Minutes 1962-08-14 Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . August 14th, 1962 . . The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present__ were Gou~.c~.3m~n Woc~d snd: Ja~vbs . Absent .~ere Counc:ilmen Lee and McNeil. - T~i.~, min~a.~es _ of the regu~a-r ~neeting. of July 24th, r 19fi2 a~:d the Spec~al- ~ae~tir~g: o-~ Augus~t 2, ,19~i2 c~exe agprc~ve~i:~ as prepared. Reverend Cri~el,l int~od.uced., Mrs . iCie~er; who- requ~sted. the Council consider an area be set asid.e for a recreation site behind. the City Hall annex for senior citizens. Mr. Calland.er said the need. is great and Rev-. Griswell pre:sen.ted, a sk~tch~ designating sh'~ffleboard. ~Gqurts:, benehes and. ~~eas -for horseshoe pi:ts tv; l~e in~talled. l~~er. Ma~~or~~urt>~ appointed a commit~ee of Councilmen Wood. and.Jacobs to deter~?ine what land. would be available and report ~c~;~he;Council.- ~ . _ . . , . . . . , , CQUncilman Lee joined.~the Council. ~ The~:Fia~ning Comm~s-siQn recommende.d. t~.at Section 3,of the. . Arroyo Grande Zc~ning Ord.inance be amended by passage and. ad.option ~ of :the~following z4ning: Lots i and,:,2, Block l, and. Lots 1, 2, and 3.,.$lock 3, Traet 161, frc>m R-1 to R-3.and th~ property at the - carner of Dod.son Way and Haleyon Rcaad. approximately 220.59' by 453.10' , be zoned. from; RA.B-3 t~ R-3; and R-2.. : _ . RESOLUTION N~. 543 RESOLUTION SETTI~TG; A HEA~tING. ON A~'ROPOSED - ~ ~ ZONING CHANGE _ On motion Qf-~Cau~.cilman 3acobs, seeonded by Councilman Wos~d•, and. by the fQllozaing rQll cal~. vote, to-wit : AYES : Mayor ; Burt; -C~unciimen~~ Lee, WQOd, and, Jacabs . NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman McNeil . _ _ , the foregoi~ng Reso~v.tia~. was ad.opted. this -14th- day of~August, 3:962-; R~SOLU'I'ION- N0 . ~ 544 . . RES~LUTION SETTING A HEARING ON A PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE. , . On motion of C~uncilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Cauncilman Wood., and: by ~~ie following roll cal~ vote, to-wit : AYES': Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Wood. and. Jac4bs. NOES : None . ABS~NT:' CQU~cilman McNei1: ~ the foregoing Resolut.ion was adopted. this 14th d.ay of Augus~, 1962. The Ord,inance regarding D-Design Zanes was read.for the first read.ing . Corresp4ndence was rece-i.ved.from P. R. and Evelyn Betita requesting a d.riveway section be placed in ~he curb far their ; praperty at 810 Grand. Ave, as nc~ne had b~en all+~wed. far in~'the . street imprcavement plans and. also that one af their cars had been strand.ed. as a result of the street construction. After discussion, Mr. Hermreek said. he would. extend. the present d.riv~eway to serve both properties and Mr. Harris advised. Mrs. Betita to file a ci~.im with the city for damages regard.ing her car. Mr. George Pearson reported. on the water system and listed the following four alternates to improve the system: 1) $89,000 Pump, 10'" line c~n Mason, 10" down Branch tc~ Wesley, 10" line on Branch from Crown to Huasna Road. and. 10T' line from Huasna Road. across the creek to the existing 4" line. .Arroqo Grande, C~.li~. ~49 August 14tfi, 1962 Page 2 2) $126,004 12t' line from new reservoir to Brid.ge St., 10" on Branch St. to Huasna Road., and. 10" from Huasna Road. across creek to existing y,'t 1 ine . 3) $176,000 All items listed in Alternates 1 and 2 4) $245,000 All major recommend.ations as per the Master P lan It was agreed t~ have representatives from the Presbyterian Ghurch and. the Post Office at the next Council meeting to discuss where the erosswalk fQr Brid.ge Street and Traffic Way should be placed.. It was a.greed. that a letter be written to Pacific Telephone and. Telegra~h Company requesting they widen a portion of Bennett Ave. from 12' to 20' as per the agreement in the minutes of the Council meeting of May 24th, 1960. RESOLUTION N~. 