Minutes 1961-11-28 r~96 Arroyo Grande, Caiif, - November 28, 1961 The City CounciL met in reguLar sessian with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig. Absent-was Councilman Jacob~s. The minutes of the regular meeting of Navember 14, 1961 and the adjourned meeting af November 17, 1961 were approved as prepared. Councilman Pence reported the Committee formed to studq the water rates for the Elementary School had reached no decision at this time. The Council approved the formation of a San Luis Obispo County Mayors-Managers Congress as proposed by Mayor Davidson of San Luis Obispo. The heading of the Ordinance to amend the Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Ordinance was read for the second reading. A motion was made by CounciLman Hartwig, seconded by Gouncil- man Penee, to d~~pense with reading the balance of the Ord- inance. All members present voted 'tAye". ORDINANCE NO. 156 AN ORDII~TANCE T0 AMEND THE UNI ~'~RM IACAL SALES AA7D USE TAX ORDINANCE On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded bq Councilman Pence, and by the follc?wing ro1L call vote: AYES: Maqor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSE~IT: Councilman Jacobs ` the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 28th day of November, 1961. The Council approved the purchase of 86 shoulder patches for the Police Department, as reeomrnended by Councilman Lee. A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded by Council- man Hartwig to accept the resignation sul~nitted by Melvin Hodges, to become effective Nov.ember 30, 1961, and to express the Council's appreeiation for his service to the City. All members pre~efit voted "Ayer' . AZton Lee presented tv the Council the drainage report prepared by the County for this area. A motion was macle by Cout~eilman Lee, seconded by Council- man Hartwig, that Councilman Pence be allowed to leave the state from December 6, 1961 to December 13, 1961..A11 members present voted t'Aye't. Councilman Hartwig reported the sewer line installed on Traffic Way had naw been covered. The Planning Commission nofi ified the Council they had ~ received as candidates to fill ~ha two vacancies created by the expired terms of Mr. Bennett and Mr. Evans, the following: Mr. Bennett, Mr. Evans, Mr. Strother and Mr. Wood. A motion was made by Conneilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Pence, that no decision be made on the Planning Cc~m~missivn members until a later me~ting, to allow ~ime for consideration of the appointment, by the Couneil. All metnbers pre~ent voted '~Aye". 28~ The Status of the Zonin~ Ordinance and Map was discussed, and Mr. Anderson stated the Ordinanee had not been received from Mr. Pearson. Tom Connerley was advised, the Civil Defense meeting on November 30, 1961 at the Orcha~d Ave. School, would be an adjour~ned Council meeting, and Mayor Burt would preside: RESOLUTION N0. 506 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CTTY QF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD STOP AND YI~LD SIGNS, AND ESTABLISHING SgEED ZONES AND DTRECTING ERECTING OF SPEED LIMIT SIGNS, AND UTP SIGNS A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Lee and by the following roll call vote:' AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: Council~an Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th daq of Navember, 1961. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded bq Councilman Per~ce, that Pau1 McTaggert be employed as Ass~istant Building Inspector, to serve at the pleasure af the Council. All members present voted 'tAqet'. Mr. Arthur Garep requested a refund on the 196~-6L taxes on real property he owns. Councilman Hartwig~and Mr. Harris were to discuss the taxes with Mr, Garey before`the next Council meefiing. Councilman Hartwig asked the status of the proposed soad at Fair Oaks Ave. from Haicyon Road to Valley Road. Mr. Anderson informed the Council, a map was beir~g prepared of the route to be given to Mr. Harris for the next necessary steps. Mr. Harris advised the Council, it had been brought to his attention the Judge of the Fourth Judicial Distriet contemplated sentencing prisoners canvicted on certain State Penal Code sections to the Arroyo Grande City Jail and had corresponded with the Judge regarding his intentions. Mr. Harris had received an answer from the Judge, stating the Court did not operate on rumors, and if sentencing, such as above stated, was to be done, the City would be notified in advance. A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded bq Councilman Pence, that Warrants against the Ganeral Fund for $5,149.03, be approved and ordered paid. Al1 members present voted "A~r~'t. thz ~otion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Pence, the ffieeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to $':OQ p.m. Nov~mber 30, 1961 at the Orchard Street School Cafeteria. ATTEST ~ CITY LERK ` Mayor Arroyo Grande, Calif. Nov~mber 30, 1961 . Orchard Street School The City Council met in an adjourned sessian with M~yar Burt presiding. Present w~re Councilmen Lee and Pence. Absent were Councilmen Jacobs and Hartwig. Civil Defense for the Gity of Arroyo Grande was discussed and Mr. Dixon Conrad spoke on the County of San Luis Obispo Civil Defense. Mayor Burt appointed a committee of the followin~ to ~eet Deeember 15, 1961, at the City Hall• Tom CQneriey Re~` T~~~, Dr. Peterson, Clem La,mberfi, Don Deal., Ben Miller, ~~~xk ~Moore`; _ i~anc~ aCvnr~~ - ~ ~$ne _R~snd.eau ~rs ; t: ~ , ..~fi: S~°~~~.~`~5~~ 'T:~": ~napp. ATTEST : ~ , . ' ~ MAYOR