Minutes 1962-02-13 ~0~ ` Arroyo Grand.e, Calif. Februa~y 13th, 1962 - The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt pre- sid.ing. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and. Hartwig. Absent were none. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 23rd., 1962 and. the ad.journed. mee~ing of January 30th, 1962 were approved. as prepared.. The request of the Pismo School District for the Council to refer someone who would. be willing to speak on this Community at their third. grad.e classes was d.iscussed.. Mayor Burt suggested. Mr. Strother be contacted., and. the Council recommend. him to the School District. Mayor Burt appointed,Wm. H. Angel as Assistant Civil Defense Director for the City of Arroyo Grand.e, and. as the City's representa- tive as a member of the County Civil Defense Committee. After d.iscussion Mayar Bur~t re-appointed. Wm. H: Angel as the Director of Civil Defense. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Pence, second.ed by Councilman Jacobs, that approval be granted.for Mr. Ben Miller to land.scape the area around the Reservoir on Br~isco Hill, at a cost of approxi- mately $450.00. All members present voted. 'tAyett. Approval was given for the purchase of a new siren for the panel truck purchased.for the fir~e d.epartment, the cost ~o be charged. against the bud.egeted.item of Fire Fighting Equipment. The request of the Arroyo Grand.e Union Elementary School for an ad.justme~t in either the rates or the billing for the use of cit~ water was taken und.er d.iscussion. It was agreed any ad:justment mad.e would. be in conflict with the City Water Ordinance and. no change would: be mad.e at this time. Mr. Garey d.iscussed. the water minimums charged to him for a single meter serving multiple structures at his property on West Branch St. It was decided. to request information from the Lea~ue of Galifornia Cities on water minimums of this type before making a d.ecision. The hearing on the aband.onment of Cross Street was continued. until the meeting of Febrv.ary 27th, 1962. Les Hacker and. Lew Jones d.iscussed. with the Gouncil, the move of the City Rad.io equipment to station KCJH, Mr. Harris was to prepare an agreement to present at the next regular meeting regard.- , ing the liability, maintainence, and. serviees to be rend.ered., between the City and. the Rad.io Station. Mr. Garey submitted to the Council a compilation of the results of the contest cond.ucted. by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Harris was to p~epare a year-to-year lease far the Little League Ba11 Club Corporation when a d.escription of "the property < they d.esired: to use had: been obtained.. Fire Ghief Marsalek presented a proposed.Health and Safety Ord.inance to the Council and. requested they give some consideration to an ;Ord.inance of this type. . Miss Lauthbury and.Mrs. Curlee were ad.vised the d:rainage problem on the Lauthbury prop~~y on Tally Ho Road. was not the result of any act of the City. . A motion was mad.e by Councilman Hartwig, second.ed. by Gouncilman Pence,,to approve the purchase of an International T-340-tractor and. scarifier with a new Drott 4 in 1 bucket attachment for ~+,~00.00 exclusive of sales tax, from Hanson Equipment Company. A11 members vote~d 'TAye't. ~~,0 ~`ebrv.arSr 13th, 1962 ~ ~ag~ 2 Mr. And.erson advised the Gouncil, the d.eeds had. been prepared. , to obtain the rQad. right of way on Fair Oaks Extension. Mr. Stanley Grieb d.iscussed the possibility of a road to cross the creek at a location northerly of the proposed. road on the Fair Oaks Extension, The Council agreed. ~o obtain the property necessary for the Fair Oaks crossing, as previausly planned.. Mr. Harris was to prepare a Resolution to have a"no parking" area on both sid.es of Nevad.a Street, from Branch St. to the Bank of America parking lot, as requested. by Chief RichBrdson. The Council agreed. not to release fihe bond.of Young Brothers for the d.rainage of their pr~operty at 18th and. Grand.Ave, until an agreement had. been obtained. regard.ing the drainage. The City Clerk ad.vised. the Council petitions had. been submitted for the Fair Oaks-Arroyo Grand.e Annexation, and. ~he Certificate of Sufficiency of the signatures on the ~etitions was presented. to the Council. RESOLUTION N0. 514 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GA.LL A SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION, AND FIXING~A TIME AND PLA.CE FOR PROTESTS BY PROPERTY OWNERS . On motion of Councilman Jacoba, second.ed. by Councilman Pence, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence,Jacobs, Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted this 13th d.ay of February,l962. The Council approved the installation of a 2500 Lumen light to be installed. at the east end. of the parking lot at the Margaret Harloe School. RESOLUTTON N0. 515 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES BY COUNTY OFFICIA~:S AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. On mation of CounciLman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Lee, and. by the follvwing roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs,Hartwig. NOES• None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 13th d.ay of February,l962. Mr. Harris advised. the Gouncil he had contacted. Mr. Polin and. Mr. David. regard.ing the abandonment of a partion of Traffic Way and. the 101 Frontage road., and, they had. not notified. him to d.~te of what they would. request to obtain title to said. property. Bid.s fio supply gasoline for the City from March l, 1962 to February 26, 1963, were opened. and taken und.er advisement. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, second.ed. by Council- man Jacobs, to accept the improvement of South Rena Street and. waive the 35 d.ay waiting period.for final payment. All members present voted. t'Aye'r . Mr. McLennan d.iscussed. the curb grad.es on South Halcyon Raad. with the Council. ~'ebruary 13th, 1962 ~ p~.ge 3 -3~1 RESOLUTION N0. S~6 RESCILUTION flF THE CITY C{7UNGII, {7F THE CITY flF ARROYO (~RANDE PftOHIBITING PAAEt2KTATQr QN A PORTION OF NEVADA STREET. On motion of Councilman Lee, Seconded. by Couneilman Pence, and. by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Gouncilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted this 13th d.ay of February, 1962. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Council- man Lee, that the Mayor be authorized. to sign a complaint far James Harry Beach. All members present voted 'tAye". On mation of Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, warrants against the General Fund.for $8,619.98, the LTater Fund. for $2,410.99, the Water Deposit Fund.fl~r $12.00 and.the Rena St. Construction Fund.for $6,329.92 were approved. and.ordered. paid.. All members present voted. TtAye't. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, vouchers No . 37 to 43 were approved. and, ord.ered. transferred.. All members present voted 'tAyet~. No furtheAr business appearing, the meeting adjourned. at 11:00 p.m. ATTEST C~~V I Y ERK YOR