Minutes 1960-06-28 205 Arroyo Grande, Calif. June 28, 1960. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilman Lee, Pence, and Hartwig. Absent Councilman Jacobs. The minutes of the June 14th meeting were approved as prepared. The ~ity Clerk was instructed to write to the County of San Luis Obispo and request.a new lease be grepared to cox~'espond with-the Resol.ution passed by the Board of Supervisors March l4, 1960. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig to give Chief Riehardson_permission to attend the Zone 3 meeting in Monterey. Motion was seconded by Council- man Pence and all members present voted "Aye". Couneilman.Pence regorted for the Committee that met with Officials from.Grover Gity to disc~ss the feasibility of combining the two building departmenots. I~. was mutually agreed the two departments could not be handled together and that the City would give any assistance to Grover they could, if needed. Councilman_Jacobs arrived at'7:45 p.m. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig;to allow the Methodist Church on Halcyon Road tr~ install a septic tank now with the provision they will connect to the sewer when the sewer becomes available. Motion was seconded by Councilman_Jacobs and all members voted "Aye". Mr. Jim Brasher submitted signed agreerct~nts from 24 propert~ owners in Willow Park agreeing to maintain the park site, A letter from the Insurance Company c3.arif~ting the City's iiability on ~he park is to be requested. A motion was made by Councilman Pence that protests in the amount of $10,380.00 against the Oceand-Halcyon Annexation does not constitute the majority. Motion was seconded by Councilman Jacabs and all members voted . ~~Aye . The Ordinance calling for a special Election for the Oceano-Halcyon Annexation was xead for the first time. . A letter from the Willorick_Corporation was pre- sented by Mrs. George Grieb and Mrs. Sevier offering gortions of 'tY~eir property for the Easterly extensi~in of FairOaks Avenue. The letter was accepted by the Council and referred to the Planning Commission for consideration in future planning. Mr. Harris read the Ordinance ~or the Baxter re- zoning for the first time. Mr. Iiarris read the Heading of the Ordinance for the Re-zoning of the Biddles Property for the 2nd reading. A motion was made by Councilman-Pence, seconded by Councilman Lee, to dispens~ with reading the balance of the Ordinance. All members voted "Aye". ;206 J'une 28, 1960 l~age 2 , ORDINANCE NO: 147 AN ORDINANCE OF THE.CIT4Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ANIENDING SECTION 4 OF QRDINANCE N4. 95-0F TFiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman-Pence and on the following ro11 call, to-wit: AYES: Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT:None the foregoing,Ordinance was adopted this 2,8th day of June, 1960. Mr. Whipple from Whipple, Murphy, Pearson and Associates gave an oral preliminary report on the Water Master Plan. Mr. Hoffman of Pacific Gas and Electric Company submitted plans for improved street lighting within the City and lighting in newly annexed areas, and explained the rates for the better ,lighting. No action was taken at this time. Mr. Orville Johns was to have his bond and payment in full to the present, for the Garbage Franchise suY~mitted to the City Clerk by July 5, 1960. A reques~ from Young Bros. Investment Co. to abandon a portion of 19th Avenue was taken under discussion. Mr. Harris was to draw up a notice to abandon upon receipt of a description from Young Bros. The Council also agreed to meet with representatives from the Investment Company to dis- cuss the sewer line extension to their property. A request from-Kenneth-Beck for approval of street imprave- ments in Tract No 108 was taken under consideration. The Council denied Mr. Janolis request to rent the waxing machine owned by the City. Councilman Jacobs requested preliminary budgets be sub- ~ mitted to the City Clerk. On motion.of-Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, Warrants against the General_Fund for $4,933.70 and the Trea- surer's Departmental Trust Fund for $2,982.57 be approved and ordered paid. All members voted "Aye". No further business, upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. to Tuesday July 5, 1960 at _7:00 p.m. ~ ~ ATTEST:~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; CI CLERK pR ~