545 RES4LUTION AUTHORIZING EXECU'TION QF AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANGE FOR SPEGIAL CENSUS On motion of Gouncilman Jacobs, seconded. by Cauncilmen Lee, and by the fsallawing ro11 call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, WQOd, and. Jacobs NOES : None ABSENT: Cauncilman McNeil the foregoing Resolution was adQpted this 14th d.ay of Au~ust, 1962. ~ Mr. Rase questioned. the equality of the Huasna Area sewer assessment as the line was placed. on the south side af the existing road and was not mad.e available to the property lines on the north side, thereby increasing the costs of the laterals'to the exisfiing homes Qn the north and. decreasing the cost of the laterals on the south sid.e. Mr. McLennan explained the trunk line wa~ not in~talled. in the mid.d.le af the street as the cost to tear up the concrete surface and. replace it would have been too great, and the line was placed to tl~e ~aest adv~antage fQr flow. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carlson felt the sewer should have been extended to the prcrperty lines and the property owners bear the cost of the expense from that point and indicated it had. been their understand.ing this was how the ~ewer line was being installed.. Mr. Harris advised the City was not obligated. in the matter but he would. contact 0'NTelveny and. Myers for their opinian as to what could. be done at this point. Correspondence was received.from Nicholaus Gaynos requesting emergency zoning for 10 acres of groperty at 1212 Farrell Road, and Mrs. Gaynas was present to advise the Council they w4uld hav~e no objection tca the sewer line being extend.ed thru their property to Mr. Lancaster's Tract. Mr. Harris ad.vised Mrs. Gaynos to apply for a v~ariance and. rezoning on the pr4perty at the same tirne as the Fair Oaks area annexation was final and the Planning Commission could now take action. Mr. Yeager was ad.vised. the City eould not name the pr4per~y being used.for street purposes that ad.joinS his property as it was not a par~ of the City Street system. Mr. Yea~er said his concern was for a m~.iling address and.Mr. Harris was to contact the Arr4yo Grand.e P~st Office and. determine if a mailing ad.d.ress could. be worked out for Mr. Yeager. A mQtipn was mad.e by,CQUneilman Lee that the payment of $1000 for Topographic Mapping be approved: Mr. Anderson advised the Council the easterly pc~rtion of Arroy4 Grand.e had. not been rnapped and information s,ras not available for the Jenks Survey. It wa~,~ agreed to have Mr. Born attend. the next council meeting and. explain the mapping program l~efore further payment was to be made. Councilman Lee withdrew his matian. ~50 Arroy4 Grande, California ~ August 14th, 1962 - Page 3 Mr. Harris advised. the Council it wauld not be necessary tQ ad.opt an ordinance setting the time for bid openings to be held. prior to a CQUncil meeting, tha~ the time se~ in the notice call- ing for bid:s wQUld. be sufficient by stating where and at what time the bids caould. be opened. RESaLUTION N0. 546 ResQl~.tion regard.ing the Senate Reappnrtionment Initiative Constitutional Amendment-Propc~sition Na. 23 On motion of Cauncilman Wood., seeond.ed by Councilman Lee, and by the following roll eall vote, to-wit: AYES : Mayor Burt, Gouncilmen Lee, WoQd. and Jaccabs NOES: None ABSENT: Couneilman McNeil the foregc~ing Resolution was adapted. this 14th day of August, 1962 A bid. was received. from Maury Bren~.an for $1880.55 includ.ing tax, for a 1962 Falcr~n Ranchero for the Building Department. Mr. Anderson ad.vised. the Council the Chevrolet Agency d.id not deeire to submit a bid.. After d.iscussion, it was agreed. to accept the bid of Maury Brennan, with na trade-in, and. the piekup now being`used by the Build.ing Inspector be used for ground maintainence. The heading of the Ordina.nce for the Annexation of Valley Road. No. 2 was read for the second. read.ing. A motion was made by Councilman Jacabs, secc~nd.ed by Councilman I,ee tQ dispense with read.ing the balanee of the ord.inance. All members present voted f~AYeT, . - ORDINANCE N0. 