California. On motion of Council Member Moots , seconded by Council Member Johnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Johnson, Millis, Porter and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of June, 1988. ~l~..~.Lu- ~~:.... I ATTEST: ~a.~ , CITY L I, NANCY A, DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo ~rande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Californ~a, do herebY,cert1fy under penalty of erjury that the for~90ing Resolut10n No, 2234_1S a true, full an~ cor~ect copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meet1ng of said Council on the 14th day of June, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 21st day of June, 1988. ~i~ CITY CLERK a. ____~____._._______~_____~________._.___~_ _.u_ .________ .__ ___ _n _u__ --~-~-- .. on ---. -~---- -~--