Minutes 1960-02-29 180 ~ Arroyo' Grrande,,Cal.i~. 5:3o P.~. Febrt,iary 29r 19~? Ad~aurned meeting of the City Coun~il, i~ayor Burt presiding. Present Councilmen Lee ar~d Pence, Absent Gouncil~~n Jacobs and Fl~r~wig. Tentative p].ans for de~elopment of.Halcyon Rc~ad were di~cu~sed and upon motion of Courieilman Lee, seconded.by Couxzcilman pence, Mr. ~nderso~ Was authariaed to have I~. MeLennan work up plans as outlined b~ Mr, Anderson. Motian carried, The Hta,asna Rosd Se~rer pro~ect was discussed and it wa~ thought best to have the area. extend to take in those properties where septie tanks were not working properl~*. motian was made by ~ounc3lman Pence~ seconded by ~ouncilman I,ee to have Mr. C~eo. Pear~on do the necessary engineering wark on the Huasna Road sewer pro~ect. Motic~n carried, The Garbage Ordinance regulations being prepared by Mr, Anderson. were diseussed and copies ~.i.ven to the Gouncilmen to talce hom~e and study so they could be turned oeer to I~r, Harris to dra~ up thg Ordi.nanc~. ASr. Anderson was g3.ven permission _to purchase a 2`herma-Fax l~chine. No further bu.~ine~~ appearing upon motion the meeting ad3ourn~d. s A2'TESTs ! ~ I C F~tK YO