Minutes 1960-09-13 219~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. September 13, 1960 The City Council met in an a~egular session wi~h Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Pence and Hartwig. Absent Councilmen I~e and Jacobs. The minutes of the August 23, I960 meeting were co~rected and approved. The minutes of the August 30 and 31, 1960 meet~ngs wer~ approved as prepared. Councilman Lee joined the Council at 7:30 pom. The awarding of the Garbage Franchise was discussed by ~ir. Orville C. Johns, and Peter Andre, Attorney, for the Tri-City Disposal Service and by Mr. Aridrew-David, Attorney, and Mr. Peterson for the South County Sanitary Service. Members of the audier~ce par~ticipated in an open discussion of the awarding of the franchise. : Mr. Andre and Mr. David ~ were to submit briefs on legality of bids to the City Attorney ~efore the September 27th meeting. RSSOLUTION NQ. 459 A RESOLUTION f3~ERTNG 1NiODIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS RENA STREET EXTEI~TSION PRO- JECT NO. 60-1 4n motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Gbuncil- man Pence and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYESs Mayor Burt, Gouncilmen Lee, Pence, Hartwig NOES : 1~7'one . ABSENT: Councilman-Jacobs ~he foregoing Reso~ution was adopted this 13th day of September, 1960. A motion was:made by CQ~ncilman Lee that a~ the property identified as Assessment No. 22, of the Rena Street Extension Project was already connected to the sewer on Halcyon Road it would be relieved of the sewer assess~nt on Rena Street, but when it ~onnects to~the sewer on Rena Stre~t, it wouTd be required to pay as a connection charge the same amount equal to the as~essment had the property been..3ncluded ir~ this Assess~nt District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pence and all meinbers present voted "Aye°. Absent Councilman Jacobs. No protest on the Abandonment of 19th Street. : _ . . . : RESQLUTION . ~TtJ. 460 RESOLUTION ABANI~ONING AND CLOSING A ~ PORTION OF 19th STREET AND RAMl7NA AVENUE IN THE CITY OF ARROY4 GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE QF CALIFORNIA _ . On motion of Councilman I,~e, seconded by Councilman Fence and on the following ro~l call-~ote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor ~Iurt, Council~n Lee, Pence and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of September, 1960. ~~220 The correspondence from Pacific Telephone and Telegraph re- garding Walnut Street improvement was feferred to Mr. Harris. Mr. McCann requested the drainage problem on Tally Ho be taken under consideration before the rain season. Councilman Iiartwig arid J. E. Anderson, Jr. were to determine if the drai,n- ~ age problem cauld be eliminated. A motion was made ~y Councilman Pence to accept the Final Map of Subdivision Tract 186 subject tosthe Improvement Bond in amount of $146,509.50, 296 Inspection Fee to be include,d in Improvement Bond with actual cost of Ins~ction to.be charged, a copy of Deed Restrictions, Tax ~ond being sigr~~cl, and agree- ment with City on Water Line, participation and refund. Motion was seconded by Councilrnan Lee. Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee and Pence voted "Aye". Councilman Jacobs absent. Councilman Hartwig, abstained. R~St3Lti'~ION NO. 461. OF THE GIT~ OF ARROYO GRANDE BE ZT RESOLVED, that a"15 minute parking area" shall be established in the area hereinafter designated or~ "MASON STREET° in the City of Arroyo Grande, and the Chief of Police of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby directed to cause appropriate sigrts to be errected desig- nating said area and to have the curbing painted with the appropriate color and lettering designating said ar~a to be a "15 minute parking area.° The area which is to be so designated as a"15 minute parking area" is de- scribed as follTvws: ' "To extend 57 feet Northerly from a point which is 64 , feet from the North Property Line of , Branch Street" On motion of- Councilpnan Lee , and seconded by Councilman Pence , and on the following roll ca11 vote, to-wit: AYBS: Burt, Lee, Pence, Hartwig NQES: None AS~ENTs Jacobs the foregoing Resolution wa~ adopted this 13~.hday of September , 1960. ~ -~#~~•~Cl~~- . 221 A motion was made by Councilman Lee to aceept the re- signation of Mr. Ket~ering from the Planning;Commis~ion. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hartwig and ~.11 members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Jacobs. A motion was made by Councilman Lee to appoint-F~. Oliver Tally to the Planning Coimnission. Motion was ~econded by Councilman Hartwig and all members present voted "Aye". Councilman Lee read a letter from Paul Lauthbury thank- ing the Police Department ~or their,fast action and assis~ance. The Cauncil agreed to meet with the Planning Commission Tuesday September 20, 1960 to discuss the Zoning Ordinance. Councilman Pence made a motion to accept the Water Report prepared by W'hipple, Adamson, Murphy and B1ake. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lee and all members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Jacobs. Canvass of the Ballots for the Oceano-Halcyon Annexation Election, was as follows: Total Votes"Cas~ - 412 Yes - 160 No - 252. A motion was made by Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Lee to accept th~e talley of-~rotes as stated. ~ All n~mbers pre~~t voted "Aye". A.bsent Councilman Jacobs. A letter wa5 r~ceived from Mr. Claude Dever~aux pro- testing the change in the Garbage Franchise awarding. A letter was received from the Regional Water Pollution Control Board notifying the Council of the next scheduled ~eting September 23, 1960. Correspondence received from the City of Santa Maria thanking Chief Richardson for being a member of the Oral Board for Police Patrolm~en for the Santa Maria Department. Councilman Lee reported Mr. Hiyama requested a new lease be entered into with the City showing the ~eduction of rent. 1Kr. Iiarris was to draw a new lease. Mr. Murphy presented to Mayor 2~urt ~ proposal for the engineering of the Water Reservoir Uesign on the Brisco Fiill Site. The City Clerk was instructed to request permission from the Division of Highways to close that portion of Branch-Street from Sridge to M~san during the Harv~st Festival. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Cauncilma~n ' Hartwig, Warrants against the General Fund for-$6,851.82, the Water Fund for $3,239.02 were approved and ordered paid. A1Z-members pre~ent voted °Aye". On Motion af Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Pence Vouchers No. 8 to 15 were audited and ordered tra.ns- ferred. All mernbers present voted "Aye". No further business, upon motion the meeting adjourned at , 11:55 p.m. : • , ATTE3T: . ; C'''~ . ` ~ ,.y.~" TY C RK MAYO