Minutes 1961-05-31 : ~b~ Arroyo Grande, California May 31st, 1961 7:30 p.•m. The G.ity Council met in-an adjourned meeting with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence and Jacobs. Absent Councilman Hartwig. The following bids were received on.Unit One for the Brisco Hi11 Reservoirc Chicago Bridge and Iron_Company, $45,120.00, McCarthy 5tee1 and Tank Company, $75,089.00, CQ~solidated Western :Steel, $51, 983.00, La.cy Manufacturing ;Company, $52,487.00, and Pittsburgh Des Moines Stee1 Cornpany <$50,330.00. There Lvere no bids xeceived on Unit Two. A motion was made by.`Councilman Pence, seconded by - Councilman-Lee to award the contraet to the low bidder, Chicago Bridge and Iron Cempany, subject to the:.option of dele~ing $1,000.00 from the contract at a later date if it was decided not to paint the bottom of the tank. All members present voted "Aye", Absent Coun~ilman kiartwig. A mation was made by Councilman E~snab;~ seconded_by Councilman ~~+~bs, that the City complete Unit Two of the Brisco Hil1 Reservoir contract, as no bids had be~n.re- ceived. Al1 members present voted"A~e°. Absent Council= man Hartwig. A motion was made by Councilman_Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Lee, giving final approval of Tract No. 202 and authorizing the City Engineer to sign the final map ; subject to the following as recommended by the Planning Commiss~.on: 1. Written approval from the County for the ' portion of the tract not within the Ci~y, 2 an easement from Mr. Erno, 3 an easezn~nt for the .water line, 4 payment the $30.00 Plan Check_Fee, 5 the recording fee of $7.50, 6 an agreement for the maintenance of the ponding area, subject to Mr. Harris's approval, and 7 the planting,of one tree per lot. All members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilma.n Hartwig. RE~OLUTION NO. 489 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY-DESCRIBED HEREIN, AI~D DESIGNATED AS "FAI'12 OAKS NO. 26 AND GIVING 1~7'OTICE OF THE fiIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS: On motion of Councilman.Pence, seconded by Gouncilman Jacobs, and on the following roll call-vote, to-wit: AYESs Mayor Burt, Counci~lmen Lee, Pence, and Jacobs. NOES: None , ABSENT: Co~ncilman Hartwig the foregoing Resolution was adopted 31st day of May, 1961. A motion_was made by Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Jacobs that the house being built by.Stanley Grieb to be accupied by his Uncle Henry, be allowed to connect to ~he City Sewer Line and that this connection will constitute the final sewer service connection and,terminate any previous agreement regarding connectians to the sewer line thru Grieb property. All members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Hartwig. ~68 A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, secpnded b~ ~ Councilman Lee, that ~khe monthly fee for the Grieb house being connected to the City sewer line be set at_$1.50. All members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Hartwig. , . _ _ . _ A motion was made by Councilman_Lee, seeonded_by Councilman Jacobs t~,at the minutes of December 7. 1950, be amended to read Stanley Grieb instead of Carl ~rieb. AI.1 members present voted_"Aye". Absent Councilman Hartwig. ~ . < _A-xre~#e~.-wa~-~ade-1~~*-Ee~~e~~~a~-~e,--seee~~.e~-]~y . Ee~~e~~x~a~-d'aee~s-~~a~-~~e-~~~~~es-e~~-~eee~e~-~r-~9~8 Judge Dana requested the jury stand be carpeted, and cost estimates were to be obtained for the next meeting. The,clerk was requested to check on the status of a special census for the City. Mr. Anderson was to have the City Limit signs changed to show the correct population and have a sign placed on the C-ity Limits at 18th and Grand Avenue. ATTEST t~ G~ ~Zf'd_~/~,~~.Y~ I [.G G~?(, GITY CLERK OR _ a , . . . . . ~ . . _ . . ~ ,3