Minutes 1960-04-13 18?' Arrogo Grande California ~ " r ~ .~~a~~~~-.~+ ~l~Y'~.f+~'~:.~t ~ : A 0 A ~o . . y_~,~ . . ° ~ " ~ s+~+F ~.'L r:y.~}s s~ ~ d. ~ +e . w_:~r y, ~ ~`~:"`:Ti:~~ • 4a: t~ ~1".r~'~A~ t~~ia~'~ ~r:,. ~ y ~4~ :'~i~.`°~~..~:~~otid'a~~1, ih*:reg~l:a~ ~s~ss~idri~>,~~~s=~r ,"B~rt pr~. ~,s, ~v~~ ,~:~k , _ ~ Upon roll call Couneilman I,eeJ Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. Niinutes of the previous regular mee~ing were read and appraved a~ read. Huasna ftoad sewer pro3ect was discussed and Mr. James Gates from the Health I~partment was present to answer any questions. Several property ownex~s present were in ~'h~'or of ~ewer service but the majority also requested more information on the cost. After discussion by those present the Council agreed th~re was not enough interest to proceed with the engineering at this time and selvised the property • owners, a new petition would be required if and when they ~rished to bring the se~er project up again. Mr. Gate~ reported the Health Dept. would reinspec~ the two properties that were giving trouble and if found insatisfactory they would be notified to enlarge the leeehfield~ connect to a~ewer or arrange for ~egular pumping by a licensed contractor. He also~stated the Health Dept. would not approve the issuance of building permits in the area regardless of lot size or acreage involved, Anne~cation of Val.ley Road #1 ~ras discussed and Nir. Harris advised the ~ounci~. and those present it was his opinion that the exclusion of the Lancaster 2Q acres would legally jeopardize the entire four ~rea anne~tion. It would then be a year before the other areas could request annexation. Several ranchers around the area protested the annexation and Mr. Fredman representing Mr. I,ancaster presented a petition from property owners favoring annexation of the Lancaster property so the subdivision could be co~leted. If not annexed ta the City the , ~ ~ property~could put the Subdivisfion through the County if all engineering was comp~ied with. After a lengthy discussion Councilman Pence said he felt the 2nd reading of the ordinance ~hould pro~eed. Counci].rian Jacobs agreed that all legal channels and hearings had been followed and the orclinance should be read. Mr. H~xris then read the h~ading of the Ordinance and a motion was made b~ Councilman Jacobs~ seconded bp Gouncilman Pence to el~:minate reading the balance of the ord.inance. On roll call vote, Couneilmen Lee~ Pence~ Jacobs and Mayor Burt voted Yes. Councilman Hartwig disqualified and abstained. 4 T i 7~86 Ordinance No. 1lt1 , Heading,etc. • . . ~ .r, ' . The Lot split request from NIr. Loren Newman was discussed as the City Plannin~ Comrai.si~n had asked for the Council's recozrnnendation of the street along Newport.;..~ounc~l~an:Ha~twig sug~ested Mr. Newman put in the street and charge the property owners. A motion was then made by Councilman Hartsaig seconded by Councilman Jacobs to refer the matter back to the Planning Commision for further study and recommendation. After further discussion approval was given for Mr. Newman to build one houss on the propert~. Mr. Anderson reported property owners had signed up for about 68% of the area on Rena Street and after discussion a motion was made by Councilman Hartwig~ seconded by Councilman Lee to nroeeed with the engineering on Rena Street. All members voted aye. P~r. Alton lee reported there was to be a meeting April ~th in regard to a garbage dump and Councilman Lee agreed to attend. Mr. Harris read the Heading of the new garbage ordinance for the 2nd time and a motion wa s made by Councilman Pence~ seconded by Coundilman Lee to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 11t2 Heading,etc. , Nir. Harris read the "eading of Ordinance No. 11~3 for the 2nd time and a motion wa~s made by Councilman Lee~ seconded by Couneilman Jacobs to dispense with reading the balance of the ordinance, motion carried. ° Ordinance No. 1lt3 ~ ~?Ti~~iGE 4F TI~E C:T~ {~F ARRQYt3 ~IS~~ ~'Rt7~~I~fQ ~'t}R . ` ~ a~ ~ AN TIO~ OF CF~i.T~I~T t1~INF3A.B~TED ~E~N.ITQRI~ TO t,~. ` TFIS CT'~Y f3F A~RflYC3" 4Ra4,1+~33E ~ - U,~ Mcitic~n. of ~c~unci3.man Jacvb~, ~ec~nded b~r ~Counci3.maa ~`e~e~-~ anti y$.,. ~ ~rf ~ v~.-~i~ f4Z1O~13,3ri~ rv~.1 Ca~ vOte, t~4-wi~s ~,z AYE~: ~.c~ur~c,i~n Bvrt,, I?ence ~ud Ja~~~bs. 1~{?:~.5: ~ounail~an L~e. ~ - . ~ ~ ABS~Ts Nflne Caunci].man I~art~i.~ Abs#,~3.n~ ~ the~ ~`orega3~ng Qrd~.~an~e wa~ adapted. ~ . ~a~ .~plit ~equsst fr~ Mr. Lor~n Nei~n w~:~ d3~Gt~s~ed as ; . ,,a, . : t~b~a `Ci~jr Rl~n~ai~ Ca~.~~~on had. ~i~~~d far the Cou~il'~ r~o~datiQn , , _ ~ ~ of the stre~~ $'~r~ N r~~ e~apo~. Counc~.lmsn Iiar~~a3.g su~ge~ted 1~9r. ~a~ ' . „ put ~:n th+~ ~treet ~d A~e the prc~p~r~~ awners. A~tion wa~ ~h~i ~ _ ~ , . - 3 ' ~de ~y ~vuna#:~~a ~ar~t~ri.~ ~.ecnaded b~r Caunci~ `:~~c~t~bs tc~ re,~er ~th,e ~t~ ~a+~k to th~. Pl~~~ni.n~ ~cu~t.ss~.~~ for. ~tkae+~ ~~tu~y and . ~ ~~c~~nendat,~on. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ , . . . E s . : , u, , . > After ~"art~,e~ cl~.scussion apprc~zra~. .~3:~~n fcsr Mr.°i ~T~an tc~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~.7.d or~~ house o~ ~ ~he propert;~,~~~~ ~ ~ I~r. And~rson reparted proper~y c~~ex'~s: ~sid ~ig~sd v.~ -~~i~~ < ~x,~.. _ ~ . ~ ~ - , ~ t~~ area t~n i~~~a S#.reet and<af'ter diss~ussie~n rya ~tot~~n ~ras m~d~ ' ~ ¢ _ ~ • , ~ : _ ' ~y Cc~tsr~c~~].m~ari ~artwig, second~d ~iy CQUnci2~n ~ee 'tc~ proceez~ t~3.~h: tT~i+~ ' ~ • - ~ . ~ ~ , , . ~ ' !~~BB~'$3~'. bS ~i'E#~; Si'.Y'e~'~?. ~ ' , . ~ , ~z - ~ . y , , , ~ . ~ ~ . . . . . ~ .~1. ~mmtsers vo~ed a~re. ~ ~ ~ ; ` ` A A1~; ~ee repart,$d th.~re w~s t4 be a mee~ing ~pr31 ~t~h 3:n L' ~ ~ , a~g~~rd tc~ ~~~e; cit~p a~nd ~dunc~l.n~ I~ee ~~e~d tc~ attend~.a : ; ~na ~°j ~ . ~ ° ,y ~ I~. Fiarr~ re~d t~,e ~ading trh~ ne~r ~arba ~e ~d~z.~a fca~ : the ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ ` ~ ~ 2nd t3.~ axtd mvt~on wa~ ~de b~ CQUnc~~man Fence, ~ets~nded 3~ -G~ir~c~;I~an , ~ ~~~~R I.~e: ~ d3~.~p~a~~ 't~3.~i readi.r~,,g ~he balanc~ of the ~rd~.n~~ceR , ; Qrd~ar~ee Ida, ],~2 ; : . ~ ~~D~~$ RFaGUI,.~TI~ TFi.E .C4LL~CfiIQ~i AMJ ~SPp~3~ `~3F s ~ - , R~`~:E~ ~iRBA~L~, i~dE`T Cr#~R~GE Ri3~B~` ~ ~N ~'HE CI`~"3C f3~' ` ' ~ ~ , AR~tt3I~ GI~AIVD~ R ~ , 3.A ~?~iZ~SNGe..~ MEANS Ff)R: F~~~ ~~~5. Tt~ B~ ' . p GHARG~D~ PRQVIIIING FQR EX~7CUTTOAI C~F A CODt~RA,C~ TO" PRfli~I~ , ~ ~ S~`C~S ~~LL~~.'I0~ : F~'tVI~E `W~THTfii ~'HE ~I2'~ {~F ~4Y~1' ~ . ~k~ LL P~Q~D~Tg THE A4~`I`~3~ OF AW.ARII~~ SUCH A CG1N~.ACT; ,~t~9'~~1~ ~ ~I~ FflR TH~ ~'T~I~ATI~N flF ~il~ 4~R~1~~ .~lJ R~'E~T.~Q , ~L t`~ CES TU ~'HE ~~ENT S~ ,t~.E Tt+i CO~dFZ~~T . FI~R~I'TT~I. . ` F {h~ ~tio~ o.~ ~'a~~ncil Pence, ~ec~rnded h~ ~~t~~.la~n° ~I:~r~t~.$, ' , ' 4 E a2~ QIl ~.~'itl ~"O~:C~.TI~ ~"t?~. G't~~ VOt,B 'fik~-t~.'~; . _ ` ~ _ A7~S. ~~r'~~,l~en ~ur~, I.ee~ ~'e~ce,' Ja~c~h$ and Hartw3g. ~ ~y~ : ~ ~ ~ y, ~}~i: ~ ~f~; ~ ~ ~ ~ s ` 189 the foregoing Ordinance was adopted. ~ : Mr. Harris read the heading of Ordinance No. 3.I.~.3 for the 2nd time ~ . ~ . s.~. ~ and a motion was ma.de by Councilman Lee~ seconded by Councilman Jacobs to dispense ~ith reading the balance of the ardinance.: Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1.1a.3 AN ORDINAt~VCE OF TH~ CIT~~~ OF AF~R.DYO GRANT?E REQUIRING 1HE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS IN COIVNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CII~iENT BI,OCK OR CONCftETE ti~f;ALLS, PRQ~ ~t~DI~Q F;u'FS THII3.EFOR, AND F~ROVIDING P~;NALTIES FOR VIC;LATIONS. 