Minutes 1961-04-11 256 Arroyo Grande, California April 11, I.961 The ~ity Council met in regular session with-Mayor Burt gresiding. Present were Councilr~?en Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. 'I'h,e minutes of the regular meeting of March 28th, 1961 meeting were approved as prepared. Correspondence was read from the Depa~tment of-Security of the California Polytechnic College requesting,permissian for the City to re-bristle a broom for their street sweeper. Fermis~ion_ was granted by- the Council . Correspondence received from Loren New~an requesting that the inspection fee on Tract No. 202 be charged for the actual time instead of the 3~ of the contract price. The request was denied, as the 3~ charge was required by Ordinance. Mr. Roberts of the Division of Highways discussed the terms of the agreement for funds allocated from the_State Highway Fund to Citi~s. RESOLUTION NO. 482 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING MASTER ~ AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNllS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES: On motion of Gouncilman Hartwig, seconded by Counc~lman Jacobs, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig. NOESs None ABSENT: i~one the foregaing Resolution was adopted this llth day of April, 1961. The request of the Church of Latter_Day Saints for per- mission to install a temporary septic tank at their church site was discussed and t;he Council instructed Mr. Harris to draw-an agreement to allow the installation. Mr. Chester Williams representing the Chamber of Commerce, requested the Council allow the Chamber to place brochures, maps, etc, in the new offices a~djacent to the City Hall, and have City personnel assist with the Chamber work at this time'. Permission was granted. ~ Mr. Anderson submitted plans for remadeling_~the City Offices and the new addition. The Council agreed the re- modeling be done, the expense not to exceed $1,200.00 Mr. Anderson stated Mr. Martin Polin wished to know the City's plans for the 20 foot strip of land adjacent to his pro,perty on the lOl Frontage Road in the Western Addi.tion. Mr. Harris advised to dispose of the land it would_have to be sold at public auction, and Mr. Anderson-was to check and determine if the City held title to the property Mr. Polin was interested in. - ~i~~ The curb and-gutters at-Alder Street and Dodson WAy was ~:iscussed. It was agreed the City would participate approximately $200.00 to complete the work at the inter- section. Mx. More requestec7 the signs directing the public to the Palo Mesa subdivision be allowecl to stay on the City property~. Mr. Awalt recomanended the signs be removed and the Council agreed. Councilma.n Jacobs introduced Mr. Keys, from Graver City, who discussed the area sewer treatment plant and collection system with the Council. Mr. Keys stated a ResoZution was necessary from the Council to allow Mr. Jenks to go ahead with the preliminary survey and appli- cation for Federal funds could be ma.de. Nir. Keys sa3.d there wauld be no charge at_this time by Mr. Jenks and there would be no cost to the C~.ties until actual con- stx•uction begins. Councilman Lee wanted to go on record as being absolutely for ~khe sewer plant and collection system. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, secanded by Councilman Lee to authorize Mr. Jenks to begin the ne- cessary preliminary study. All rnembers present voted ~~Aye . It was agreed to name the new_stxeet be~ween Hal.cyon Road and Rena Street_"Dodson-Way", to conform with the existing;Dodson-Way. RESOLUTION N4. 483 , , - , , X.7'e, ~~i t'.~~?~~~" ~ ~~,.~.:r,~ c'~e.ru` ~~.ra.~~_~.~'.. < ~'"~'t~., :~.~~~.~~.c., a On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman _Jacobs, and on the following roll ca11, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilm~n Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adapted this llth day of April, 1961. Mr. Dearth presented litexature and costs for a Wayne Sweeper, the three yard sweeper to cost $9,430.00 tax included and the four yard sweeper $10,900.DO plus tax. No decision was made at this time. A mbtion was made by Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Hartwig, to set the hearing for the Zoning Ordinance and Sign Ordinance for May 9th, 1961 at 8:0~ p.m. All members present voted ~'A~e". Councilma.n Jacobs requested an index be made for the Zoning Ordinance for the final acceptance. Disposition of the 1959 Fa~d police car was held over to a later m,eeting, until Mr. Harris could advise the Council on the methods to be used. 258 A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded by Council- man Hartwig, to set the consideration at_$10.00 to extend-the agreement with the Woman's Club for five years. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Hartwig, warrants against.the General.Fund for $11.,857.43 the Water Fund for $1,657,~00 and the Water Deposit Fund for $17.25, were approved and_ordered paid. All members preseiat voted."Aye". On motion of Councilman Jacobs, secanded by.Councilman Lee, Vouchers No. 60 thru b4 were approved-and ordered transferred. All members presen,t voted "Aye". On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Pence, the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 p.m. to Wednesday, April 12th, 1961 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the purchase of the Ma.chado property adjacent_to the City Ha.ll. ATTEST ~ ~ ~ CITY CLERK MAYOR ~