Minutes 1961-02-28 24? Arroyo Grande, Calif. February 28, 1961 The City.Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. The minutes of the February 14th, 19b1 regular meeting and the February 16th, 1961 adjourned meeting were approved as prepared. A letter was received from the Arroyo Grande Talomans Club stating their desire to meet with the Council to discuss an extension of time on their building project for the lot donated to them by Mr. Beckett. The City Clerk was instructed_ta write to them and request they have representatives at the meeting of March_14, 1961. Mr. Shipsey, an Attorney representing a nurnber of-Arroyo Grande Merchan~:~: who were opposed to allowing auctions within the City of goods of businesses which had failed or been closed or liquidated in other cities, appeared and stated that he believed the license which had been issued to Chaffin's Jewelers had been issued in violation of Ordinance No. 142 of the City of Arroyo Grande, in that the business for which the license had been sought was a Transient Busir~ess withiri the meaning of the City Ordinance, but the applicant had only applied for and been issued a license for a regular business, and~-_further that the license which had been issued did not contain the infarmation stamped across the face thereof that was required by Section 17 of said_Ordinance to the effect that it was a"Transient.-License". Mr. 5hipsey submitted ~ advertisements or notiees distributed by Chaffin's Jewelers relative to the proposed auction, to subs~antiate his conten- tion that the business for which the lieense-had been_sought was a Transient Business under the terms of said License Ordinance. On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded lay Councilman Lee the Council determined that the business for which the license had been sought was a Transient-Business within the meaning of Ordinance No. 102 and that '~t~~ license issued for said business operation did not carry thereon a notation that it ~aas a"Transient Business" as required by said Ordinance,and for these reasons the license which had there- . tofore been issued was declared null and void. The Council further in said motion directed the City Clerk_to advise the Chaffin's Jeweler representative that the licen,se t~eretofore issued was not eff~~tive and that application would have ta be ,made : for : a proper ;license; to-wit a; ~license for a transient b~zsiness and.tne fee for such transient busiiness license would thereupon have to be paid by the applicant. RESOLUTION.NO. 475 ~ RESOE,UT~ION. OF THE CITY COUNCI-L FSXIN~ ~ . RATES OF LICENS~ TAX FOR: AUCTI~UDiEERI1~G ~ UNDE R TI3~ °PROV I S I ONS OF ORI7INANCE NUMBER 102 . _ On motion of Councilman Jacobs and seconded by Council- man Pence that_a Resolutit~n b~~adopted inexeasing the for auctioneering 1"icen=se under sul~section 79 0€ :Section 1~4 of Qrdinance ' 102 from $1.00 per c~.ay to the s~un of $~~:fl`O per day, pursuant to the authority grar~~ed'the City 248 Council under Section T6 of said.Ordinance 102 , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig NOE~: None ABSENT: None the said Resolution being Resolution No. 475 was adopted. L~r. Harris read d~dinance i+3o: ,l~sla , said Ordinance was entitled "AN ORUINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, RE- GULATING FIRE AND CLOSING OUT SALES IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GItANDE, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, DE- CLA~,ING THIS ORIIINANCE TO BE AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO BE- COME EEFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, AND PROVIDING-PENALTIES FOR THE ~ VIOLATION I~REOF." This reading constituted the first reading of said ordinance. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig,:seconded by Councilman Jacobs to accept the low bid of the Richfield 0i1 Corporation to supply gasoline to the City from March l, 1961 to February 27, 1962. All members present voted "Aye". RESOLUTION NO. 476 - ~T; , ~ 4J/~. ~ ~~i ::rc-r ~,<,,<'~ /Cti:f y~`. i,~r,2t,y~ ,~1.' ^ e _ w G=y,. ,F'i~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ 0n motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig, and on the following roll call ~ote to-wits AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, ~ Ha.rtwig. NOES: None ~1BSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of February, 1961. The hearing for abandoning and closing a portion of 20th street-was opened and Mr. and Mrs. Graham_Huddleston protested on the basis they would have no access to their property. On request of Mr. Addison Wood the hearing was recessed until later in the meeting. Mr. Anderson reported he had met with Mr. Beck and the County would cut Fialcyon Road down 2 feet by the Margaret Harloe School, to improve the vision_and eliminate some of the traffic hazzard, if the City would run the profiles. It was agreed to have Mr. McLennan do the profiles as soon as possible. Mr. Riggins of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company presented a proposal for the Reservoir on Brisco Hill and answered questions regarding steel water tanks. Mr. Anderson was to - contact valve companies and begin soil testing at the re- . servoir site. . 2~9 The drainage in the Western Addition area was discussed ~ and_the Council stated the only solution at the present time would be an assessment district for the whole area. The City Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Born, the Coun~y Hydraulic Engineer, and request him to attend the March_14, 1961 meeting to discuss the over.all drainag~, plan the Coun~ky was having prepared. The Council approved an advance payment of $150.00 for expenses~for the two water departm+ant employees who will attend the water meter school in Monterey Park,for or~e week. RESOLUTIDN NO. 477 A RESOLUTION OF 'Y'HE CITY COUNCIL OF ARROYO GRANDE, AtJTHt)RIZING AND DIRECTING THE CANCELLATION OF GENERAL FUND WARRANT #605 DATED JANUARY 10, 1961. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Pence, and on_the following roll call vote: AYES; Mayor Burt, Councilmen:Lee, Pence, Jacobs-and Hartwig NOES: None Y ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of February, 1961. The hearing for abandonment of a portion of 20th Street was re-opened, and Mr. Huddleston stated he had no further objections to abandoning the street, after discusssng the problem with Mr. Wodd, Mr. Baxter ~nd Mr. Lovett. RESOLUTION NO. 478 RESOLUTION ABANDONING A~TD CL05ING A PORTION OF 2QTH STREET IN THE CIT'Y OF AR~tOY4 GRAND~, COUNTY t~F SAN ~,UIS OBISP4, STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Council- man Lee and on the following roll call vot~, to-wit: AYES: :F~a.yor Burt, Couneilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, and ~ Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution:was adopted this 28th day af February, 1961. The City Clerk notified the Couneil that the Initative Petition xegarding the Garbage Ordinance had b~een filed with her February 28, 1961. The drainage from the Young Brothers property north of Grand Avenue was discussed and Mr. Harris was to have a de- - cision ~ar the Council at the adjourned meeting Mareh 6, 1961. A motion,was made by Counc~.lman Lee, seconded by Council- pe~~~~ that the Cit~r accept.the agre~ment with Woods Animal. Shelter and the Mayor be authorized to sign for the City. All members present voted "Aye". ~~~o A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Hartwig, that Dona Dayton be employed to serve~at the pleasure of the Council. All members present voted "Aye". ~ A motion -was•.made by Counc~lma~n Jacah~y s~conded _by Counci3- man Lee that warrants against the General Fund for $10,144.10 be approved and ordered paid. Al1 members present voted "Aye". . . , . . , _ ~ , Upon ;mat2on, ~he mee~ti~r~g~ ad~journed: at 10:~55 p.~i~t. to Monday, March ,6, 1961~~ a~ 5. 30 p.1n. „ , ~ ~ ATTEST • ~c ~ City Clerk Mayor ~ , . .