163 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROY~ GRANDE PROVIDING FQR THE ANN~XATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Woad., and. an the following ro11 call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilman Jacobs, Lee and. Wood ' NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman MeNeil the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 14th day of August, 1962. Mr. Harris adv~ised. the Council the Paeific Gas and El~ctric Company and the Southern Caunties Gas Company had recammended ch.~nges in the encroachment Qrdinance that had. been read one tirne. The amendments were d.iscussed. and some changes were to be included in a new ordi.nance, The 4rd.inanee Qf the City of Arroyo Grancle, providing fQr permits ta be crbtained prior to any encroachment, opening or excavation being mad.e in any public street Qr h~ghway in the City of Arr~ayo Grande, requiring a bond and. permit ~'ee therefQr, and. provid.ing penalties fcar violatiran hereQf, was read for the first read.ing. A motion was mad.e by Councilman WQOd, second.ed. by Councilman Lee that easements be accepted.for the Huasna Sewer line installatic~n from E. C. Loomis & Sons, A Partnership, Patrocina Perry, Mrs. Myrtle Rodrigv.es fmly .Myrtle V. Thompson, Frank E. ~ai,d Ed.na Gain and. Harry K, and. Ermin M. Ogan. All members presenfi vated. ttAyet~. ` ~ ~ , 351 Arroyo Grand.e, CalifQrnia August 14th, 1962 - Page 4 . _ A motion was made by CQUncilman Woad, seconded. by Councilman Jacobs that the Alpine Street Sewer Line installed. by Robert e Folkerts be accepted 8ubject ta the City receiving an easement for the line. All members present vcated t'Ayetf. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, sec~nded by Councilman Woc~d. that fire hydrants at Pike and. 24th and 25th street be installed under agreement with the Oceano Water Company. All members present voted. f~Ayert A motion was made by Councilman Lee, second.ed. by Councilman Jacobs, that Irene Machad.o be hired: to ser~e at t~e pleasure of the Council. All members present voted. 'tAye't. CQUncilman Lee requested the Gouncil cQnsid:er the purchase caf a resuscitatQr f~r the Police car, as it would. exped.ite getting tQ the scene be~ause the Fire Depart~ent.had. to be contacted. where the Policemen were already on duty.. Correspondence was received from Gina Dills, realtor, requesting annexatiQn and. emergency water service to the John Died.erich property on 101 FrQntage Road.. It was d.iseussed. supplying emergeney service from Chilton Ave, if they would be willing to pay for fronta~e fQr the line that wQUld. be installed. in the future tca ~upply the property. Mr. And.ersen was to work out t~he d.etails to be presented. at a Later Council meeting. Gorrespand.ence was received from the Oceano Elementary School requesting the date the school on Pike Street wQUld. be allowed. tQ cannect to the Arrpyo Grand.e Sewer system and the location and. details of the line. Mr. And.erson was ta prepare costs fcar the line installation and. give to Mr. Harris so he could, answer the cor~espondence. A mc~tion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Lee that warrants against the General Fund.for $8,660.49, the Water Fund far $3,662.31, the Special Gas.Tax Fund.for $7,196.49, the Rena Street Assessment District Fund.fQr $69.80, the Huasna Sewer Assessment District Fund.for $15,952.87, and the W~.ter Deposit Fund for $59.50 be approved. and ord.er~ed gaid. All member~ present voted trAyet,. A mation was made by GQUncilman Jacobs, second.ed by CQUnc3.lman Wood that transfers no. 1 thr°u 5 be approv~ed. and ord.ered. transferred. All membere present votea."Aye". Parking requirements were d.iscussed far commercial buila~ngs and R-3 zoned. areas. Cauncilman Jac~ recommend.ed the Planning CammissiQn review the requirements now required by the City. No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting ad. journed. at 11: 26 p.m. Attest: x ~„~~'.~2_ ~ ~ ,~C ~ ~ C' ; Gity Cler Mayor ~ ~