Minutes 1960-09-27 222 Arroyo Grande, Calif.' September 27, 1960 The City-Cou~icil me~~in a reguYar session with_Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig . , . _ The minutes of the'~5ep~~mb~,r 13, `1960- mee~ting.Were approved as gre~iared. ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. Harris advised the Council the briefs requested from the attorney's representing the two,garbage companies had nat been received°iri~~time; ~nd he would be unable to give an ans- wer on the legality of the bids for the Garbage Franchise at this meeting. Discussion on the awarding of the Garbage Fran- chise was continued until 7:30 p.m. Friday, September 30, 1960. Mr. Jack Webster read a letter from himself and Mrs. Web~ter giving their reasons fox wishing the present garbage franchise holder be retained by the Ci~ty. Correspondence was received from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schanz stating they were ~tisfied with the present garbage company and requested no Char~ge be. pnac~e. , , . A lette~ was ~rec~iv~d from-~the ~City ^of Grcaver City stating the Fairgrove Fire District was now fiY~e G~o~r~rCity: F'ire Depart- ment, and the City had assumed operation and control. Tt is their desire to continue:~he Mutual Aid Agreement_for Fire Pro- tection. All members~were in favar on continuing the agr~ement and Mr. Iiarris was to prepare a new agreement. A motion was made by Councilman'Hartwig to accept the 12 foot wide improved Walnut Street ~or maintenance, subject to acceptance by the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pence and all members voted "Aye". The irrigation line in Wi11ow Park was discussed. Mr. Harris stated he had received no answer from Addision Wood xegarding the line and that he would contact Mr. Wood again. A motion was mad~-b~r Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Hartwig to accept the deed for proper~.y to connect High Street to Le Point Street from Mr: and Mrs. Leo Brisco. All members pre5ent vated "Aye". The Council assured Mr. McCann of Tally Ho Road, they would take the necessary steps to relieve the drainage _ situation on Tally Ho Road. It was agreed the property owners on N. Alpine between Bennett Avenue and Faeh Street participate`in the improving of the street by paying for 8 inches of base and installing curh`: and guttexi, and the Gity will do~ ~the necessary exca- vation and road mix the s~rface. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconc~ed by Councilman Penee ~o approwe hir~.~ng three men to survey and stals.e grades on Newport Avenue, Alpine Street and Faeh Ave- nue . All members voted ,'~A~ze , : Mr. Hartwig was~to discuss with Mr.~Beck the city ~ participation in the improvement of Halcyon R~ad adjacent to Willow Park. The Council granted germission to have new lighting installed in the offices of the City Clerk, and to have the fire siren switches transferred closer to'the telephone and radio, ~ It was agreed to pay the final payment to Hermreck and. . Miller for the addition to the City HaYl at the October ll, 1960 meeting. ~2~ RESOLUTION NO. 462 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THAT IT PROPOSES TO CHALdGE THE NAME OF WALNUT STREET TO ~ENNETT AVENLIE ' On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Pence and upon the following vote: AYES: Mayor burt, Councilman Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig ~1i~S z None ABS~~i'~: None ~he foregoing resolution was adopted 8egtemtber::•27, 1960. RESOLUTION NO. 463 RESOLUTTON OF THE GITY COUNCIL TAAT IT PROPOSES TO CHANGE THE NAME D~' HIGH ST~tEET TO LE POINT. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs and upon the fol.lowing vote: AYTS: Mayor Burt, Councilman Lee, Pen~e, Jacobs, Hartwig. NOESs None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolut~aon was adopted September 27, 1960. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Lee warrants against the General Fund for $5,684.23 were approved and ordered paid. All ~mbers voted "Aye". On motion of Councilman;Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Pence the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. to Friday, ' September 30, 1960 at 7s30 p.m. ~ F/'f ~ ) , J~ ATTEST:1.~i~~/ _,~i1d1_.,~~~ c~°'„t'.~ x~, ~;.,`.ii,P ~ ~ C.~ TY CLERK MA R .