Minutes 1960-03-22 18~ ~rroyo Grande, Calif. March 22, 1960 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt Presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig reported presen~. Minutes of the previous ~egta7_ar meeting were read and approved as read. .t A motion was made by Councilman Lee to accept th~ resig- nation of.Officer Francis Hixon, the motion was seconded by~ Gouncilman Jacobs and all members voted Aye. Mx'. Ki].mi.nster asked about the south Rer~a Street extension and asked for a map showin~ what was planned. He a].so asked about installation of a street light on Faeh St., Mr. Leslie f'rom Station K.V.E.C. asked about h~vin~ ne~ frorn this area on a radi4 program each afternoon and he was to diseuss the program with I'~r. Anderson at a leter date~ Andrew David representing ranehers from Valley Road was present to prot~st the annexation o~ Valley xoad No. 1 " and after discussion, a motion was made by Cotuicilman Lee to cantinue the 2nd reading of the ordinanee for the Annexation of Fair Oaks No. 19-20-21 and Va11ey Road No. 1 until next meeting, the motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobs and all members voted Aye. Huasna Road Sewer pro~ect ~ras diseussed and the engineer Nlr. Pearson~ and the attorney Mr. Blake were present to discuss the agsessment district. A lengthy discussion follo~red. The letter from the Cpunty ~ealth ~epartment ~ras read and some prop~rty owners favored sewers and some protested the sewer district. After discussion it Was agreed to continue the hear- ing unti,l the April 13th meeting and have representatives .from ~ the Health ~epartment present. Councilma~ pence sugge~ted' peti~ion be circulated from a larger area. Mr. ~nderson reported the bids had been checked on the ~outh TraPfic Way 5ewer job and recommended the low bid of the Arroyo Electric be accepted. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig~ seeonded by Council.man L~e to accept the bid of Arroyo Electric. Motion carried. ~.as A motion was made b~ Councilman Pence~ seconded by Councilman Lee to pay the difference between the 6 inch and 10 inch water line on the Elm Street extension. Motion carried. - RESOLUTION N0. ~.35 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARA.OY~ GRANDE ADOPTING STANIlARD IMPR~QIlwIIENT SPEGIFICATIDN.S FQR TH~ CONSTRUCTION ~F WATF~t DISTRIBUTIQN SYSTEMS FC7R ftESTDENTTAL DEVEZOPMENT IN THE CITY OF ARR~Y~ GRANDE, On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by ~ouncilman Hartwig, on the following roll eall vote, to-wit: ~ AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee~ Pence and Hartwig. NO~S: None ABSEN`I'; Couneilman Jacobs. the foregoing R~$olution was adopted this 22nd day of ~reh~ 1960. It was agreed to let Mr. Brice pay ~1~.00 per month on the damage to the City Pickup. A motion was made by ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig to get prices on a new police car. Motion carried. On motion of ~ouncilman Hart~+r-i.g,, seconded by Councilman Pence it was agreed to xelease Lot 10 in Block 1 and Lots 10 and 11 in Block 2 in Gaynfair ~'ract No. 1lt0o ~otion carried. Councilm~an Pence suggested painting of the parking placea on the 6dest side of ~hort St. RESOLU'rION N~. 2~3b ~ RFSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO EXTABLISH ANGLE PARKING ON THE WEST S~DE OF SHORT STREET A.ND THAT A RED ZOP1E BE ESTABLISHED ON THE NORTHW~'ST C~1~NER OF B~RIDGE AND , I~ELSON STREETS. On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Lee and by the follc~wing roll call vote, to-wit: ~YFS: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence and Hartwig. N~FS: None ABSEI~: Councilman Jacobs. the foregoing resolution was adopted. NIr. Harris was preparing the Ordinance for the rezoning on Zedo Z`ract. ' 186 RFSOI,UTION N0. ~.3? R~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CI`~'Y OF ARR.OYO GRANDE APPROVING ~NlENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO AGRE~E'N'.~ FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Hartwig, secon.ded by ~ouncilman Pence and by the following roll call vote, to-t~rit: AYES: Councilman ~urt, I~e, Pence and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs. the foregoing resolu~ion was adopted. Z'he first r~ading of an vrdinance requiring permits on Construction of ~ement Block or concrete walls wa.s made by , l~r. Harris. N~r. Harris read the garbage ordiz~ance which he had prepared, Bi].1.s against the General Fund for ~8~297.60 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No ~ther business~ upon motion the meeting adjourn~d. ATTFST: ' ` c c- CITY CZgZK ~ MAY