Minutes 1962-03-13 , ~~a~ Arrayo Grand.e, Calif . Mar.ch 13th, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presid.ing. Present were Gouncilmen Pence, Jacobs, and.Hartwig. Absent was Councilman Lee. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 27th, 1962 were approved. as prepared.. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Hartwig, that Donald. Layton be appointed. as Police Patrolman, to serve at the pleasure of the Council. All members present voted.'TAye". Approval was granted. to Chief Richard.son to attend. the Crime Prevention Conference in Los Angeles, March 24th, 1962. Councilman Lee is now present. Mr. McLennan presented. the set back line maps for Halcyon Road., and. the Council r~eferred. the maps to the Planning Commission. No bid.s had. been received.for the sale of personal property' by the City. The improvement of Whiteley Street was d.iscussed and.Mr. S~ravani was ad.vised. a new estimate had. been prepared. and copies would: be available for him to circulate in the area for the property owners approval. Mr. And.er~son recommend.ed. the street, curbs and. gutters be improved. as one unit. Arther Garey suggested. the Council establish a standa.rd.Council Policy for improvements. The hearing to receive pr~otests for the F~ir 0aks-Arroyo Grande Annexation was opened. and. nQ protests were submitted.. The hearing was d.eclared. closed. at this time and.Mayor Burt stated: the~e were 10 d.ays in which ad.d.itional protests could. be fiied. The aband.onment of Cross Street was discussed.and. Mr. McLennan presented: a plan for a street between Allen St. ~nd: Ch~rry Ave. to be consid.ered. before Cross Street be abandoned., The Counc:il referred the plans to the Planning Commissian and.no action was taken on Crass Street at this time. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Hartwig, second.ed. by Councilman Jacobs to approve the plans as submitted. by Mr. McLennan for a 12 foot road. to the Telephone Building west of Halcyon Road. as stated: in the minutes of May 24th, 1960. All members voted.'~Aye". A motion was mad.e by Cuuncilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Lee that the City accept a d.eed.for a portion of Lot 7 of the Folsom Tract from Ver°n.on R. and. Lorraine V. Erno for the continuation of ' Linda Drive and. the Mayor be authorized. to sign for the City, All members voted. 'fAye'T . Mr. M. E. Coker mad.e an oral bid. of $125.00 for the personal property for sale by the City. A motion was made by Gouncilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Hartwig, that the bid. of $125.00 be accepted subject to a written bid. being submitted. with a 10% d.eposit. All members present voted. "Aye1t . Mr. Garey ad.vised, the Council Mr. McTaggert and. Mr. And.erson had d.rawn prints for the Branch Street Improvement Committee and he felt they should. be commend.ed. for the fine work. Mr. Robert Folkerts requested. grad.es be mad.e available for,: Grand Ave. as he was consid.ering construction of a Restaurant a~nd. would like to begin in the near future. Mr. McLennan was to provid.e the grad.es for Mr. Folkerts. ~~.s Arroyo Grand.e, Calif. March 13th, 1962 - Page 2 The Council ad.vised.Add.ison Wood water would. be available for the property east of the City Limits and. south of Huasna Road. that he wanted. to d.evelop, if the property were annexed. to the City. The present plans to make water available wauld. be for the Gity to install a lOtt main to cross from the 8" main on Huasna Road. to the existing 4" line ad.jacent to his property. Cauncilman Pence stated. this would. be d.one und.er the present policy of in- creasing an existing insufficient line at city expense when funds are available. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Hartwig, second.ed. by Council- man Jacobs, that the time limit on refund,s to be mad.e to the Arroyo Grand.e Elementary School District be d.eleted.from the Res~~:ution regarding the installation of the sewer for the Ocean View School. All members voted. "Aye". Mr. And.erson ad.vised, the Council Mr. ~'red. Grieb had. offered. land ad.jacent to the nartherly line of his property to be includ.ed. ~ in an 80 foot road.way, if the City would. install a paved. road.way, make access available to ad.joining properties and. not require him to participate in any street improvements. The Council was interested. in obtaining a road. and. would. take this offer und.er ad.visement. Correspond.ence was received.from David. F. Romero, Director ~ of Public Works Organization, with a set of uniform improvement stand.ards for streets. The Letter and. stand.ard.s were referred. to the Planning Commission. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Council- man Jacobs that permission be given for d.onation jars to raise fund.s to restore the Da~.a Adobe be permitted. in the City. All members votad, 'TAye'~ . A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Council- man Lee that warrants against the General Fund.for $18,942.63, the Water Fund.for $1,308.49 and. the Water Deposit Fund for $77.30 be approved` and. crd.ered. paid. All members voted. 'tAyetr. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Gouncil- man Pence that vouchers no. 44 thru 48 be approved. and. ord.ered. transferred. All members voted. tfAye", No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting ad.journed. at 9:20 g.m. ATT~ST: Clty Clerk M~yor