8n Motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by Co~uncilman Pence~ , and on the followi.ng ro7~. call vote~ to-wit: AYFS; Councilman Burt~ Lee~ Pence~ Jacobs and Hartwig, NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing ordinance was adopted this 13~h da.y of April, 1960. Mr. Baxter's request for rezoning of ~:is property on Grand Ave. was xead and a motion ma.de by Counci7.man Hartwig~ seconded by Counci].man Lee to refer the request to ths City Planning ~ommission. Motion carried. , Councilman Lee reported Mr. Kawoaka had asked hi,~ to see what co,~:l.d be done abaut drainage water washing gravel anto his property Y on Grand Ave. Mr. And.`erson repcrted he would eheck to see what could be done. Councilman I,ee ma's~.e a motion to appo~.nt James Ke11y, Folice Officer to serve at the pleasure of the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hartwig and the motion carried. The bids on the police car were opened and a motion was made by Councilman I,ee~ Seconded by Councilman Jacobs to accept the low bid of Christianson Chevrolet for ~1b96:00, motion caxried. Councilman Lee had a l.etter from Mr. T,itchfield of the ~ank of Am~riea in regard -to the bonds securing the City Funds and the ' let~er was re.ferred to I~r. Harris for his recomm~ndation and study. Mr. Anderson r~ported they planned to drain and clean the resevoir and repair a leak they had been unable to locate. Mr. Anderson and M,r. Peax~son were also to study and d~termd.ne the size and kin~ of another resevoir to be installed as soon aa possible. 19Q Nir. Anderson also agreed to check on the ~ity Lot on East . ~ , Branc~ as Mrs. Rodriquez had reported some damage was bei:ng l~ar~e ~ ~ t to her property. Mr. Johns t~ras present and his franchise was discussed and after discussion Mr, Johns agreed to put up his bond and he was given 2 months to pay up for the 2 years due on his franeHise. Mr. Harris repo~ted he would give NIr, Peterson notice to discontinue service inside the City as of May 15th~ ].960, A Motion was made by Councilman dacobs, seconded by Councilman Hartwig to transfer ~5000~00 in the streEt budget from construction to material and equipment rental. Motion carried, ~arrant It was agreed to hold up General Fund ,~792 to the Pacific Engineers ~ for ~1221~.,,37 for further study. ' Bi11s against the General Fund for ~17,l~J~8.2q~the Water Fund for ~3890.26l, the Sewer Rental Fund for ~l~.68 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~3~~2~ were ~,~~~~approved and ordered paid. No further business appeaxing upon motiono ~'he meeting adjourned, ATT~T: \ 1 Q-t9'L ~GG~i,~ cT cL oR . - ARROYO Gr~ANDE, CALIFORNIA APRII, 19, 1960 The City couneil m~t`:?~c~ canv~ss election returns of Apri1 l2~ 1q60. P~ayor Burt presided and Councilmen Zee, rence~ Jacobs and Hart~ig reported present, The Git,y Council acted as a board to tally the eleven absentee votes. Totals of the votes cast at the regular election and the`absentee votes were read, , RESOLUTION 1~38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF AF~.ROYO GRANDE, CALI~CORNIA, RECITING T~iE FgCT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPA:L ;II,ECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF ARROYO GR:;NDE,_ON THE 12TH DAY DF ~RIZ, 1960, DE;CLARING 2'HE RESUI,T TIiEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS A~ A~.E PROVIDED BY LAW: