Minutes 1960-02-23 1'~~ ~rroya Grande, Calif. February 23~ 1960 The Git~r ~ouneil m~t in regular aessior~ with I~'ayor Burt presiding. Present Councilmen Per~ce~ Jaeobs ~and F~axtw5.g. Absent Coun~ilman L~~. l~,irnztes o~f the previous regular and ad3ovrned meetings w~re read and approved as read. Four bids for supplyi.ng gasoline were opened and taken under considsration. Hearing for the ~nnexation of Fair Oaks No, 19 - 2~ - 21 and oalle~r Road No. 1~s announced ar~d there ~re no ~rritten protests and no on.e present protesting. The ()rdi.nanee for the annexation was read far the first t3ma. , The heacting of C7rdinance No. 11~0 was read and a motion uas made by Co~~~,~n Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Pence to dispen~e with reading the bal~nce of the ordinance. Motion carri~d, ~RDII3&N~E N0. 1}~4 ORDTATANCE t}F ~HE CITY 4F ~RRDyO GRANI3E~ PROVIDING ~'OR P~RMITS TO BE t3BTAINID PRIOR TO ANY EAiCR(~CH.. NlENT, flPENIATQ OR EXCAVATION BEING A~ADE IHI A~'Y' PUBLIG STRFET ~R HIGHWAY Il~ TIiE CITY ~F ARROIO GRAND~~ ftEt~UIl~ING A BUN~ItD AATD PER~~9IT FEF THEA~F'OR~ ~ND PR4- OIDING PENALTS~S FOR VIQLATIONS HERFA~'. Ch~ motion of ~ouneilman Jacobs and seconded by ~ouneilman Pence~, and on th~ followin~ roll call vote: AYES: Cauncilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig, ATOES: Non~ k~&SENT: Councilman Lee The above C?rd3~ance t~as adopted this 23rd da~ af F~i~cua~?, 196p. The hearir~g for re~oning of the Ledo xeights subdtvit~ion brought no protests and Mr. Harris was to prepare the (}rdinance For the next ~eeting. Robert ~'olkert ~.s giver~ authari~ation to install a sept~c t,ank t~ serve a am~ll offic~ on the ~outh side of ~rand Ave. $etwe~n. Bell ~.nd A].pine Street~. I~r. Leo Nlallory having paid ~or installation of sewer on Grand ~ve.~ from Halc~on Road tv Rena ~treet, it was agreed to refund to Mr. M~1.lory the charge~ when the followixig properties were connected to the se~rrert Lots ? ar~d 8 Blk 1. ~ 2~9.55 no~ owned by Perfecto Betita Lots 9- 10 and 3.1 Blk 1 ~ 31Lt.33 ric~w owned by Mary Oliviera Lots 1 and 2 Blk 2 ~ 209.55 now o~med b~ A.A, Perrin~tti Lot~ 6-? and 8 Blk 16 ~ 37.1.~.33 now c3wned by Martin Pfllin ' ~he Assessments ~au1d carry no penalties. • . It was agreed to meet at 5:3fl P;Mo Monday~°Fe~ 29th tc- discuss the area to be served by the Huasna Road s~~r pro3ect. The County Health I~epartment ~~re exp~cted to have a more def3.xiite report and I~. Pearson wa~ to be present. ~ Further discussion•on a new garbage ardfnance Was set fc>r the~ adjovrn~ed mee~ing next monday evening. Plan~ for building a denti~~ office on Halcyon Road north of-~rand Ave. ~as discussed and as the f3.rm working on the I~aster Plarining had reeommended that HalcyQSt~'Road b~ ~t least 80 ft. wide, it was agreed to. make a stuc~ of the drainage and set back. Mr. Pearson reported 'the prelimina.ry report should be made within ~ days regarding the Halcyon Road. Bi11s against the General Fund for ~3,935.97, and the ~et~ter ~ ~eatal ~'und for ~236.00 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further bu.siness appearing~ on motion the rr~eting ~as ad3ovrned to ~tonday Eve~v.n~, 5:30 F,M. ~'ebruary 29th, 19E~. ATTFST s - , ~a,~,~ ~ - - F~ PA H(3W ~